>there are fat people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW
There are fat people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW
And that turns you on - doesn't it, OP? ;)
why even be fat
>there are fat people who masturbate to little girls/boys on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW
>haven't done my crunches in two days
Shit OP thanks for reminding me, I have a few weeks to go full GOD mode and here I am lying around
Feeders must die.
What do you look like now? Why the specific deadline?
I remember back when the Wolf of Wall Street came out and I realised that I was sharing this board with a bunch of bitter, angry virgins that didn't see the "appeal" in his lifestyle
/fit checking in
I look OK. Because I'm at an all time low and looking at myself makes me feel better for a few minutes
Well, yeah. So what? I like food and I dislike exercise. Is that a crime? There's nothing wrong than being fat other than it looks ugly to some people, but it's not like we're lepers or anything. People say it causes health problems, but I feel perfectly fine as long as I don't have to stand for too long or go up a set of stairs.
>I feel perfectly fine
>as long as I don't have to stand for too long or go up a set of stairs
what did he mean by this?
spotted the fatty lmao
yes they are known as beta cuck neckbeards, Sup Forums is full of em.
lol not even
How do you even get fat? I seriously don't understand how you're even able to eat that much junk all the time.
Except that you idiots rail on and on about the welfare state while accounting for most of the disability accommodations and health care costs, further driving up costs for the rest of us.
All because you can't keep shit out of your mouth and refuse to go for a walk every day.
ya fuck you
haters gonna hate
pls be nice
yall my only fwiends ;-;
>but I feel perfectly fine as long as I don't have to stand for too long or go up a set of stairs.
This meme starts off slow but ends strongly.
I give it 7.8/10
What was the appeal of his life style? It was disgusting.
>255 lbs
>not muscular
Am I fat? Should I leave?
>tfw fat but not obese
i-is this ok?
I'm a big guy.
>tfw no fat gf
>Be skinny
>Go to college
>Now skinnyfat
I need to start lifting again.
it's time
I bet you're fun at parties
>kfc that low
>carls that low
>taco bell that low
>burger king that high
All i want is a pre-Hollywood Rebel Wilson.
I disagree with this chart about a lot of things
>In-N-Out is way overrated
>BK and Wendy's high tier
>JintheB not God tier
>Panda Express not shit tier
>Johnny Rockets not shit tier
>Whataburger that low
>Krystal low tier
what retard made this?
>the angry manchild neet immediately lashes out at anyone that dares to remind him of his own social failings
>"here on the internet, I can tell people to kill themselves, here I have power" he said out loud to himself while slurping on mountain dew from his Kill La Kill mug
It's my genetics
>If you're not a drug-abusing degenerate who's destroying his family you must be boring.
Go kiss your mother fag
>falling for bait this shitty
>only focusing on the drugs
>ignoring the sex, money and fun times
This is how I know you're shit craic
>mfw a europoor was fat near me
>tfw January is getting closer
>tfw you gotta start your cut at the end of it
>tfw you'll have to survive on 1400kcal per day
I really wish I could use some of their flesh, I'm a fucking skeleton now.