>beards are manly
Beards are manly
cucks have almost completely ruined beards
this is what our ancestors fought for...
>that is a beard
>This is your brain on anime
A beard is nothing without a Masculine mindset
Beards are manly.
His faggot pink hair is not.
so true. You don't know whether a dude with a beard is cool anymore. You used to know he was.
>someone who is a faggot has a beard, therefor beards cannot be manly
You must be a very self-confident person, that's a shit looking beard btw
only fedoras and hipsters have beards. beards have never been cool. it feels horrible having that pube hair on your face too.
I don't know who's gayer. The left or the Alt-Right. Sure seems like the Alt-Right is winning right now.
You can still tell who is a manly man by how thick it is... Most of the time
What's the name of that type of beard the satyrs have? Goatee normally is all around the area of the mouth, so it's not that one.
This is why it's arbitrary to base manliness on anything other than a mans actions. Cucks can always imitate shit like this, but they can't imitate being bassed.
That thing looks like a feminazi that OD'd on testosterone pills.
>I let other people ruin things so I can't have them anymore
Beards are still many, no matter how many hipsters have it
you're not a real man if you let someone ruin what you want to wear and have, you're a pussy
Did this happen today or something? Jesus whore humping Christ
>clean cut
>no tats
Women always flirting or making it apparent they're interested everywhere I go.
Beards don't make the man, it's just a fad. They go in, they go out, but being fit is always in.
Yup at Milo's Orlando event.
>this stringy, patchy looking bullshit is a beard
My mother has a beard better than that.
Vic Mackey approves.
so are you telling me he would look more manly without the beard?
seek help freak, you must look worse
Nice short neatly trimmed beards like my own are manly.
Scraggly Muslim looking hipster beards like this one are just sad.
Yeah, but that "guy" isn't.
>"Adam is a queer person and his favorite >Pokemon is probably Bulbasaur. He speaks >just enough Jap to make an ass of
>himself trying to talk about Kurosawa. He >cares about how games can impact the >human experience, about nihilism and about >LGBTQ rights."
AIDS ridden faggot.
the far right has always been gay
Quads confirm
Holy shit I went to highschool with that guy. Haven't seen him in ages.
Absolutely not surprised at all that he looks like that.
t. a 14 year old who can't grow a board nor shave properly.
>he cares about nihilism
>a nihilist who cares
isn't that a fucking oxy moron or is this guy just a fucking moron.
Beards are manly on manly men. Just having a beard doesn't make you manly.
Common Filth is right.
The only salvation lies with God.
Kek, fucking based milo.
Eh. I used to watch movies with my parents and think 'at least I wasn't around in the seventies when everyone looked like lumberjacks' but god has a great sense of 'fuck you' so here we are now.
I don't dislike them in theory but when they get popular there's maybe a few decent beards vs a shit ton of disgusting scraggle hanging off people chins.
When beards go out of style you see less of them but the ones you do see are always great.
No... Please tell me this didn't happen.
>beards are manly
They were at some point then all the fags that never get laid thought if they grew one they'd suddenly not be a fag, wrong!
Beards are for fuckbois, Roman soldiers were clean shaven.
Is that the fucking dude from Vice?
Gapin McAnus is a fucking degenerate faggot.
Does anyone remember when gays were ashamed to come out of the closet?
It used to take huge balls to look like a faggot.
Now everyone's a faggot since 9 years old.
>implying an alt-right faggot that hates liberals isn't a good thing
He's like a walking red pill dispenser.
>tfw 20 and still can't grow anything more than a patchy neckbeard
ouch pic hurts my head
kek yeah, I've been to Oslo and seen all these swedish and not least arab femi boyz with all this kind of weird numale hair.
WTF that guy is doing kek I don't even know...
But beards are manly yes, but you should just give no fucks what people think. Grow it if you want. skip if you don't. But please don't end up like that guy in OP's pic kek
Same exact situation
It hasn't change since i was 14
Yes. But he left Vice years ago and hates them.
comes with age, also if it's that important to you.
Here have some testo eth
This is what happen when you make anime real.
This what an anime character irl look likes.
Exept he has no powers and nothing to fight so he's just a faggot shitting up your air.
Welcome to years 2000's, there ain't flying cars but we've got plenty of flaming faggots.
I always knew rebel media was never a true ally, just another Literally jew owned, and degenerate puppet filled theater.
I'll stick to Evalion.
Lifting is something numale cucks will never hijack because its too scary/ time demanding/ diet intensive / not immediate results / uncomfortable etc.