Can someone explain why this musical is so critically acclaimed? I'm too poor to afford tickets.
Can someone explain why this musical is so critically acclaimed? I'm too poor to afford tickets
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it's written by this new jew mascot
Because they make historically white people black
> I'm too poor to afford tickets
You can listen to the entire thing for free.
The entire story progresses from song-to-song. There is minimal dialogue between them.
Listen and come to your own conlcusions
what did he mean by this?
Shuckin and jiving presidents: the musical
That's literally the only reason why
muh diversity
Gay black people rapping and playing as white people.
What's not to love?
Don't waste money, find your nearest +80% black high school, find the theatre group and make them sing karaoke.
There, exactly the same hip hop influenced singing. Plus you can drink and laugh all you want while watching.
And you still have 50 bucks for a BJ on the way home. You're welcome
What triggers me is this is about Hamilton, one of the more corrupt founding fathers who worked to create a central bank, funded by bankers. Figures a Jew would write him in as a hero.
The only memorable thing Hamilton achieved in his lift was dying in a duel, and it's not even in the musical.
Its a civics lesson come to life. Miranda is a brilliant lyricist and his densely-packed prose mirrors that verbosity of Hamilton and other scholars of the time.
It's introducing an entire generation of millennials to the idea of the American dream and the founding fathers in a way that is accessible, engaging and relatable. It showcases the brilliance and character of these great men without deifying them.
If you get triggered by niggers, you might not enjoy it though.
They're performers, it's not about the accuracy but the quality. That's always been a thing in plays and musicals since ancient greece
There was a cam out if you want to watch it
Lyrically it's pretty decent, I mean for rap if you can get over the fact that they used minorities for your beloved founding fathers
Because people are fucking idiots.
A dyke at my work went last week and took her gf and was laughing about how happy she was that a few weeks ago they confronted Pence because he is against "inclusion" and as she said the play is about Hamilton who was all about inclusion and his cabinet consisted of minorities and homosexuals.
find a job shilling you sound like a snobby cunt
we wuz historical figures n shiet
It's unique and legit good.
But that's the thing. Normies sjw morons think Hamilton is the first 'diverse' cast and that's why they praise it. They are too dumb to realise that the theatre world has pretty much always been relatively diverse.
Other than that, the lyrics and music are very good. It's a good musical in its own right.
>in a way that is accessible
Are modern textbooks not accessible, or is the mind of the modern tween and teen (who aren't the target demographic for this lol)so warped that they can only relate to an ebonics spouting nigger.
>it showcases thr brilliance and character of these men
Yeah, lets watch a musical instead of reading their actual works and what scholars have written about them. Its just a race to the bottom with trolls like you cheering it on.
>What triggers me is this is about Hamilton
...what were you expecting exactly?
It's not really hard to put it together. Alexander began an affair with Maria Reynolds, some time later, James Reynolds (her husband) wrote to him demanding that Alexander pay him an exorbitant fee, lest he go to the press with the details of the affair thereby ruining Alexander's political pursuits.
Alexander unbuckled Maria's pants, then fugged her, making James a cuckold, and now James is extorting Alexander.
Are you braindead?
No, it absolutely is in the musical. It actually consumes the last three songs of it.
Fuck Trump and Fuck white """"people""""
>Other than that, the lyrics and music are very good
Its rap, there fore its garbage
Hamilton didn't have a cabinet. Also the play isn't about how inclusive he was at all, the play is completely centralised on his relationship with Aaron Burr, the man who eventually killed him in a duel. It's just a biographical musical, and like any biography it takes some liberties with the truth to tell a better story. It's just got good music, and tells a reasonably fun story.
its literally referenced in the first song
Do you just make this shit up?
>It's introducing an entire generation of millennials to the idea of the Fire Nation dream and the founding fathers in a way that is accessible, engaging and relatable. It showcases the brilliance and character of these great men without deifying them.
I'm not talking about Miranda, I was referring to that kike revisionist Chernow whose book he based his play off of.
diversity is definitely part of the agenda, don't be naive
Most of the musical isn't rap.
They come for the black people as famous white people during the time of slavery.
They stay for the tunes that are actually pretty good.
You are missing my point. I know he didn't have a cabinet. But retards really think this story is historically accurate and do not even pay attention to details (thinking he had a cabinet means she likely thinks he was president).
This is poisoning people's minds at a time when people believe false narratives thanks to BLM and the we WUZ kangz mentality.
Why couldn't it be real music? like death metal
You're right, its also hip-hop. I always confuse the two
Yeah I'm sure everyone would be okay with white Othello.
American Psycho is currently /ourmusical/ don't listen to that trash.
>oh no, people are gonna think the founding fathers were niggers!
How stupid are you?
Well if she brings it up again tell her that it's more about a fictionalised version of his relationship with Aaron Burr, and is just a fun and spunky bioplay about one of the founding fathers.
Only retards getting triggered by _____washing and """"cultural appropriation"""".
Are you a retard?
>tfw one of your friends referred to the founding fathers as "racist old white guys" and are therefore wrong on everything
>Ben Franklin death metal bio musical
Fund it, my man.
That's not what he said at all and your own stupidity put those words in his mouth.
He's got a point considering how inaccurate movies tend to be.
Nice fallacy there.
Not an argument.
does cultural appropriation personally offend you? Yes or no
Newsflash: Broadway, musicals and historical "reimagining" is all complete shit
>death metal song about him being struck by lightning
Fuck, I want that now.
Its got Daveed Diggs in it, so there's that
I don't really expect Sup Forums to appreciate hiphop or musicals though, let alone hiphop musicals.
Here, just pointing out that "accessible, engaging and relatable" can apply to literally anything. So it kinda proves the point that the musical is nothing special since even people who shill for it can't put their finger on what makes it so ceiling-breaking
Tell the friend to stop race baiting and if he persists unfriend him
No that's not a real thing.
Do you personally suck the singers cocks after the show? Yes or no
>the musical is nothing special since even people who shill for it can't put their finger on what makes it so ceiling-breaking
Here, maybe the president of the united states can explain it to you
In other news, the swastika is not originaly a german symbol!
>It's introducing an entire generation of millennials to the idea of the American dream and the founding fathers in a way that is accessible, engaging and relatable. It showcases the brilliance and character of these great men without deifying them.
They should just watch John Adams, unless all these white men trigger them
Not giving any views and not wasting my time
>Tom Hooper
enjoy your safespace then
lol its not even the best musical about the founding fathers by a long shot
Why not both?
believe it or not, there are some people who aren't triggered by whites or niggers
>There is minimal dialogue between them.
So, like every musical ever?
>Young Man
>hip hop
>who's laughing now
>smash hit
> there fore
hamilton successfully sold the idea that the federal government has more powers than what the constitution says it does i.e. that it has 'implied' powers
hamilton literally tried to establish a permanent imperial president to be elected by state officials aka a king
>Its got Daveed Diggs
Really? maybe it is worth checking out
They already think the Egyptians were
This song contains the fastest sung line in Broadway history.
1776 is an amazing, underseen 70s epic
music is great and William Daniels is electric. Its a movie about the realities of political dealmaking and compromise and idealism
one of the greats
>It's introducing an entire generation of millennials to the idea of the American dream and the founding fathers in a way that is accessible, engaging and relatable.
If every historical event must be told to you in a pandering, anachronistic, infantile way (such as having black people rap) your opinion doesn't matter because you are an idiot, pure and simple.
That appeals to modern liberals. They wish Obama or Hillary could be president for life
No, not at all. A lot of musicals have shit tonnes of dialogue.
yeah its very much a modern thing, the sung-through musical
I think because people think breaking out into song is corny. but its awesome. kudos to la la land for embracing this 'corny' sensibility
Here's a white guy doing better
he's more like a snow nigger
Diggs and Clipping is probably the best thing to come out of hiphop in the last couple years though
Washington's parts on this are quite fantastic, and it makes it one of my favourite songs.
>Showstopper Tier
My Shot
Wait For It
The Room Where it Happens
>Complex rap metric tier
Guns and Ships
A Farmer Refuted
Washington on Your Side
The Cabinet Battles
>Comfy tier
You''ll Be Back
One Last Time
Take a Break
>Skip It Tier
Dear Theodosia
Meet Me Inside
>tfw to intelligent too not be poor
I dont like this meme. I hope 2017 comes up with better shit than this
Holy fuck this is cringy. I cant imagine that there's any reason this is popular other than being an "edgy" hiphop revision of american history using a """diverse""" cast.
>why is it so critically acclaimed?
>a musical that rewrites "racist" American history with hiphop and diversity
Take a fucking guess
>Hercules Mulligan
Was he, dare I say it, our guy?
>Hitler somehow forever ruined it
gee, i wonder why
I think you might be brain damaged. No one's actually claiming the founding fathers were black, but it's a hip-hop musical, and white guys rapping is fucking painful to watch.
I do like how they made some tiny, pansy tailor's apprentice into some bad-ass guy who lived up the Hercules name.
The Room Where it Happens is so goddamn good.
You forgot The Shuyler Sisters - should be Showstopper Tier, dem vocals.
>but it's a hip-hop musical, and white guys rapping is fucking painful to watch
Maybe it wasn't great subject matter for a hiphop musical then.
All of King George's parts belong in Comfy Tier.
>dat "da da da da, da da-da dayum da, da da da da dayum da"
Meh, they were the worst part of the musical for me. Too foppy.
critics and audiences seem to disagree?
Hiphop is the music of the underdog. The voice of the downtrodden, fighting against oppressors. Seems pretty appropriate against the backdrop of the Revolutionary War.
Why so sad?
How dare they make the King of England sound foppy
OK gramps, now take your pills
>Hiphop is the music of the underdog. The voice of the downtrodden, fighting against oppressors.
You can literally say that about any American genre of music.
>Im a 20 something millennial who knows nothing about history outside of pop culture references