So now we can all officially agree that Lucas was a hack, right?

So now we can all officially agree that Lucas was a hack, right?
Rogue One has proved how possible it is to make a good prequel. I remember when I was watching Rogue One and enjoying it a lot when all of a sudden I thought "I'm technically watching one the Star Wars prquels right now." That was such a crazy realization because Rogue One blows the "prequels" out of the water effortlessly.

>phone poster is a Disney shill

Lucas was Krennick and Tarkin was Disney.

Yeah it's the real prequel in my mind. I can now ignore 1-3 forever. No need to watch those

>Rogue One

story was rushed, characters were not fleshed-out/bland, lots of jokes fell flat, death scenes i couldn't give a shit about

and you don't need to put in a lot of effort to blow the prequels out of the water

Revenge of the Sith is better than Rogue One.

The Phantom Menace has a better soundtrack, better cinematography and better effects than Rogue One.

Suck Lucas' cock OP.

No, Irvin Kershner is Tarkin. Disney is Vader.

>no crawl
>shitty title logo
>awful, generic soundtrack, only Star Wars movie not done by John Williams
>boring first two acts

Yeah, no. Even Attack of the Clones is more of a Star Wars movie than this shit.

all the PT have good soundtracks.

>Guy who created this fucking franchise
>A hack
Seriously never post again. The prequels may have been shit but, it doesn't make Lucas a hack.

It's a side story, you autist.

>A Star Wars movie

good one

It is like no one remembers how fucking bad the prequels were.

>Revenge of the Sith is better than Rogue One.


Everyone remembers how bad they were. People on Sup Forums are just contrarian by nature.

But Rogue One fucking blew.

I usually bust my friends balls for liking the new movies when we come out of the theatre, but I was dead fucking quiet. This movie spat in my face and pissed on my boots and then kicked me in the nuts and demanded I pay it for the service.

They were bad, but at least they were Lucas' stupid fucking money-laden vision.

I think there is an aspect of the mind that prefers something raw, even if it is CGI infested, poorly written and essentially career ending.

What is there with TFA/Rogue One/Han Solo/VIII?

There's no risk, infinite reward, nobody actually "made" these movies. They don't represent anyone or anything, they're just made by an invisible hand empire run by whoever the great grandchildren of the people who founded the entity hired to hire the people who make throw the dart to decide which franchise to buy and milk next.

Lucas lived by the sword, and died by the sword. He may not have gone down swinging, but he went down with a pile of cash and a lot of death threats.

I mean what the fuck am I supposed to feel in Rogue One? The characters are parodies, even Orson who I held out some hope for. It doesn't particularly feel like anyone's style other than generic action flick #205858204. What very little style Edwards has in his limited career isn't felt, the script may as well have been written by monkeys with typewriters, and the actors feel about as much towards this film as Sam Jackson did towards the Prequels.

I mean shit at least Ewen McGregor cared enough about himself to insult the Prequels right to the camera interviewing him for the Behind The Scenes shit. and at least he was allowed to do that. Disney would have any of these actors bagged and tagged before the end of production of Rogue Two if they said a negative word about this garbage, and why not? They can just CGI 'em anyway.

Not that it would particularly matter what you felt for Rogue One. Everyone died.

Spoilers, I guess. Everyone dies. You know how this story begins and ends, which begs the question as to why the fuck it needed to be told.

The prequels were fucking terrible. At least I could point to a single person and say, "That motherfucker right there made this pile of shit."

Now there's a board of directors that pop this shit out. Disney is probably going to make another billion dollars on this shit, and that's rewarding the fucking garbage work that they did time and time again - much like Transformers. They do the BARE MINIMUM of work for these movies and are handed PILES of cash for it.

It's not really a question of "why" it needed to be told, it didn't. The why is money, endstory.

That doesn't necessarily mean it shouldn't have been. Hell, "Star Wars" was open and shut, but two sequels were made for fuck all reason, but that's not inherently a bad thing.

It just doesn't have anything going for it. It just tells the story, one we essentially already know with an added bonus of undermining even more of the OT's plot. The biggest issue is the characters and scripts are just bad. Like Civil War bad.

It needed to be a character drama with action elements, not an action movie with enough nostalgia pandering content to fill an entire season of South Park parodying it.

>You 'member the Death Star?
>We 'member.

But yeah, agreed. It was fuck awful. I'm still mad.

People who can't appreciate the unique style and classical film making behind the Prequels (aka real, actual star wars) just have shit taste and deserve to be subjected to white slavers

>classical film making

Get yer mocha frappe today, George? I unironically miss you buddy.

prequels are much better than this rogue one crap

>everyone with a positive opinion on Rogue one is a shill


Compared to shaky cam, grimdark, filters and shit, the prequels are pure and simple photography, the way it was meant to be for film

Take your shit opinion and stop it. The man made great movies, Lucas arts, and is a treasure. His works aren't the best shit in the world, but they are art none the less, and certainly better and more creative than Disney will ever be.

>unique style and classical filmaking
Is that what they call lazy CGI nowadays?

it's only lazy cgi when the prequels do it