She's right, you know

She's right, you know.

Other urls found in this thread:


Huh, really makes you think...

But the reality is that both sides project equally as hard.

Which actually only affirms one thing.

Humans naturally divide each other into groups and judge them accordingly.

Which isn't wrong. It's just our nature.

Except White shooters, unlike Muslim or Black criminals, don't exhibit a pattern of being grossly out of proportion relative to their percentage of the population.

because there are so many white shooters in Europe

She's an oven-worthy kike.



>1 post by this ID


huh, really makes you shitpost...

why does no one give a shit about statistics Sup Forums? how do they even get away with it?

>muslim shooter motivation: allahu akbar blastin fags at the gay bar
>black shooter motivation: mup doo diddy po mo gub BIX NOOD muhfugga
>white shooter motivation: What is government if words have no meaning? In conclusion, my ambition - is for informing literate dreamers about a new currency; in a few days, you know I'm conscience dreaming! Thank you!

>muh bots
how about you try to actually disprove her

>1 post by this ID

Sage and slide

huh, wow really makes you think


> muslim shooter do it in the name of allah
> blacks commit a vast majority of gun related violence in the US. They pride themselves on it through their gang 'culture'.
> from time to time one fucked up white shoots up a place.

There are literally thousands of Muslim attacks annually.

There are dozens of black shootings weekly.

How often do White shooters act? (I'm talking about actually White, not half-White portrayed by the media with a lightened skin tone in Photoshop).

Cop kills white criminal, nobody care!

Cop kills Asian criminal, two more Asian replace dead one!

Cop kills Mexican criminal, only one day peaceful protest with giant Virgin Mary statue erected at death scene!

Cop kill black criminal, cities destroyed, traffic halted, NAACP shilling, millions of dollars worth of repairs, and everybody mad!

Muslim shooter = does it of his god

Black shooter - does it due to gang culture

White shooter - usually mental problems

She forgot the Prime Directive of Jewish Control.

That is, Never ever, ever, ever, ever, suggest that whites are a group with a common anything. Not even a common evil.

If you do suggest such things, they might perceive the racial attack going on against them and organize to stop it.

literally nobody cares what this liberal hag has to say

Muslim Countries = Human Right Nightmare
Black Countries = Human Right Nightmare
White Countries = Wonderlands everyone wants to live in

I don't equate a black shooter to the whole race. I just don't care. It's a black problem in the black community.


>BREAKING NEWS: majority of a country would rather blame the minority than the the majority

Human nature, how does it work?

I think you're allowed to say whites have a common evil. Or more accurately, that "whiteness" is an evil.

>implying gang culture and believing in god aren't mental problems

>Humans naturally divide each other into groups and judge them accordingly.
>Which isn't wrong. It's just our nature.

Yeah but she's divided against her own group. That's just not natural.

She's actually 100% right

I didn't know she was on our side. Wow. Actually did make me thunk

Everything that exists is natural

Very good you stupid bich. We are not Muslims or niggers. He's one of us, so we make the necessary distinction.

Now connect the dots and you see why we have lone wolves in the first place, hypocrites.

Kek willing, OP will soon discover a malicious tumor on his balls.

>1 muslim doesn't kill someone
>see guys most muslims are alright :)

Wow really makes u think