can we have a good ol' Sup Forums cosplay thread going?
Can we have a good ol' Sup Forums cosplay thread going?
Other urls found in this thread:
>le strong asian man meme
t. jealous cuck
>literally only two pics that is cosplaying stuff from tv/movies
>rest is anime/pokemon shit
>me on the left
Sage this /r/Asianmasculinity cuck shitposter
>get cucked by BIG BLACK COCKS
>get cucked by little yellow penises
Just can't win, huh?
>she married that guy
U mad Chang?
You mean cancerous shit you can't have on Sup Forums anymore?
>whitebois literally clinging on to their beached whales' opinions
Literally every hot White girl that cosplays has an Asian boyfrriend. Where can I can get one?
what did you expect when white males make up 77% of the demographic?
That would have nothing to do with response rate as a percentage
user, are you yourself attractive?
It's that look of utter apathy that seals this for me.
she is going to be taking dicks up the ass in a few minutes
asian males, the majority of them are looking for asian girlfriends, they're not interested in women of other races.
asian guys looking for white girlfriends is such a small percentage, of course that's gonna skew the results.
this is all just common sense.
Your view of world is limited as shit. There are more chinese men with Russian / Central Asian women just by itself then all the White men in the world with asian females.
1. “The combination is usually Chinese men and Russian women,” he said. On the southern side of the border, he noticed that language schools are full of young Russian women who seem dedicated to acquiring Mandarin, and a Chinese husband."
2. "One feature of the Russian-Chinese relationship seemed especially telling: Cross-border marriages are overwhelmingly between Chinese men and Russian women. Much of this has to do with demographics—Russia has a surplus of women, while China has too many men. But as one Russian woman told me, "Chinese men are kinder and more attentive to their wives.""
Anal probing is best probing.
I agree, I'm talking about asian guys using dating american dating sites.
I'm all for amwf, trust me.
asian-american is a very loose term in the US that mixes tons of asian ethnicities with each other than have zero connection with each other. about 1/3rd of the 'asian-americans' are south asians (indians and pakis) so whenever you see stats on asian-americans, it includes them.
Russians are not white.
damn, never thought of that.
I really wish east-asians were measured separately.
Why not?
>He gets to banging that everyday
I hope I don't wake up tomorrow
These Russian girls arent white ...
she has a mental retardation taht he supports and encourages, acts like he's unthreatened by the attention she gets and joins her.
Slavs aren't white
thoughts on the female sender version of the chart?
This is her Anna / Frozen cosplay
Imagine fucking her while she is in cosplay. This Asian guy gets to do it every day ...
Isn't that Grant from Mythbusters
WTF are those tits.
I literally have no idea.
>shorter than literally all the girls
to the amwf spammer: what is your deal, honestly? are you an asian that gets triggered by af/wm couples? i dont know of anything that could get me so flustered to dedicate my free time saving all these images and data and spamming it here
>1/6 of land
>not every dweller is caucasian
Call the pope! But seriously cherrypicking won't work you nigger.
They are clearly mixed race user. We were talking about slavs.
Slavs aren't white. It's a shitty Sup Forums meme that they are. Only people with anglo/germanic/scandinavian genes are white
he revealed a while ago that he's being paid to spam it
>gets triggered by af/wm couples?
literally no one gets triggered by that. that's like a black guy getting triggered by a bf/wm couple.
seeThey look pretty white to me
clearly someone does, probably asian men
like how Sup Forums gets triggered when they see a white woman with a black man
I would be happy for the girl, white guys for some reason think all asian girls are goddesses.
Good for her for getting a boyfriend.
Cosplay roleplay recs?
Or fan productions that use costumes?
I wish JNig would go asian. I am sure she gets hit on alot in Asia but she seems loyal to her longtime boyfriend.
Slavs are just the linguistic group, my friend.
North Russians have nothing in common with bulgarians, for example.
Asian guys dont care if they get a white girl if she is fat and ugly. It is white men who brag about the asian girls they get ... nevermind these asian girls are ugly-as-shit.
The fact is that asian guys get hot white girls while white guys get UGLY asian girls.
well you are lying and we both know why you chose that picture. im sure i could cherrypick many images of hot asian chicks with average looking white men
Most white girls that are into weebshit like Asian guys so this is no surprise
And most of that group is white by the looks of it. So why would someone say that slavs aren't white?
that chinaman cosplaying a satellite with those ears lol
holy shit this thread REEKS of r/Asianmasculinity
is it their tiny yellow peepees that make them this cancerous?
Meant forMy bad
If you can find one picture of a super cute asian girl dating an average looking "non-chad" white guy, be my guest.
the majority of them, the white is very handsome, so there's no question on why she's dating him.
Fuck off WF/AM poster, you're never subtle.
They just aren't and they're also not european. I'm saying this as a slav.
why do white guys act like niggers to asians?
>muh dik
>ooga booga
Tall blonde masculine looking chad with this ...
damn, he could do better
>Tall blonde masculine looking chad with this ...
On the flip side this is what Asian guys get German beauty queens.
>They just aren't
Why not? I know they're not necessarily European btw
Russians are Finno-Ugric genetically you idiot. Their closest relatives are not Poles, they're Estonians and Finns.
Their language has nothing to do with it.
Ok but why aren't they white? They look pretty white to me
Are you blind?
He is actually better looking that that picture.
wtf? I have yellow fever now!
What because they have an alternative form of government than you
i do hope you are getting paid and dont actually believe this stuff cause its not healthy to live in this bubble of delusion. jealousy and insecurity are not attractive traits, might be why your fellow asian women are rejecting you
Meanwhile a chubby Asian guy gets this
Their ancestors are primarily Eurasian hunter gatherers.
>might be why your fellow asian women are rejecting you
maybe you should take your own advice, that shit is not healthy
>Meanwhile a chubby Asian guy gets this
He can't get a gf
that didnt make sense
is your bot broken
Classic case of money>everything else
I like how she has to bend her legs and lean back to compensate for his height while she's in heels.
What is this delusion you have fooled yourself into thinking
why does the amwf bait work so well?
lot of angry white guys in this thread
But that's obviously wrong and insane, of course Slavs are white
Whitebois continue to get cucked by all races.
Everyone knows having Asian ancestors means you're not White.
Get a girlfriend and you'll be ok
If you're not memeing, probably this.
The girl is cute, the guy is kinda average (and maybe balding).