>leave capekino to us
Leave capekino to us
Trini is cute! CUTE!!!
Pink looks like Hershlag there.
>Open face helmets rather than full face motorcycle style gear
>Probably so they can wow us with their mediocre overacting or possibly so that legitimate retards are always certain of which Ranger is which
Are you stupid?
user, why can't you have fun anymore???
I have a specific vendetta about people in body armor who have conspicuously visible faces. It's lazy and looks dumb.
I think it started with Iron Man. Anybody notice Iron Man spending more and more time with his face visible while piloting the suit as the movies go on?
How short is the bus you ride to school? They just had the visor up in op's pic.
>I don't want to see the actors face and just have them nod emphatically, because that's soooo much more immersive
Well then it's a dumb as fuck pic.
Dunno what to tell you.
>Helmets obviously have visors raised
>I'm not dumb the picture is dumb!
>the leader is a white man
>the bad guy is a woman
It's always a shitty CG effect. That or you get to see the actor's neck fat all bunched up around his chin like a turtleneck collar
Just look at the OP.
>Black Ranger looks like he probably can't even open his mouth that wide without getting blocked
>Yellow Ranger has a full inch of free space near her chin because the helmet doesn't fit right
There's zero evidence of visors
Sorry I mean Blue Ranger. The black guy.
This is literally manchild shit. Like, even worse than capeshit if possible. How long is Hollywood going to continue with this idiotic infantilization of the population?
I really wish the people getting paid millions to write movies could at least write the whole thing themselves instead of taking a fully created franchise and cramming the characters into a concentrated script.
Blame Spider-Man. Tobey just had to keep getting unmasked to show off his face. Actors who play masked heroes have it in their contract that their face must be seen x% of the movie.
This is the megazord
Dredd didn't have any of that shit.
This is the Morpher. It's weird cuz the suits and the zords are way over designed and then this thing here literally looks like a plastic rock
This. If you're over 15 and you want to see this movie you need some self-realization.
But why try hard when you can make millions shorting out half baked scripts?
It's the same as watching any comic movie. Comics believe it or not were designed for children. Didn't stop grown men from seeing BvS
Where's the green ranger?
Dredd was an exception directly in response to every other superhero movie including the original judge dredd where stallone was unmasked for a majority of the movie.
Comics are at least marketed at teens, so that would be "teenagefication" or something like that, which is still bad. But Power rangers is literally child-tier, it's basically my little pony.
Rita is the Green ranger.
Karl Urban has no ego (or clout)
OK, don't worry, no one things your a manchild because you read comics, they're marketed for teens after all.
Lol OK can you site a source for this shit theory of yours
>I have a specific vendetta about people in body armor who have conspicuously visible faces. It's lazy and looks dumb.
is that don cheadle as the blue ranger?
No, you idiot, I'm saying capeshit is bad and this is even worse.
damn she is sexy
Wtf is that
Are they gonna do the episode where she gets drunk and flips her car, only to have her death overshadowed by 9/11 the next day???
I'm posting on my phone bro why you gotta call me out like that
Isn't MLP getting a theatrical release movie?
I don't go see remakes or adaptations if I can spot them as such without even researching.
even better, she's a jew
Power Rangers has always been redpilled. In the original, the minorities didn't get real dinosaurs.
I only dislike the feet
HNGGGG Them hips tho.....thicc!
What ethnicity is this jizm jackrabbit???
This desu, the visor stuff can be useful for some minutes of fighting, after that you feel suffocated and limited.
Half Brit Half Poo
>not a single white person
what did they mean by this?
The red ranger is very white and very twinky so it's OK because he's in charge of all the minorities.
The Power Rangers were always multiracial right? At least I remember that from the 90s series I watched as a kid
>The Power Rangers were always multiracial right?
No they were all Japanese.
These look like Chinese knockoff designs. Like those action figures they make. Really disappointing.
Well duh you need to know that they're a culturally and sexually diverse group of people
You know how sometimes professional artists will translate children's scribbles into art? That's what this looks like.
I thought it looked reminiscent of eva desu
>The suits looks like rainbow Stargate outfits
>The Megazord looks like a shitty ninja Transformer
>Rita looks like a shittier Divatox or Poison Ivy
>Pushing the cliche street tough juvenile narrative
It's gonna be shit. I don't know who it's supposed to appeal to, except maybe young kids, who still have Power Rangers and know it doesn't look like this crap.
Karl Urban would only take the role if the helmet was on the entire time.
"If anyone if familiar with Dredd, over the years there are many times when he removes his helmet but you never fully see his face. This was a construct by the creators because he represents a faceless system of justice and law."
I say this hypothetically. If I went to a movie called Judge Dredd and the lead actor at one point took of his helmet so we could see his full face I would just puke in my popcorn because that's not Dredd. He is mysterious and enigmatic. We're doing it right, it's gonna be harder, grittier and above all faithful to the comic. It's gonna kick ass."
user it's OK to have every now and then
This movie looks like shit.
Funny how that's written after the movie premiered. You cant backtrack and say a narrative was in a movie after the fact when it clearly never was. Also that steaming pile of shit tanked so hard, Power Rangers is going to be the CA Civil War of 2017
>don't know who it's supposed to appeal to, except maybe young kids
Good, you're starting to learn. Next thing you know you'll shave that patchy neckbeard off your chin and throw away the fedora.
> that steaming pile of shit
I see you weren't ready
I bet you though BvS was quality kino too, didn't you????
Here's one from before the movie premiered you dumb faggot.
"Entering into a film is a challenge and this one was an extraordinary challenge, knowing that I wasn’t going to have the benefit and use of my eyes which is such a valuable asset and tool for an actor. [But] that’s the way that it should be done. I wouldn’t be having this meeting if I read the script and he took the helmet off."
Pink one still isn't SG
You want so bad to be right, don't you. It's cute kind of.
>Film judge dredd with his mask off
>Trailer premieres and everyone hates the fact that his mask is off
>No i didn't fuck up as a director, it's simply commentary on comic book movies that you all are to dumb to understand
Literally how short is the bus you ride to school?
i love the mystic knights of tir na nog
Deirdre was cute! Cute!!!
This has a budget of 150 million dollars senpai
What will he think?
And its gonna be so epic!!!! Updooted
>poorfag armor
>red ranger
>hes the leader of the group
>hes cis white male
UGHHH... im literally shaking right now.
>Jason, Billy and Kimberly got T-Rex, Stegosaurus and Pterodactyl
>Zack and Trini got Mammoth and Sabertooth Tiger
Holy fuck, you are right. How did I miss that?
im still pissed there is no dvd/hd reprint of this show.
They also fight a woman
When will these posts be bannable?
I'd hit it
>Over-complicated "organic" armor design
When will this meme end?
Is this Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills?
This actually makes more sense than the original and explains why she creates a green ranger.
The sequel.
Nothing Repulsa about her...