Why do they fail to see what Islam truly is
Where did the Religion of Peace meme come from?
Jesus, they just spout that shit because they're brainwashed with it
Like the picture says (which I can't find atm), a radical muslim wants to behead you and a moderate muslim wants a radical muslim to behead you
What I can't understand is, who are these people attacking the muslims, i've trolled every muslim organisations websites today and the message is all the same, this was awful, you better not be islamaphobic and say anything bad about islam!
The media is definding Islam, everyone in my FB is defending Islam.
Where are these attacks everyone keeps referring to!
This is all you need to know
> a the antichrist is controlling all retards including sand monkeys to follow him into hell
and the hard will people will fight the retards and sand monkeys off in a huge battle
> b they are retarded and shallow people who don't have wills
> c they are fucking lunitics who have researched it and follow the sand monkeys into the death pit
Instead of calling them the religion of peace we may as well start calling them the religion of hate.
It might catch on.
I learned that Americans cant do sarcasm so of course they would take religion of peace as being serious.
George W. Bush came up with it iirc
It's indeed an artificial meme created as direct response after 9/11/2001 by the US admin as direct response to counter anti muslim sentiments.
Not only the West but also muslims themselves took it unironically and eventually believed this meme themselves.
right after 9/11 an islamic public relations committee coined the phrase and put out a lot of ads/propaganda defending the faith.
then GW launched the term into the global culture when he said it himself
At it's best Islam still has all the things they slam modern Christianity for, and at it's worst it's fucking disgusting. If you want a "religion of peace" go for fucking Buddhism or some shit.
Us saying mean things about them and hurting their feelings.
Anti-racists (especially in Europe) are so fucking weird. They're the ones still pushing to old idiotic ideas of the "exotic east"
>Ah yes, the peaceful muslim. So enlightened. The muhammedan is so intriguing the way he prays. So exotic and exciting! I'm so smart for being able to appreciate this.
Real life attacks and events, daily occurances in middle-east and other shitholes; MSM doesn't cover it much.
>peaceful religion focused on love
I guess they show their love by throwing people off a roof and beheading families. Allahu akbar to you too :^)
because she's right
>The ISLAMIC STATE in Iraq and Syria (population: ~1 mil) doesn't represent Islam.
>Westboro Baptist Church (pop: >100) represents all Christianity
>Where did the Religion of Peace meme come from?
From rich sandniggers in Saudi Arabia and other muslim nations.
I'm glad they figured out ISIS is just pretend Islam.
Because in the leftist mind, white = bad and non-white = good. They'll never admit their narrative is wrong no matter how much evidence is presented, they'll just constantly move the goalposts.
Islam is a religion of peace, though. Everybody wants peace. Why would Muslims be any different?
The issue is that to achieve Muslim peace you have to get rid of some people first.
You want a serious answer? Islam splits the world into the House of War (Dar al-Harb) and the House of Peace (Dar as-Salam).
Muslims live in the House of Peace because Musilms are supposed to refrain from fighting each other. They are suppose to unite in fighting all the non-Muslims.
All non-Muslims live in the House of War - which means Muslims can and should fight them at all times and in all places, In Islamic theology, you are either a Muslim or you are an enemy. Islam is a "religion of peace" because it plans to murder everyone who is not a Muslim. The logic of Islamic peace is very simple: if all non-Muslims are dead or enslaved, then there will be world peace.
Hence Muslims believe that jihad, genocide and the enslavement of non-Muslims are all acts of peace.
>dont knkw why ISIS iks cakled islam
>the Isalmic State of Iraq and Syria
>not muslim
Do they not know that Islam is practiced by Muslims or something?
For further details. Muslims who claim allahu ackbar has been bastardized by jihadist, the term has been militarized since the crusades to instill fear in the enemy. Image related is wikipedias heavily redacted interpretation of Hassan I sabbah and the event. The true account of the event goes like this
>he tells his enemy they outnumber him but his soliders have no fear of death
>he points to a random solider
>solider shouts allahu ackbar and jumps off ramparts to his death
>the enemy is visibly shocked
>he points to another solider
>he also shouts allahu ackbar and jumps to his death
>the enemy decided that a truce with Hassan was the smarter choice
Did u read Alamut by Bartol.
It represents extremists ideology pretty well
I read it after playing the first assassins creed a few years back lol
George Bush's think tank after 9/11
Our generation was conditioned to not understand violence in school. Remember that bullshit "just ignore them" advice forced down your throats? People no longer know how to react to violence so they find convenient explanations, no matter how illogical, to justify their lack of response.