Left is fanservice done wrong
Right is fanservice done right
that droid is fucking awful though
Left is fanservice done wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
The droid was alright
Fanservice is always wrong.
Both movies are shit.
TFA = Fallout 3
Rogue One = Fallout New Vegas
This is true, but Rogue One is a more palletable shit.
>comparing factory made disney shit to the greatest videogame of all time
Kill yourself, F:NV is a masterpiece.
K-2SO was great and you know it
>Right is fanservice done right
> that ending
> that gratuitous and pointless shot of C-PO and R2-D2
> the cgi Leia and Tarkin
I thought the movie was good but come on, there was still a lot of terrible fan service. The ending pisses me off the most, it's like the movie cannot be its "own thing", it HAD to be directly linked on screen to ep IV.
Just watched it and think rogue one is indeed better than VII.
I still like IV - VI the most though
Kind of like how TFA HAD to be a direct rip off of A New Hope?
they're both done wrong
>fanservice done right
>no Katarn
>Vader quips
>ruining established continuity
Why do people always do this kind of argument? Not him, but did you think that just maybe he thinks both Rogue One and TFA are shitty pieces of fanservice?
Stop defending JJ Abrams.
I also think VII should have been two movies
why did the droid have an american accent? Imperials have british accents, rebels american. How hard is it to follow this theme?
Was the droid autistic?
just a cuck
he was literally sheldon cooper
so was phantom menace. fuck off.
The droid was the best part of the movie, nigger.
who gives a fuck about katarn
vader always quipped
the continuity isn't any more fucked up than what the pt already did to it.
that forced diverse casting is awful too
also ripped off blind kung-fu master
also more meme actors (mikkelsen)
>Vader always quipped
Fucking wrong. He made threat in the OT, not the audience giggling like schoolgirls because they get the ebin joke
>pointless R2/3P0 cameo
>pointless cameo by the two guys that fuck with Luke in the cantina on a totally different planet that gets destroyed shortly afterwards
>lingering shot of a glass of blue milk
>Polar Express Tarkin
>Tron Legacy Leia
>Vader living in a Saturday morning cartoon villain castle with a ghost butler
>Jimmy Fucking Smitts confirming the prequels are still canon
>fan service done right
I don't think so, Tim.
>criticising both shit Disney films is defending JJ.
You have a mental disease
this is actually a fucking great comparison
and just like how i prefer rogue one, i prefer NV
>> Polar Express Tarkin
>> Not wanting an old T.E. Lawrence to explain to you why you are wrong, then blow up a city
>that ending
tell me it wasn't a great ending
>that gratuitous and pointless shot of C-PO and R2-D2
2 seconds of fictional droids that are universally loved upset you?
> the cgi Leia and Tarkin
fuck off, the cgi was great
Does that make the prequels Fallout Tactics and Brotherhood of Steel?
i didn't mind the droid, but the movie was a lot more serious than most SW movies because of the clock running
BoS is the star wars Christmas special
Rogue One is a cinematic achievement and great film. The Force Awakens seems so much more juvenile in comparison and cartoonish. Rogue One showcased and dealt with mature themes and the film itself was more mature in spades compared to TFA.
Does it make you angry? Do you feel in charge?
>we have to shill this shitty movie
>tell people it was better the TFA
>Rogue One was a dark and matrue movie for adults like myself
>it HAD to be directly linked on screen to ep IV.
That was the whole point of the film, it's literally based off of the title crawl of Episode IV and they wanted it to feel like a film that existed 10 minutes before the start of the original. It's a pretty bold move considering how polarized people are over the prequels which kind of distantly tried to associate themselves with the OT. If this film was legit fucking awful and the connections to Episode IV were also sloppy and terrible this could easily not just disappoint people, but make them actively mad that Disney is putting such garbage right up against a classic.
I personally thought it was a mixed bag of a film, but in terms of those Episode IV connections, the Yavin base, Tarkin, The Death Star, the various Ep. IV x-wing and y-wing pilots, Leia, the general aesthetic of the film and prop design I thought they hit more than they missed.
Again this film is meant to be a prologue for the events in Episode IV and the OT as a whole, it establishes the Empire and the Rebellion, and paints the picture of the war going on in the background that we rarely got to see in the OT since we were following Luke, Han & Leia around the galaxy.
>tell me it wasn't a great ending
if we are both talking about the scene woth Leia, yes I hated it. Like I said I think it brings nothing to the story of the characters we followed and we already know where the plans are headed, what was the point ?
> the cgi Leia and Tarkin
great or not it's the use of CGI itself I didn't like, there are tons of actors who look a lot like Peter Cushing, they did just that with Dodonna or Mon Mothma why not with Tarking ? And I hated Leia just appearing for like 2 seconds, make her really fit in the story or just don't include her. If they had just stop at Bail talking about her, it would have been perfect imo.
And to be fair with movie, I found their use of Vader perect.
Jyn was a top tier qt
Watch A New Hope again and count all the American actors in Imperial roles. You'll run out of fingers within the first 10 minutes.
thank you everywhere i look everyone praises the droid his humor was forced and he didn't feel like a droid in the star wars universe
I agree to an extent but being so humourless and dark in a space adventure isn't necessarily a good thing. TFA went wrong because it tried to be the OT and failed miserably.
The Force Awakens is what Sonichu is to the Sonic franchise, somebody just took original characters, coloured them or swapped genders and declared ORIGINAL CONTENT DO NOT STEAL
>expecting RO being awful
>it's miles better than 1-3 and 7
Name one good line the droid had.
Even his death was shitty and overdone.
he was sheldon
He was the forced Disney quip factory that is now required for every film since BvS
>fanservice done right
Fuck you. It's full of nothing but overhanded references and nods, horrible cliches from the 80's and 90's, and the overplayed sass of modern films aimed at young people. It was a fucking Marvel movie disguised as a Star Wars movie.
Darth Vader--the vilest, baddest, most evil guy in the galaxy--has a shitty one-liner pun. A fucking quip.
Fuck you. The movie is not "fanservice" done right. It's just shitty fanservice, like all other fanservice.
>K-2 was awful
You've got less than shit taste.
name one good line c3po had across 7 films
this to be quite honest familia
First half of rogue one was pretty meh. Second half was great.
If you didn't get a massive throbbin boner when vader was wrecking shit in the hallway you're gay
darth vader is a man wrecking other men
>i-its better than the prequels and 7
is that even an accomplishment? The shit I took this morning is better than those movies.
>standing in front of a person with an instakill sword
>throw him into a wall because fan service
It's makes them all interplay
>star wars has literally always been bad
wow go figure
If you don't mind sir I'll be shutting down.
Both were fanservice done wrong.
And TFA was a better movie. Rogue One was shit.
But Jyn was sooper qt.
reddit pls go
Eat shit and die.
I don't like episode 6 and evoks. I hate it to be honest
he's absolutely right. TFA was shit but in terms of fidelity, and pacing it was vastly superior. It was also a self contained story. TFA could be your very first SW and you would understand. RO not so much.
that was entirely my point
it has always had terribly dialogue, it wouldnt be star wars without it
>finally a serious star wars for mature adults like myself
Doesn't the cognitive dissonance ever catch up with some people?
>Elder God Tier
-Battle of Scarif
-Battle of Endor
>God Tier
-Battle of Corusant
>Good Tier
-Battle of Yavin
>Meh Tier/Not even a space battle tier
-Battle of Starkiller Base
>Oh shit nigger what are you doing tier
-Battle of Naboo
I liked both.
SW1 is best movie evar. So fun. Fuck maturrr people
It doesn't really matter, in two weeks Sup Forums will hate both anyways.
>knowing the names of the planets
>knowing the names of the battles
what size are your pants?
im not a nerd, can you tell me which movies these battles take place in?
>Sup Forums is contrarian for hating paint by numbers blockbusters
jesus christ senpai. Get your shit together.
Don't deny it, pal. I enjoyed both of them but it's true.
Just for you senpai
>Battle of Scarif
Rogue One
>Battle of Endor
Episode 6
>Battle of Corusant
Episode 3
>Battle of Yavin
Episode 4
>Battle of Starkiller Base
Episode 7
>Battle of Naboo
Episode 1
Sup Forums already hates both now, what are you talking about?
motherfucker Vader was a quip maniac in the OT
This is really was best opening
Going by this. There will be no space battle in episode 8.
What? I really did enjoy both.
thanks boss
As a CGI spectacle. It was pretty good.
Remove the chineese, focus less on the robot, remove those motivational speeches that don't really make sense, remove that unneeded love story and it's actually a pretty good movie.
I don't even have a problem with Jyn. She is what Rey should have been.
I find your lack of faith disturbing
He's as clumsy as he is stupid
You're in command now ADMIRAL
We would be honored if you would join us for dinner
Vader wasn't a psycho baby killer until much later.
>that shirt
Why would Lucas even wear that? I thought the whole point was that he edited part of the movie to show that Han DIDN'T shoot first and that he resents those that even argue against.
And it was absolutely glorious.
>no homo
Anakin was a wise cracker. Would make sense for Vader to still have that side of him.
The droid is the best part.
Whats so wrong about the droid?
Left is cropping done right.
Right is cropping done wrong.
That droid is fucking alright though
I dont think bvs inspired shit in this movie..
Like at all
>Let's go up to this blind monk with a stick and PUNCH him with our blasters!
>Let's show all these old SW characters that have nothing to do with this film or it's contents, just so people know it's tied into the Star Wars everyone likes!
>Let's have people join our squad for literally no reason whatsoever, or even without conversation or discussion!
>Let's drive home the point that our villain is incompetent, but not notice how there is no sense of danger throughout the film until the very last 10 minutes!
>Let's make this one droid, which we've confirmed to have hunderds of equals within the enemy ranks, hyper competent in battle! But let's also never show the enemy droids in combat, only outside of it.
>Awful CGI everywhere.
>Truly shit acting by most of the main cast.
>Tentacle mind rape monster that melts your mind, introduced for no reason and didn't ruin the one mind it was used on!
>Cast as diverse as possible, but all human, not an alien in sight. Instead we get a quipy, inconsistent, sarcastic droid.
>Everyone dies at the end, as if there was every any character built, growth or attachment to make this suspenseful or meaningful.
But I bet there were enough pretty lights and sparks to make this a enjoyable movie, right?
>that shirt
its not cropped, they stretched it horizontally
Hey man, it's your opinion.
yeah there are no quips in the original trilogy
>that droid is fucking awful though
Confirmed for mentally retarded.