Is Molyneux right? Should we be looking up to philosophers instead of rappers? Are we on the verge of collapse?

Is Molyneux right? Should we be looking up to philosophers instead of rappers? Are we on the verge of collapse?

America hit its peak power less than 100 years ago.

i'm pretty concerned tbhfam

>he actually fancies himself a philosopher


He really needs to get the fuck over himself. Getting sick of his unwarranted self congratulation on being a 'philosopher'.

I love moly memes

>philosopher, businessman or literary genious
He actually fancies himself all three of those, no kidding. The man has ego of a mountain.

Rappers, because they're aspirational and successful.

Philosophers are self-congratulating arseholes who hide from reality behind intellectual masturbation.

t. Philosophy graduate myself.

I hate when smug faggots make big sweeping pronouncements like "Most empires last 10 generations from peak power." Oh wow, really? Shut the fuck up you bald bitch. Most empires never made it to the fucking Moon either.

He is right,but also arrogant.With this attitude he turns people away from philosophy.Ironic that he achieves the opposite with this mentality.