Fuck you, this image makes my mouth water.
Fuck you, this image makes my mouth water
yeah, looks delicious
Doesnt look good desu.
Id still eat it though.
is this a times Gordon was wrong thread?
'ooks 'ike 'icious 'go 'za
that seafood platter and lobster roll looked like fucking heaven
I ate one of those types last week
Wtf im hungry now
ole gordon got foodcucked
>american "pizza"
Jesus Christ Americans are so fucking disgusting with their shit food
>everything super baked deep fried and maximum grease
>they're actually proud of it
truly hilarious and sad at the same time
i bet you got heart diseases and glogged veins
I get people shortening pizza to 'za, but what the hell is a 'go 'za?
>he doesn't know about the deep dish
eh, it would be fun to try it one time
t. not burgerclap
>fish and chips
I have no clue how something can be so disgusting and so good at the same time.
I'm no pizza aficionado, but that looks more like a quiche than a 'za to me.
>Inches thick
You know it!
A lovely cheese pizza, just for me.
You don't need to be a pizzapro to know that American pizza are completely different from what a pizza actually is.
The difference is like dolphin and fish.
Id let that bond owner sit on my face after eating all that seafood desu
I'm /fit/. What you eat is not as important as how sedentary you are.
This reeks of Jack but it doesn't look like him.
What you eat and how much you take in is infinitely more important than how much you move.
>Cutting toward her thumb/finger
Is she trying to add her own meat to that """soup"""
what did chef moneybag mean by this?
what in fuck is he doing here
>thought this was Cooking With Jack
>its not
chicago-style pizza
don't worry she's an expert
I think the biggest problem, and just to be clear it's not just in America but typically with any cuisine that gets churned through the fast food & franchise chain cultural process stemming from there, is this lazy habit of just doing less or more of something and calling it a feature of a local instead of a flaw in technique. Usually because not fixing an error allows them to avoid costs in supplies and training to maintain quality and pump product out quicker knowing consumers with little choice will eventually acquire a taste for being ripped off.
No measure or method, just normalize madness and call it a modus operandi. Mortifying.
Looks like bloody puss with meatballs on top.
Or liposuction fat.
this is now a "times gordon was wrong thread"
hahaha rasmay btfo
Mario Belladonna de Amore has no personality and lives with 22 of his closest family members so he has to defend his shite pizza on a Cambodian painting brochure.
>for locals who are a bit double visioned
How the fuck does that make sense? It'd only be helpful to people who are half-visioned.
Damn, that blonde slut needs a big fat Australian cock in her pussy.
ah yes the good ol' motor oil recipe.
Is this too much sauce?
>Americans are so fucking disgusting with their shit food
You do realize that Gordon Ramsey doesn't go to popular restaurants right? The fact that he's there proves that most Americans don't want to eat that shit.
wa la, dinner is served
bone apatite!
I don't get it.
Fuck yes! I love my meat medium rare especially rare!
nice, medium-rare
It's raw. It'll give you the poops.
Is Social Darwinism right, does prolonging the propagation of the woefully inept only reduce their quality of life?
I've seen children fumble through making a pizza less atrociously than this. There's no hope for that woman.
The problem was, this was the "thin-crust pizza". Also, the dough wasn't cooked all the way through.
"Chicago-style deep dish" pizza is a casserole that's not actually popular in Chicago.
>that open mince meat on top of the cooker just sitting there
Eh, it depends on the place. Britishcucks I see are far fatter than anyone I've ver seen in Burgerland.
That's not even medium-rare. It's medium. It's kinda overcooked.
good god, I hope he didn't waste a real tenderloin on that
>restaurant is losing money so go and help
>they are basically giving lobster away
I almost threw up.
Though it does honestly make me wonder if there's any possible way to raise chicken so that eating that raw would be possible.
I'm actually legit curious now. CAN you cook beef soup with GROUND beef? I've only done it with whole meat.
>not searing your meat before
>all that protein floating at the top
>cutting towards your hands
unless you can monitor your chicken 24/7 there is no way to be sure
the reason why chicken is so dangerous raw is because they literally eat their own shit
probably but it wouldnt taste as nice?
she adds dried gravy stuff to hers so what she's made is basically pasta and gravy with boiled mince in it
Looks like she's cleaning the blade with fish.
the Japanese have a specifically raised chicken for it
knowing buzzfeed the used any "organic" chicken and probably killed a few people with their stupidity
but thats what you get when you get your recipes from fake news sites
is this person actually retarded? jesus christ
I don't understand how someone can be so fucking inept? She seems like a nice woman, but how did she survive so long? In what world was the dough in that tray even? All she had to do was move it about a bit to get something other than an abstract shape. She then began to cut the pizza with a fucking butter knife and took her like 5 minutes?
wouldn't that make the crisps into a soggy paste?
Neat. Didn't know that.
Either way though, I like sushi just fine. Good sushi is the fucking greatest thing: lean healthy meat, bit of carbs, sweet/salty/spicy, bits of veggies and so much variety.
Its the ultimate work out food.
Mexicans actually. They have the highest obesity rate anyways.
Fuck, maybe I'll experiment. I've done crazier things when cooking. I should have ground pork and beef. I'll give it a try and tell you guys in another thread.
Unless someone has advice? Maybe I'll ask /ck/ about it.
raw salmon and sourced tuna
telling people to eat raw chicken
no, not unless you live in japan
Any criticism about pizza makes you a pizza snob. Pizza is fucking pizza, regardless of quality it's fucking good. The only thing you can complain about is toppings like nasty ass olives or mushrooms. Any pizza to me is fucking excellent and I'm just happy to be eating pizza. Only a fucking normie cunt complains about pizza being "TO GREAASY" or "TOO DOUGHY". That vocabulary just doesn't exist for me, it's fucking pizza I see it I'm gonna eat it. I even like the school pizzas from way long ago, the square ones. Fucking superb with a bit of ranch.
This. Chicken sashimi has to be done well. Well, apparently as I didn't try it when I was there.
He's a tough cookie for Gordon, obviously.
you forgot your meme arrows f a m
I got drunk and cracked my head of the keyboard some keys don't respond some take extra hard presses
I feel your spirit, man, but no... I've eaten some really horrifically pizza. Eastern Europe has some really terrible pizza. Some good stuff too! But man, some pizza places are so bad. Even the locals hate it.
Also, some eat it with ketchup, mayonaise. Maybe mustard too?
Not me, I like a thin cripsy crust... not this spongy gross stuff. Also it's not Jalapeno and Sardines.
>Mexicans actually.
Mexico is not a part of America?
>hates olives
stopped reading, maybe you should try not be a pleb
olives taste like shit. You are the pleb. Or a Greek pedophile.
It's not.
I bet you hate anchovies also
you have pleb taste m8, sort your self out
>olives taste like shit.
Don't worry, user. When you finish puberty and your taste buds stop developing you will change your mind.
>pretending to like ancohovis
>only real adults can appreciate olives xD
I remember when I was a kid, I hated the things. Than one day my roommate brought an anchovie pizza home, that shit was glorious. I can barely eat a pizza now unless it has them.
I just bought a jar of them and some mussels
you probably can't eat them either plebiousmaximus
But it actually is.
they are glorious, Its hard to find one near them that does them