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this can't be real
He talked about it today. Arabic Twitter raided it out of nowhere. He also shit talked Twitter for being owned by a Saudi and called it a sharia website
awesome. hopefully we wake up to how much the house of saud owns our media.
Looks like the Sup Forumstard version of Isis rigged their shit
Kinda reminds me how Sup Forums is a cesspit of neet shills who rig any poll that might make le dog emperor look bad
A famous Saudi Arabian vine star and his fans raided Milo's twitter.
Be honest, how salty are you about the fact you were born in a third world country full of ugly Manlets and hairy women?
Should be kept put in their place
Should be killed
Code word for white genocide and degeneracy
He got raided by Arabs. Read all of the responding tweets. They're all in Arabic.
I didn't know Mexico is third world, full of ugly manlets and hairy women. You memeing alright, trumpbot?
To answer your question it's fine to live in any country provided you're born with the correct traits.
if anything this shows how much work we need to do to make this country great again.
Sounds like you're a good fit for Islam you fucking monkey.
So you're an ugly manlet turned on by hairy women? Lucky
estas enojada?
A rare victory of traditionalism over post modern degeneracy. Gives me hope tqh senpai.
>ll of the responding tweets. They're all in Arabic.
How can I read them if they are in chicken scratch?
>not degeneracy
>One post by this ID
Biting anyway, the responses to the poll just show that Islam hates freedom, women and gays.
Muslims have like a dozen children and breed like crazy and have massive families so these results would make sense if the Mudslime anons circulated this around Muslim twitter
>"Intelectuales" sudacas
México is way north the equator "tio"
Haha, that's great. #buildwall pedro.
Kek, fuck off faggot no one wants you here.
Muslims>faggots, I hate them both, but faggots are worse
So you prefer to kick out Mexicans that are easier to control, 90% Christians, hardworking.
And get cucked by Muslims that openly wants to establish Sharia law like in yurop.
>a dozen children and breed like crazy and have massive families so these results would make sense if the Mudslime anons circulated this around Muslim twitter
>Muslims pop more babies out then the average Pedro and Pedros pop more babies out than niggers.
Holy Shit mudslimes are outnigging and stuffing more tacos with their rancid kebab meat then ever before. Why haven't we tried to instigate the nig-nogs and the Pedros of the world to reclaim their titles and get rid of them for us yet. Nig-nogs kill mudslimes in turf wars but neither can be called racist by media, Pedros try screwing kebab women and they get beheaded by their own family curbing kebab breeding stock, this causes mudmen to start fucking goats or eachother and another Mateen rises up to purge the degeneracy in his ranks, then mudslimes having gone completely apeshit aloha snackbar and wipe the slate clean.
>W-we're North America!
thank you based future drowned corpse of typhoon season, for your moderately rare flag
>90% christian
that doesn't stop them from voting overwhelmingly democrat. I can want both groups out of my country for different reasons, we are returning trash back to where it belongs.
my sides