How often do you pray?
I pray once a day usually.
How often do you pray?
I pray once a day usually.
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right after waking up and before going to bed
Same here OP. Sometimes multiple, if I feel the need to.
>Current year
How often do you not pray is an easier question to answer.
5 times per day, as Allah commands.
Five times a day.
Not as often as I should
Why are you praying? What does it do?
when the slugs penetrate, feel a burning sensation
I get closer to God, in a tight situation now
To communicate with God, Achmed.
I've never prayed.
How do you do it?
Leads to practical solutions and an end of personal hopelessnesss
Improve your life and show devotion.
I pray before I cum and it usually comes out like a web, and then I swing from sky scrapper to sky scrapper in NEW YOOOOWRK
I don't pray
Have you ever had a friendship with someone that you never communicated with?
Us either.
Never, because it's pointless and does nothing.
I don't pray, I meditate though.
Prayer is a selfish action, "God" doesn't care about you anymore than a mosquito.
it's like a mail order thing. You send your prayers to God and in 5-6 business days he grants you miracles
It's the very first thing I do when I open my eyes in the morning. Then multiple times throughout the day. Usually just quick ones when I need it. "Jesus Christ have mercy on me I'm a sinner.", "Mary full of grace, pray for me.", "Lord give me patience." etc. Then when I go to bed.
>falling for the crucifixion jew
You talk to God. He can hear you. You can pray silently. He will still hear you.
Unironically 5 times a day. Made a habit out of reading a Psalm then speaking my own short prayer and then the father our
I want to get into the Jesus prayer but it's recommended without an ad showing you the meditation or something
*tips fedora*
Five times a day
Yes, the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Sixteen.
>sitting and talking to yourself in your head, pretending that God is listening
Literally socially enabled schizophrenia
God knows all my thoughts anyway so i don't bother him ever.
>because it's pointless and does nothing
Never had a mosquito lay down its life for me.
What happens if I call the wrong god, like the Jewish one? Or worse the devil!
Every day, for death.
Ateast that's how it was. It may go back to that, depends on if Trump is successful.
I prayed to Mars two days ago to help me with an impending fight.
It did not work, I got my ass beat.
I meditate once in the morning when I wake up, once in the early evening and once before I go to bed
Burn in the fire
Just by hearing this question made me understand why we should pray.
Soon I will pray too.
*not recommended
*without an aid
>Believing in "God"(tm)
Your beliefs are infantile, and I tip my fedora to you to bid farewell.
I masturbate 2 times a day.
Some of us are so mentally ill we need God to cope. Better than any other mechanism I've used tbhf
He would still like to hear from you.
*tips kippah*
>yfw masturbation is a prayer to satan
Oh boy.
You know how Jesus is Jewish, and God? You need to get in line with that.
>Implying you don't get better results from your Satanic altar.
>took thousands of years of study to create
Atheist history is dead. Leads to Christianity.
What does he usually say?
The Holy Spirit is the aid. Anyone praying to the Father in the name of the Son has his prayers translated by the Spirit.
I too worship the penis 2 times.
He is the giver of pleasure, and life.
He is god.
Dunno how you can love your dick more than the guy who made your dick for you, and your arms long enough to reach it.
Anyone who believes any book of lies is an idiot
what are you
The Catholic God can't be Jewish.
Anyone who thinks the bible is a book of lies is not well versed in the bible.
I don't know how to pray.
Grew up without faith in any way, have contacted the catholic church in my city tho and asked if I can convert.
You misunderstood me pham. Google Jesus prayer. It's a meditative prayer
True. Satan is not Jewish.
But Jesus is.
The Lord of the Flies? ugh.
usually after jacking off to interracial porn. makes me feel more clean.
I thought Jesus was mexican?
oo I'm scared of fairy tales
I'm sure I will regret that I didn't believe in some wizard
Looks more like what we call the Sinner's Prayer, except that it stops short of actually doing what is necessary to be heard.
It's the prayer in the bible that the publican on his face not even looking at the alter prayed that was heard, while the self-righteous pharisee's prayer was not.
All these christcucks.
Hay-zoos is, yes. Yeshua? Jew.
The probability of being born a shitskin 3rd worlder is so damn high... but God gave me the gift of English ancestry. I praise him every night.
I'm not kidding either. Never take your whiteness for granted. It is truly a gift.
I don't know why you think God is a wizard, nor that the bible is "fairy tales". Did someone teach you that?
Just wanted to let you know, the Abrahamic Religions all share the same God.
When you pray to "God," you are praying for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Even individual saints like your Jesus Christos is still recognized in the other Abrahamic Faiths.
Friendly reminder, when you inspire anyone to follow Abrahamic Faiths you also allow Islam to continue to prosper and destroy Hinduism, Buddhism, and actual religions that don't base their beliefs on slaughtering people.
Always room for one more.
The same way you can love tasty food more than you love the ugly farmers and chefs who provide them for you.
Maybe you have, you just weren't cognizant of it. Mosquito feeds the spider so the spider doesn't bite you.
An example of our parasitic relationship with the planet, a large majority of our food sources only exists because of bees. Not God or Man.
The further we distance ourselves from our relationship with the planet, the more we lose ourselves.
>5 minutes ago
>thread has 3 posts
>70+ posts
People still have sand in their vaginas about religion, huh?
>the Abrahamic Religions all share the same God
>praying FOR [...]
>inspire anyone to follow Abrahamic Faiths you also allow Islam to continue to prosper
I talk to my ceiling about five times a day. No, I'm not schizophrenic, it's a community thing.
And again, God gave you taste buds.
At some point, you're going to have to realize that God gave you everything you love.
no, you idiot, I taught myself
school tried to brainwash me into believing in this shit but I refused
I pray Jupiter every Thursday.
I didn't mistake when God became a man so that He could die in order to save me from hell.
Did you?
Once after I wake up, once before sleeping, usually before eating and whenever I see fit/feel the need to.
I don't want it to be just a habit, so I pray whenever I need to talk to someone and have no one around or feel that I need help.
I do have the morning-evening-food-habit though to make sure that I pray at least a few times a day, even when I don't feel like I need anything.
For a Sup Forums user, you're pretty fucking blue pilled.
Enjoy praying to All Saints, user!
Salam, and Amen!
The lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client.
But he never talks to you back.
some friend
Rubbish. The differences are obvious, and fatal.
And they're all about Jesus.
To the Jew: Jesus is a false messiah, a man.
To the Muslim: Jesus is just a man, a prophet, called a messiah or leader, but who is not God, or the Son of God.
To the Christian: Jesus is God.
And per Jesus, if you do not have the Son, you do not have the Father; and if you do have the Son, you also have the Father, as He and the Father are One.
So neither Jew nor Muslim has a god, at all. They might not know they're godless, but they're godless.
And most muslims worship Ba'al, aka Hubal, aka Allah, quite eagerly.
>But he never talks to you back.
He does though..
He does, actually. Closer than a friend. Closer than a brother.
He died so that you would examine the effects of bigotry, and see that love and appreciation can still fall victim to the same hatred (though they can never be snuffed entirely).
Too many Christians assume the mere acknowledgement that Jesus died for them is to save them from their sins. It's deeper than that.
He died so that you would see your sins, not so that you're instantly "saved" from them, that's an injection by the Catholic church.
Thank you for restoring my faith in Germany.
I used to pray as a kid but all it was was just saying meaningless words learned by heart. At some point I started getting away from the idea of religion as my knowledge and skepticism grew larger each day and so I stopped praying that way.
I think a lot when I lay down after a day though. It's a bunch of retrospective and introspective thoughts. I tend to organize my mind this way and I don't need a god/God in order to meditate.
I have never prayed in my life
how does it feel anons? has any one of you ever had their prayers come true, as in a truly exceptional occurence with an insignificant chance of happening? (love excluded)
Absolutely unironically, could anyone explain to me what made them believe in God? I was, like most Czechs, brought up in a completely irreligious household, and never felt the need to consider God a part of my life.
Only when I get extremely depressed. It never helps.
Don't you have to do it every time there's a call to prayer anyway?