His polling numbers are in the shit tier and he's advocating for gun control.
Sup Forums seems to be turning on him now. Either way it will be a Hillary landslide this November.
His polling numbers are in the shit tier and he's advocating for gun control.
Sup Forums seems to be turning on him now. Either way it will be a Hillary landslide this November.
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OP if you don't reply then you are a bot.
90% of small businesses fail in the first year
I replied
Fuck off, Hillary shill.
"About half of all new establishments survive five years or more and about one-third survive 10 years or more. As one would expect, the probability of survival increases with a firm’s age. Survival rates have changed little over time.”
- Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, BED
I hope to God they do. Technically, yes, the delegates can be unbound.
Dem operates should work with Mitt, Jeb, Paul Ryan, whoever they need to make this happen.
The Republicans will still be crushed and humiliated no matter who they run for letting Drumpf get this far. But at least they will be spared the disgrace of the party of Lincoln letting a stubby fingered racist a heartbeat away from the Presidency.
This election is pretty boring outside Drumpf's infuriating and stupid comments, to be honest. Just a question at this point of how large Hillary's win will be, and how far her coattails will help Dems win Congress.
5 out of his 100 businesses failed?
That's a god tier record.
>Fuck off, Hillary shill.
Only Bernie can save your worthless asses!
The rules allow for it, but it would destroy the Republican Party and the GOP don't seem that desperate yet.
They might be by the time Cleveland rolls around though.
The shilling is heavy today. Is it because one of your pet minorities wasted a fuckload of your pet gays?
- He's White
- He's a Man
- He's anti-PC culture
- He is not an establishment shill
- His mere presence triggers liberals, both grassroots and on media level so much that they actively try demonizing him
This is why he will win.
>he's advocating for gun control
This is what liberals do, they create a narrative and run with it.
This is not true, he said he was going to discuss the terrorist list issue with the NRA.
Fuck. Off. shill
Magic of Jan Smuts commands
>thank you OP .05 cents have been deposited into your shillbucks account.
This poll business is suspicious as fuck. He had the highest turn-out ever for the primaries. Are that many people who voted for him then really changing thier vote to Hillary?
In my experience most people don't change parties that quickly.
>Sup Forums seems to be turning on him now. Either way it will be a Hillary landslide this November.
nice shill thread, now back to plebbit
>His polling numbers are in the shit tier
ToP KeK No one here believes in polls made by Bloomberg.
Sup Forums will just eat it up as usual. He still looks like a much better candidate than Hillary but the media will just keep making him out to be the worst shit in the world.
That's what happened last week and it will keep going. Media started going strong against him.
Coming from someone who thinks Trump can win:
Primary turnout and primary vote shares have no correlation to the general because of how few people vote in the primaries compared to the general
In theory they can do whatever they want. They are a private group.
In practice? It would piss off the voters
Fuck off shill
Great point, cheers mate
>Sees a few shills on Sup Forums
>Pol is turning on him gaise is the trump meme dead?
8 cent deposited in you Goldman-Sachs account