Hey user! Wanna get super depressed while watching amazing cinematography? Watch this Russian film: Leviathan.
Hey user! Wanna get super depressed while watching amazing cinematography? Watch this Russian film: Leviathan
hello shill
and yes, i've already watched it on Netflix
Searched but couldn't find anything, is it a DC or Marvel IP?
>film about how women can't be trusted and will destroy your life with their craving for cock
Glad to see Russia knows what's up
i'm gonna go on a limb and say it hasn't nothing to do with a giant sea monster
fuck artsy fartsy movies with schlocky titles
>craving for cock
I thought women didn't get any pleasure from sex
>no black people, female leads or muslims
Is this going to be the new Netflix "patrician" movie after Hard to be a God?
there's a decent amount of patrician films on Netflix, lots of gems there
it's too formulaic and sterile to be good, it's like the foreign equivalent to The Revanant crafting wise
>Hard to be a God
The circus has departed but the clowns were left behind... Hard to Be a God is nothing but an endless tasteless buffoonery of the possessed, obsessed, feebleminded, demented and crippled jesters. And there is nothing left of the original and brilliant novel.
I loved this movie.
I want more like it. Anyone knows?
I guess it'll have to be something european, since american filmmakers just want to do happy and round endings.
You know when you meme too much it might comeback and haunt you right
you mean depressing and tries to say something of substance?
Any decent European art flick, I recommend starting with Bela Tarr
Go to bed, Tarkovsky
not nearly as good as this documentary of the same name
not nearly as good as this kino of the same name
>based on the story of Killdozer
>doesn't include an actual bulldozer rampage
what a complete waste of time.
I guess...
I liked Leviathan, but maybe I'm looking for something like "The Hunt". I already watched everything from the MadsKino catalogue so I'm empty on that side.
visceral, abstract, powerful
nonono, think you are forgetting the REAL kino
>visceral, abstract, powerful
it's just footage of people fishing, pseuds
Have you even seen the movie?
try out Danish kino like Lilya 4-ever or any of Von Trier's films like Breaking the Waves or Dancing in the Dark
yes, and it's just footage of people fishing, pseud
People hardly figure in it, moron.
the politician in this movie functions as my Trump analogue
still, it's literally just footage of people deep sea fishing. do you also call Discovery originals "visceral, abstract and powerful", Mr. Pseud?
have you ever heard the phrase “It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it.”?
>it's literally just footage of people deep sea fishing
All films are literally just footage of something. I guess you're the pseud now.
wow look everyone this guy sees the bigger picture, hes a real smart guy. *clap clap* very good user.
i'm just saying, as said, you can apply this method of oversimplification to any film and make it sound retarded. Leviathan really is a visceral and abstract experience. though i guess that would be hard to pick up on if you didn't see it in a theater.
that's deep, bro *blazes*
another great argument from the pseuds of Sup Forums
I love how a collection Discovery doc-tier footage somehow turns into an arthouse masterpiece if you use the right signifiers: cinema vérité, abstract, powerful, visceral, wow
I found a dvdrip of lilya, I guess that will do in terms of video quality, thanks for the recommendations
Number of the pseud
>I love how a collection Discovery doc-tier footage
It's actually the opposite of that because it doesn't aim for good, clean shots of people doing things.
>it hasn't nothing to do with a giant sea monster
It has everything to do with it
90% of this thread doesn't actually talk about this movie.
Fuck you Sup Forums.
>endless """"tasteless"""" buffoonery of the possessed, obsessed, feebleminded, demented and crippled jesters
what's wrong with that? did you even watch any of German's film before that one, what exactly were you expecting?
watched it when it came out in the cinema boi
one of the best films of 2014
saw it in theaters drunk. mmmmmwah!
There's nothing to really talk about. The movie is less subtle than zack snyder. Which shouldn't be possible.