Ask an italian anything
Ask an italian anything
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Mario or Luigi?
Go to bed Luca
Mario, of course
Why'd you side with Hitler?
I am bored, lose 4 matches at chess right now and wanna talk. Gf sleeps and friends are studying.
Other ideas?
Mussolini made a mistake, but a priori was a good idea.
Moreover Hitler loved him, before realizing he was a cunt.
50% italian and 50%assorted whites coming over next year, where are the good places to move into?
Make pasta? I don't fucking know.
Why are italian women so ugly?
How easy is it to come to Italy?
Don't play videogames, they are degenerate.
Mods please delete this shit you're not doing your job
I want to know your eating habits. Please be specific.
How's Italy?
Might go for a holiday. Anywhere nice in the north?
Why does Sup Forums think that Sup Forums is anything other than a forum for shitposting?
Why is Italian wine better in every way than French grape syrup? Is it because of the mounds of French bodies that died during the Italian Wars?
Will southern Italy ever be unfucked?
Vittorio Emanuele or Amedeo di Savoia-Aosta?
How come Italy has never won any wars?
How does it feel destroying the last great empire that could have united the world under the banner of peace, reason and prosperity?
Why are Italian women hairy and disgusting and why do Italians think they're white?
fuck off ireland you've already got a thread
do Italians go to Venice or it's treated as a boring destination for tourists?
Have you encountered a mafioso in person?
Watch tv today and there was a report about how corrupt Rome was and that the garbage is basically on the streets and nobody picks it up and stuff like that.
Is that true?
Why are all italians fags?
Rural places if you are catholic and making moneys is not your dream.
Milano or Trento if you wanna make some money. Avoid South.
Obviously I can make pasta, user
It's false. We racemixed with whites for centuries.
Very easy, especially if you are a sandnigger.
Anywhere in the north, south Italy is a shithole to live in, low wages and bad infrastructure are crippling.
Also avoid big cities' suburban areas as they are riddled with low income italians (WORST of the worst), gypsies, niggers, etc etc.
What are Italians view of Mussolini?
What do you know about Mussolini?
Personally, I prefer Hitler on a visceral level, but I feel like I should have some shillfacts for Mussolini so I don't go full Germanocuck.
Can I fuck your sister?
Italians = Jews
>No difference
What's the best region? Spent most of my time in Umbria last time I was there
Do all Italian women have hairy buttholes or just the chosen few?
I didn't, mafia has changed though. They are more like businessmen than thugs, homicides and violence draw too much attention these days.
The main business is ripping off the state with the cooperation of local politicians.
Please no
It's quite long to explain. May you be more specific? We have antipasto, primo piatto, secondo piatto, dolce, frutta and caffè. Just ask and I will answer
It is extremely beatiful. The South is more beautiful but you know, it has mafia so I suggest you Tuscany or Rome.
1) Because Frenchbros don't know how to do it. However champagne is better than prosecco.
2) No, but don't tell them or mafia kills you.
3) Vittorio Emanuale Re d'Italia.
We are not good at wars, we prefer philosophy and art.
Very bad, but it is not only our fault
>niggers of Europe
>not mudslimes
Why aren't you killing the niggers? Back when the Mafia had balls they would've been run out of the country.
why are italian girls sluts?
Let's be fair
>Why are british girls slags?
Because they employ them as wage slaves in tomato/anything fields. They make a large profit with them.
you and me right now faggot. Gonna woop ur ass at chess
Neither of them. They lost the war, they are pathetic losers.
1) Venice is simply God - tier, especially if you are catholic.
2) Obviously I don't know any mafiosa ;)
Yes. Today there is garbage because of a strike, other days the city is clean.
Impossibru user, Catholic Church does not allow this.
Some people loves him, but only in rural places. As usual rural people don't betray and is not corrupted. Most people are antifa.
Hitler actually copied Duce's shit on the regular like a fanboy, from basis for his ideologies to masterplans.
He even tried to repeat the March on Rome with Berlin but failed miserably.
Adolf a shit.
get in you pizzanigger, we are gonna play some chess
Are you from the north? In that case, do you hate southern italians?
Are you from the south? In that case, do you hate northern italians?
What about Rome and Naples? Do everybody hate romans and napolitans?
Do south and north italians hate each other because tax moneyz are going south?
That seems a bit silly.
My impression of Mussolini is that he engaged in shitskin type behavior such as petty graft and focused too much on his own position of power. By contrast, the impression I got of Hitler after reading his biography by Toland was that he was completely ideological and incorruptible rather than being focused inwards.
Why are Italians so incompetent when it comes to military matters?
Something, but I prefer him to Hitler. Mussolini saved as from Black Monday, you know...
I only have a brother, 1,85 mt tall, body builder. I suggest you not to try.
Umbria is very non-degenerate, very good place. however the Northern works and make money, while the South go mass, eats well. What do you prefer?
I personally like Tuscany.
I already said: too much racemixing with whites, so the chosen few.
Mafia kills them or uses them are wage slaves
They aren't user. Normally they are catholics.
I would, but now I am answering here. I am 1717 at however. You?
As an American who is eligible for Italian citizenship due to Jures Sangris, I am considering immigrating to my ancestral home in Sicilia if Hillary Clinton is elected. Would I be welcomed or hated?
the fuck we are white man
you are a proxy
>cant do 2 things at the same time
it's unlimited time for making a move, cmon
1) I am from the middle. I love and hate both of them, because they are very different.
2) Everyone hate Naples, except "i terroni"
Yeah, a bit; but we are a big family, and families are very important here, user.
We lost our will to fight in 476 AD
I fucked many girls in italy, more than the UK, they are sloots
North or South?
Grazie mio caro anonimo
I think that you mean Ius Sanguinis, Sangria is a Spanish cocktail
also- is it hard to own a gun in Italy?
Because the last war we fought was in 1940/45.
The industrial output was a major point (if not the only) in winning the war and Italy has literally no natural resources as iron, coal gas and so on.
We have never been good in heavy industry and thus never good in a world war.
Very welcomed, Sicilian people is extremely friendly but don't know English, so be prepared. Moreover it is very hot and people are not well payed, but if your dream is not to make money, is a good place. Please do not eat cappuccino after breakfast.
I hate pizza. My friends hate me for this reason!
I proxy parlano italiano, coglione?
They were both dictators that wanted power to push their ideologies.
Mussolini had more of an "iron fist" attitude about him than Hitler, that's why he seems more like a shitbag. He undeniably enjoyed being in position of power - the guy didn't even had a second seat in his office so that everyone talked to him while standing.
He earned his popularity fair and square, though.
Stay in your fucking america. Even Clinton's america is better than sicily to live in.
do most southern italians look like shitskin albanians or is it just a meme?
>Jus sanguinis (Latin: right of blood) is a principle of nationality law by which citizenship is not determined by place of birth but by having one or both parents who are citizens of the state. Children at birth may automatically be citizens if their parents have state citizenship or national identities of ethnic, cultural, or other origins. Citizenship can also apply to children whose parents belong to a diaspora and were not themselves citizens of the state conferring citizenship. This principle contrasts with jus soli (Latin: right of soil).
I am here, ahmed but I don't know how to do two things at the same time
Do they tell teach in school that you are romans?
Si che parlano italiano
le italian are not white maymay
le italian are all christian maymay
fuori dai coglioni buffone magari anche terrone
It's a meme. Due to normans they are very blonde
Is Forza Nuova based?
Southern, yes. I've seen albanians that are whiter than terroni.
What are the best places to visit there? I know Rome, Venice, and Florence are the most popular.
>but don't know English
exactly, that's what I bring to the table. With a shit job market ppl are teaching english in Asia or S. America, but I'd rather teach it to my people
Not exactly, but in Lazio they do it
Literally impossible, I don't need one anyway. The only few people that own them now are old hunters in the rural areas.
Ah davvero? Lol, non lo sapevo. Come ti convinco che non sono un proxy?
I know what it is, you wrote "Sangris"
And use the I, Jus is anglicised
I like you. Would share a bottle of Ripasso and Cioppino.
>Moving to Sicily
>being a piedmont cuck
My family doesn't look Mediterranean at all and we're completely Sicilian.
Right, I don't claim to be an expert, but Hitler feels like he has a more Germanic phenotype in terms of personality. He was completely ideological according to Toland, and even castigated his commanding officer in WW1 as a defeatist for caving to proclamations of surrender from Prussian high command. It's hard for me to view someone like that as particularly inwardly focused. If you have any anecdotes about Mussolini to share, I'd be interested. The English speaking world doesn't really have much of an interest in him.
Literally meme tier
"You are the bad, we are the cure"
CasaPound has a better ideology but Forza Nuova beats people.
Eddai non sparare cazzate, le siciliane con gli occhi verdi?
Yes, but literally every place is full of art and you eatgood. Not joking.
Literally impossibile, but easy if you are a mafioso
I don't think there's anything wrong with this. It's a mythopoesis for a peoples. Having a healthy identity is important. That's why blacks tried to invent one and ended up becoming kangs.
also what's up with this fucking sleek cool design pff.
Just got my italian citizensip. Is it worth to go living there or the economy is still bad?
Not so hard, but you need a permission
Thanks you, but we in Italy do not know what Cioppino is, really!
You're right.
Why do you make such shitty cars?
Just how often do people mix your flag up with the potato fags?
thread theme
>Alfa romeo 4C
Shitty cars for sure.
The economy is slow, considering we are the 7th superpower in the world. However I like this place