Ask an algerian invader anything
Ask an algerian invader anything
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Nice meme, Pierre.
What's there to ask?
Is it okay if we set on fire all mosques in France?
how can you do that when you're on the other side of the planet ?
>Nice meme, Pierre
thanks ahmed
What will the new capital of Eurabia be?
>What will the new capital of Eurabia be?
Are you ready to start a worldwide communist revolution?
Only if it is based on animu, and uncompatible with Islam
Is your sister a coalburner like most of the arab women in France ?
I have no sister, but my mother is, except she'd never do niggers, only white men
no, weeb scum will be sent to gulags so you can make yourself useful
Islam isn't welcome because religion is cancer
Why are there so many of you french algerians on Sup Forums?
That shithole Kek
there are just many of us in France
Are you secretly being financed by Saudi Arabia and Dubai, right?
If I came to Europe how easy could I get a white Christian wife?
lol, no, but the mosq is
Doesn't exist anymore unless you're into grannies
Must be some around.
It depends, are you rich ?
Do you like beer?
What is rich for a European?
If you are average looking and have money you will get at least an acceptable woman. If you are average looking and poor I would advise you to avoid western women.
no, but I dont drink it for the taste tb-h
in France ? above 4 000 euros a month when you're under 35
Get onto a nice wine. If you drink socially and dont attack people then I am not too worried by your presence.
Before or after tax?
based algeria
why do you have a french flag?
do you already have invaded?
>austria not red
someone give france a good ethnic cleansing , save frogs from the unholy spawn of a negro and a north african subhuman
based algeria
why do you have a french flag?
have you already invaded?
>Austria, Slovenia, Greece and Croatia not part of the cucked Western countries
Nice meme
>Get onto a nice wine.
I like wine,
favourire red is italian shiraz and german gutedel
I am not worried about, me, I am worried about the situation we live in
after of course
What are you worried about. Your fellow countrymen ?
we were red once, and that was the better kind of red anyway
never again
In France we say that an italian is an arab with shoes
>What are you worried about. Your fellow countrymen ?
pic rel
things are gonna get worse
how is having your women selling their vagina to the westerners a better situation ?
It can't be worst. Really.
I mean, the only worst thing at this point is a full blown civil war and that's not even as bad as this kind of situation.
I'd rather we do something even if we die doing it.
that's exactly what algerins kept saying since 1962 ... see what happened next
do you like beeing a zio-puppet?
This shithole will collapse on itself. The sooner, the better.
it certainly was better than it being infested with rapefugees now
>I'd rather we do something even if we die doing it.
We don't have guns and the government own an entire army filled with cold blooded mercenaries we basically have no mean to win a civil war if the army and the police stay strong.
why cant the rest of europe copy your political system ?
In that case sometimes I am rich and sometimes I am almost rich.
you dont have rapefugees because they dont want to come to you
you can thank communists for that
Well yeah the situation is quite different. I think honestly that was a mistake for you lot and your country has been dieing left in a step between life and death. You haven't gone to the end of it. You went "ok we booted the french we won", but that was the beginning of a ton of hardships.
Here, we are seeing the end of failing to finish the revolution, kill the Rothschild, the repercussions of the two world wars, of the american degeneracy that came with it, of our losing core values and losing our collective minds behind concepts such as unchecked "humanity"... Hopefully we can at least solve some of these problems with the next happening.
It's better than doing it free for whatever people are invading country like your women are doing for some time.
Most of the policemen and military wouldn't side with the government. Well except if it was commie faggots doing something.
I know a lot of them and they keep telling me "We are ready. Still waiting."
but you're not in france :)
Because only jews are allowed to be free. The Swiss are mountains jews.
I'm not Swiss though, French working there.
What a wonderful time to avoid chaos!
fair enough, though I still fail to see your point
we are still better with no rapefugees than with them now, and we won't share Germany's fate
Any recommendations for user who is planning to move to Geneva?
French patriots only need one rally point in Paris to overthrow this government.
It will be soon.
2017 ?
is there any part of france left with a relevant population being 100% white?
I hope you have found a job and have a Swiss Salary (> 4k) otherwise get ready to eat pastas and sleep on a child-size bed.
But Geneva is really a beautiful city, pleasant and calm. You'll find a lot of Ukrainians/russian speakers here, so you won't really feel homesick.
Oh and try to buy your food in France, the prices are 3 times lower, only 5 minutes away from Switzerland.
my point is that even with rapefugees, france is still better than poland, and that poland is not concerned with rapefugees, and i fail to see what you brag about for being polish
Dublin is cheaper than Paris.
not for the taxes, not for the taxes
Maybe this summer.
Every thing is collapsing. France is the battlefield of hooligans from all Europe, unions are blocking everything and the extreme left is setting many cities on fire.
As Lenin said, the power is on the ground, you just have to lean to grab it.
You said after taxes. Alcohol is robbery here however.
an economy can be fixed
demographics can't
sandniggers and niggers will make eastern europe wealthier than western europe in the long run
taxes are not only taken from your salary, why do you think dublin is cheaper than Paris
Thanks for the tips. Are there a lot of rapefugees in Geneva or arabs? What is the Swiss policy about them? Is it on the Sweden YES level or more or less neutral?
>sandniggers and niggers will make eastern europe wealthier than western europe in the long run
we are still waiting for poland to be wealthy
in what field do you mean better? economically? well I would argue, since we are one of the fastest (still) developing country in europe, and we have quite a bright future ahead of us, while France? I say that you are in a much worse position than we are, even if you are better at the moment
Why are you sliding threads?
you are developing as fast as arab countries in case you did not notice, and far less than asian and south american countries
>nitpicking with pictures
pls, I though we had at least a decent discussion for a while
cherrypicking and poland was under communism
germany also received funds from the marshall plan to rebuild their country
face it mahmoud, you are a filthy cancer killing this planet and you should all hang yourselves like the islamic rats you are
>I though we had at least a decent discussion for a while
were we?
This picture isn't really paying respect to the fuhrer properly.
This picture shows better the benefits of 6 million of migrants (which is certainly more like 10 millions but whatever).
>poland was under communism
and algeria was not ?
and poland is not recieving tons of money from europe for almost 3 decades now ?
no, we weren't
now we start insulting each other
you fucking islam loving frogeater
what has algeria to do with the photo you posted
algeria will always be shit because inbred muslims live there
poland has the potential to be a wealthy nation
I will never insult Poland, poles are cool, been there in holydays many times, your country integrates very well to europe tb-h
Tell me about switzerland and immigrants, please, anons.
north africa has the same economic growth as poland, give me a break, except maghred dont get funds from europe
you are aware we have to pay back all the fees or subsidies or whatever is it called in english to the EU though? we just don't get the free fucking money
Turkish immigration into Germany wasn't before late 60s when the big economic boom was already over. Most economists now say that Turkish immigration was a net loss, despite that we didn't take refugees but only people with a work contract. The 3. and 4. generation of turks is still significantly worse educated, has bigger unemployment rates, and never integrated well.
Right after the war there was a big amount of Silesians and eastern european immigrants, those turned out to be useful and they are well-integrated.
I dont talk about loans, I talk about free subventions
it's not hard to have a large relative growth when you start from nothing
the average iq in algeria is 83, in poland it is 99
iq is correlated with wealth or potential to be wealthy
muslims don't understand this concept, all they do is take whiteys money without every giving back
you make less babies than japan, and they have resigned to call on immigrants already
At least nobody in Poland publicly encourages to drink camel piss.
Contrary to the well listened imam of Brest.
>video related, him drinking piss
mudding up our countries with low iq violent monkeys isn't going to solve that problem
I am aware, I'm not talking about loans either
we have to pay some tax (I really don't know what's the word in english), like you have to contribute to the EU funds as every country in it
the algerian IQ is progressing faster than the polish one*I wish we had been occupied by russia instead of france, at least we would have had a litterate population in 1962 instead of 95% illiteray rate
then make babies
Poland recieves way much more from europe than what it gives
mudshits coming here and ruining neighbourhoods is only going to discourage people from putting children into a world where there is islam
Anyway it's not thanks to eurobux that you're growing. It's a few bills a year it's nothing next to your GDP. What actually could help is more indirect, the fact that there's a big market available for what you produce to be exported without taxes. This is actually useful for an industrial economy.
>muslims are responible for the collapse of birth rate in the west, together with the destruction of marriage and family structure
you can do better than that
I would bicker about that, but I lack any proper information or statistics, and so do you as I presume
totally agree, now with somewhat better government we look into a more bright future