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There is hope for me that one day I will have a gf
I was crying like a bitch after this scene. It really makes you think when they use shots from the original trilogy that didn't made to the final cut.
dude it was way better CGI than Tarkin at least
Anybody has a screenshot (or a .webm) of CGI Tarkin? Thanks guys.
I can only hope she saw Luke or something pertaining to him on that tablet.
Sorry, Based Gareth
Shit from the Battlefront game needs to be posted on Sup Forums.
Wouldn't be too sure about that
Into the world of night...
bravo lucASS
Don't do drugs
>There is hope for me that one day I will have a gf
Let's not get carried away, user.
This move was ok until they tried to be clever.
more like DOPE because drugs lol
hes talking about some kind of cgi composite
This. Where at?
this shit will never be unfunny
I hope Nolan never stops making movies
>her ship was just afk for the entire battle waiting for its giant deus ex machina moment
if I take that Hope would you die?
Seriously guys why is she smiling? They have no idea if there is a weakness in the Death Star their entire fleet just got BTFO except for Red Squadron and the Tantive IV and she is running for her life.
Her face is too long
Hope never changes.
>well , i guess it gives me star wars episode IV: a new hope
What fucking hope is she talking about? Of defeating Empire? By doing what? Destroying the Death Star that nobody new exsisted untill now? Even if the Death star dissappears at that instant, they are left right where they were : bunch of rebels vs the empirial forces.
I mean if everyone new about the death star then ot would have made sense.
>"I am a member of the Imperial senate, on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan!"
>"BULLSHIT! I just saw your ship fleeing Scarif, you lying fuck! I might be crippled but I'm not blind!"
/r/questing CGI Tarkin
>The entire movie was just disney damage controlling the "deathstar has a perfectly aligned bullseye for dustroying the entire thing" plothole
Best I can do until an HD rip appears.
I liked that.
>The weakness was sabotage all along
>Krennic was a moron and douche.
>Wilhuff comes out looking better
>Even if the Death star dissappears at that instant, they are left right where they were : bunch of rebels vs the empirial forces.
Not entirely true. The Emperor reveals the existence of the Death Star shortly after the events of Rogue One, and uses the threat of its power to dissolve the Senate / Impose true dictatorial rule.
While countless planets go along with that so long as the Deathstar is around and threatens to destroy their whole civilizations, by destroying the Deathstar the rebels are opening the way for all those people that hated the Emperor's seizure of power to flock to them and join the rebellion.
It's basically explained already in this film that if the Senate found out about the Deathstar before its completion, it would mean exactly this.
Thanks, user
It was immensely retarded how it was played off as being a super secret sabotage master plan when it is literally A GIANT FUCKING HOLE RIGHT INTO THE CENTER OF THE STATION.
Are we really supposed to believe that no one saw those plans and thought "Hmmm.. this seems like a critical misstep."?
It was fucking retarded.
The main protagonist also had no fucking character beyond being an extension of her father's regret and unfortunately he was reduced to another "I changed my mind about this whole being-evil-business" character which they already tried to do with Finn.
The only good thing about this movie is that they all died in the end, leaving it the signle modern star wars movie where the good guys face any kind of legitimate peril.
And why the fuck does every fictional battle in hollywood movies have to be a hamfisted "muh 6 million" WW2 analogy these days?
Christ alive...
At least Lucas had the good sense to model his OT on japanese feudal history.
>tfw you realize Leia was lying about everything, and Alderaan was in the process of being converted into a Starkiller Base
>Ben was driven mad by the combined revelation that the Empire was the less murderous side and that he was Luke's son
>confusing the exhaust port with the structural failure
kek retard, learn to watch movies
Are you dense? Without the exhaust port there is no access to the reactor.
It's hardly a master plan to leave an open door into the core of a reactor powerful enough to power a moon sized superweapon.
not an argument
Are you retarded? You need to vent your exhaust somehow. The weakness is the chain reaction of some meanlingless tiny reactor to the main reactor.
>meanlingless tiny reactor
>at the core of the deathstar
they display a hologram of the plans. it wasn't "a reactor" it was "the reactor".
>all this disney shill damage control
>I don't understand what a chain reaction is
You're fucking dumb bro. The torpedo doesn't go all the way to the core rotflmao.
try again
>no rebuttal
lol classic millennial
>I don't understand what a chain reaction is
You're fucking dumb bro. You don't need multiple reactors to have a "chain reaction". A nuclear explosion is a "chain reaction".
There's your rebuttal, kiddo. :^)
>It's metaphorical
>You need to vent your exhaust somehow.
yeah you make it zigzag and put a grill on it
no more missile straight to the core
past that you can go actual real life tech and have the exhaust pump into a separate tank and then close of the exhaust-pumping valve and open the space-valve
I don't like her face.
I don't like her face
It's just a powerpoint slide. He says it has to be a hit on the port, which will start a chain reaction, not that it has to be a hit on the core through the port.
>It's just a powerpoint slide
Wew. That damage control though.
He didnt see her. He saw the ship. He couldnt even sense his own daughter, like ever. He had no idea she was on that ship until she was captured.
The battle scenes seemed more inspired by the Vietnam war than anything WWII except maybe the Pacific Island fighting.
But I thought Obi-Wan was her only hope
I had a sheev moment yesterday. I've constantly had an outspoken personality when it comes to issues that don't directly effect me. Anyway my brother has this friend who loves spending time with him, goes. Shopping with him and generally is a very nice person. Thing is her boyfriend is a mammas' boy and has everything he ever wants given to him. Long story short, he took of the week before Christmas and headed to Barbados for a month. Left his girlfriend in the lurch with noone to spend time with over the holidays. That night I basically told my brother that now is the time that you ask her out because obviously her boyfriend is a douche who doesn't give a shit about her of her feelings. The next morning I wake up to the news that they had broken up because he was caught on Skype with another woman. Hilarious, anyways I'll never admit it but I manifested this into happening with my constant put downs of him in public and behind his back. He's a hipster so it's fine
>except maybe the Pacific Island fighting.
It was more than just the last scene, my man.
>mfw they literally said "holy city"
It was influenced by the war on terror.
>rebel suicide bombers against imperial tanks in space baghdad
>holy cities and religious fanatics
>Amerikkka troopers putting bags on the heads of prisoners (guantanamo)
>arab pilot (9/11 pilots)
prove me wrong
You're wrong.
it was a 2 meter hole in a 300 mile station
and Urso was not exactly telling everyone look at my cool exhaust port.
The terrorists used the headbags for secrecy.
This isn't an argument.
t. Millenial
what are you doing?
You got better chance at winning the lotto mate
What's it going to be like when CGI of that caliber is used in VR to create waifus with advanced AI? Everyone can get literally any girl they can dream up. It will make the real world fall apart
Fucking kek
In 20 years you'll get some simplistic non-sapient simulation that will be good enough and sexy enough to be commercially viable, which will make the field explode.
The director said he watched Apocalypse Now and The Thin Red Line as inspiration.
user, you're just showing how retarded you are even more.
It will definitely end pussy whipping.
The sabotage was a flaw in the reactor system where a compressed explosion on it will cause to have a cascading effect on the whole station causing it to explode. The exhaust vent was just a structural part of the design that had direct access to the reactor. In reality, blowing up a reactor wouldn't cause everything else to explode with it. It blows up, the weapon just shuts down and everything else will still be running.
You'd think in Return of the Jedi they would have fixed that major flaw but I guess not.
So fucking stupid. In reality she would have said "the blueprints for the Death Star"
I fucking loved Rogue One but that was an offensively stupid line
>That much energy
>All released in an enclosed space
>The weapon just shuts down
Have you ever put a firecracker inside a kinder egg shell? How about dry ice in a bottle of water with the cap on?
there's no reason or rhyme why exhaust couldn't zigzag
Are you actually mentally deficient?
They needed to say hope because A New Hope comes right after it. I fucking hated that.
meters are longer, it's just for reference
A mile is longer than a meter as well as a kilometer.
>CGI will be so good that actors will no longer be needed
>Hollywood's leftist propaganda machine will finally die
>Watch it princess
When will /hope/posting finally die?
>hes talking about some kind of cgi composite
Now that, that makes sense.
I think the CGI is good but the scene is pretty cringe desu.
Why was she even there?
Why was her ship even there? Isn't she an important diplomat? Was there any conceivable reason for the rebel cruiser to warp into battle with the senator's daughter docked inside?