Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
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Chris Pratt obviously.
>hillary voters
Chris Hemsworth
>always had a tertiary knowledge of who Chris Chan was
>never paid any attention to him
>recently was bored as fuck, decided to check out the CWC wiki
>for the past week have been spending all my spare time reading the chronicles of a turbo autist
>can't stop
Help me
It's the only website that made me feel like I need a shower after, and I've been on some pretty fucked up sites.
Wtf I hate Trump now
What is the pronoun for someone who has an infected necrosed axe wound under the ballsack?
Was that really him?
but the pic share with this story isn't
Jonah Hill
Someone post the pic
Don't do this.
There is too much content for a movie, tv series would be better.
i'm sorry, anons
wtf I hate vaginas now
What the fuck is this?
before this thread goes 404 Im going to post as much of sonichu as I can
It would have to be a truly great method actor. Someone who is really willing to debase themselves and go as low as possible. I don't know if that actor exists.
No you are not
The fuck
right here senpai
Take him to detoit, drop him off, driveaway.
Canadian actress Lena Dunham
delete this
Serious question.
Would you watch a mockumentary of her?
Is this supposed to give me a seizure? I've been staring at it for minutes and nothing's going on
I feel like Leto would take pity and not portray him as the total degenerate he is but rather a tragic one
>tfw you'll never be an autistic transgender retard who thinks he's growning a vagina through sheer power of will
>tfw chris chan probably fingers this thing through immeasurable pain, as any female does with her growing vagina
I read the original Sup Forums thread about him and have followed him since. It was a wild ride whenever you thought he couldn't humiliate himself any worse and then he did something twice as ridiculous, this happened ten times over the course of his golden years.
You really came in too late, his glory days are far gone and now there is only passiveness from him, no energy at all. Who knows though? Maybe he will outdo himself one last time?
shes not attractive enough to be chris chan
Don't post the webm.
Just wait a little longer
wait, there's a webm?
Of Course!
that webm is not CWC
The death of Barb will be the big one. There's no telling what Chris will do when that happens.
Chris chan thinks that mark the tapir looks nothing like, so he isnt offended
How much longer?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Dont ask to see it, please
Trust me, you don't want to watch it.
>Who knows though? Maybe he will outdo himself one last time?
Mass shooting? Only way desu.
There is an amateur documentary of Chris on youtube done as a high school project. The video got many views and the guy tried to become a youtuber, but people are only interested in his Chris-chan videos and even then the interest in Chris has waned in the last few years.
Why does it look so pink and not infected? Shouldn't it be all black and rotten?
>tfw too smart to enjoy chris chan
Dude this is disgusting enough without you putting images in my mind
deep lore
Agreed, Chris has never been alone before so he could throw a complete wobbler.
Ya know, for a fucking high school project that kid actually did a really professional job with that doc. It's a great starter for anyone lucky enough to be ignorant about the world of CWC
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! What the fuck is wrong with this fucking planet?!?!?!!?
fuck. I'm seriously going to go shoot myself now. I've been debating it for a while, but that pic set me over the edge. I'll write something about it in my suicide note. look for it on the news. I live in Vermont.
Jess Daniels
That's when his story ends in my opinion. I am not American, but I assume he is going to put into some cheap public sector assisted living where he will barely have any contact with the outside world and slowly rot away.
>you will never be boss enough to give a chick you banged a gift basket
Were you not there when he pepper sprayed a GameStop employee for stopping him from vandalizing their Sonic games?
When do you think she'll die?
I remember when he tried to get it for free with a hooker by telling her about the trolls, she left rightly thinking he is a nutter.
Yes you retard
yep. that was too years ago. Now all he does is beg for money online
She looks on deaths door already not to mention she is in her 70's, she does not have long left.
It was kind of funny the whole blue arms fiasco was insane, but like said that was two years ago and he pretty much got off.
but have you seen him read the attack helicopter meme? it's hilarious
oh my GOD
This lady right here
Fat, autistic ""Woman"' has a fat, disgusting dying mom. SAD.
Chances are good he'll be homeless desu.
This is what happens, I was around for the early adventures of Chris, we're talking bob cutting down the internet era, forgot about him for a bit, then discovered CWC wiki and spent hours consuming info on Chris and realized he's a larger piece of shit and crazier than I ever imagined. It didn't help either when the bat shit maniac maced the gamestop employee, now I stalk his FB for new happenings.
There really needs to be a film about this freak and what went wrong, parents going out drinking and leaving him alone with a babysitter who would lock him in a closet cause his autistic ass wouldn't shut up and how his parents never got him the help he needed to function better in society. I really wonder what will happen when Barb passes, I give him about 2 months or so before he loses everything or has a total meltdown of some sort and gets put in a crazy home.
The state can't really force him into a group home or assisted living. He would have to voluntarily admit himself into that kind of system, and knowing how Chris is, I think it's something he'll heavily resist.