Okay, faggots. You all seem to want a Vader movie, but tell me why that's a good idea at all

Okay, faggots. You all seem to want a Vader movie, but tell me why that's a good idea at all.

What the fuck would the movie be about?

Where's the conflict?

What more origin do we need than what we already got in the three fucking Vader origin movies we already got?

What story is begging to be told here?

I literally can't see any reason why Vader should have a movie. There's so many other characters and eras that deserve focus. Why give more screen time to the Skywalkers?

Maybe they could make one about a new Vader that's a woman who is actually far better at fighting than Vader.

this sounds good, also whenever woman vader isn't on screen, all the other characters should be asking "where is owman vader?"

Show him getting used to the suit, culminating in him soloing a rebel base.

Drop the pretence that people care about the story and just make it non stop action, all the while pandering to the power level obsessed and fantasy power tripping crowd.

>I literally can't see any reason why Vader should have a movie

How about for entertainment, you fat, fedora-wearing piece of shit.

We already got 3 vader movies with the prequels.

It'd be the tales of Vader hunting down Jedi in hiding we never heard about.
It'd be him destroying them all.
It'd be GOAT.

>Most iconic film character in existence
>surprised people want more

A Vader Purge movie could give something for disney to coast on for 10 years with just 1 movie.

he was only Vader for the last 30 minutes of 3

>would would the movie be about
How about him thinking of ways to fuck over Sidious

>where's the conflict
Well apparently Disney can just throw in random jedis everywhere so let him find someone

>what more origin do we need
How about wondering what he did between 3 and hope

Skywalkers make the franchise you baboon. Hell Caedus literally stopped an entire invasion single handedly

Ok fine, let me rephrase it since you all need shit spoon fed to you. I get why people want it.

What would the fucking story be? What is left untold other than badass action?

>What the fuck would the movie be about?
Rogue One could have been about Vader realizing what the rebels were trying to do and failing to stop them. It could have been a movie where they were sneaking around the Death Star looking for the plans as he hunted them like a fucking horror movie killing them one by one. Could have been like Alien but replace the Alien with Vader but Disney has no balls so we got the bullshit we got.

>What would the fucking story be?
Vader hunting down the remaining Jedi

Actually your idea isn't good. Referring to her as woman Vader rather than just Vader or New Vader or Better Vader is kind of rude and I'd really appreciate if you went back to Sup Forums.

> we explore the origins of vader's planetary inflation fetish
> vader learns it's ok to be asexual
> vader's brief flirtation with Droid Lives Matter

There's three right there and I'm not even trying.

Game of Death/The Raid

Vader has to climb a massive tower fighting progressively more powerful and gimmicky Jedi in a series of action set pieces, initially with the help of a small squadron of Stormtroopers until they're all killed/wounded

>20 years between III and IV
>guy just murdered his wife and unborn child
>got BTFO by his best friend and mentor
>helped genocide his own order
>is now a cripple on constant life support
>has to hunt down remnants of his old friends and allies

Yeah, definitely no internal struggle or anything to make a movie about.

Why are you trying so hard to sound like a tough guy? It sounds pathetic

I'd play a video game of just that.

I want a movie between 2 and 3.

How hard is it to give Vader some conflict between any of the movies? This isn't rocket surgery.

He doesn't look like he's trying to be a tough guy lol. Don't be so sensitive.

> 134 minutes of nothing but light saber noises

Admit it, you'd see it in theatres "to support the franchise"

>Caedus versus Onimi duel.

>Luke, Jacen, Jaina going against 10 badass jedi killers and supreme overlord.

There is so many badass caedus moments even the small ennui could be so great

>Sister watches her brother deflect turbo lasers like it isn't even a thing
>where the fuck did he learn to do that.jpg

>This isn't rocket surgery.
I've never heard of this before. I love it.

Not Vader centric but I really want a movie from the perspective of the empire, after seeing Rogue One it looks like the law of the jungle is prevalent over there

It should be about the origin of Vader and how he decided that now he's a woman after he got fucked over by Obi Wan

>vader struggles with his feelings
yeah sounds real interesting

This would make a ton of money. Not that it ain't obvious with star wars at this point, but whatever. Might be fun in a Dredd way.

>confrontational for no reason right off the bat
>over-usage of the word fuck

It's like im in a living breathing gawker article.

It would take place immediatly after ROTS and he would be leading invading armies to the planets that didnt "bend the knee". Through the movie, he would realize that Sheev doesnt care about peace but only about total domination, he would struggle with it through the movie but in the end he would accept it, while "napalming" whole planet of innocent civilians. Finishing his turn to the dark side.

You're right, all protagonists should be soulless, emotionless, autistic faggots like you.

>internal struggles in movies aren't interesting
What do you enjoy watching? Fast and Furious?

This is all it has to be.
Throw in him fighting hiding Jedi and big battles.
It's all I want from a Vader movie.

They did that in that Lego series, The Freemakers.

>Vader movie has to be an origin story

Shuddup dude.

the entire prequel trilogy was his origin story


Vader brags the ability to destroy an entire planet ist nothing compared to the force.

I'd like to see some proof.

Where do you think you are?

Well, to be fair EU Sheev could destroy planetary surfaces with the Dark side.

Darth Nihilus could drain the life of every person on a planet, too.

Better question is where does OP think he is? this isn't a hipster Gawker site. Is OP going to write something like "Vader is totally a badass guys because.......just because" like other fucking retards?

Nihilus was a literal freak of nature though, no normal Jadi or Sith could do what he did

>new hope ends with the force blowing up the death star in the same movie.
>i want proof

Adapt Lords of the Sith. So easy.

>complains about antagonism
>literally calls OP a retard

Bioware's Emperor/Nihilus rippof Vitiate could. And, of course, Dark Empire Sheev can make Force Storms that wreck entire fleets.

>complains about antagonism
No I didn't I complained about OP trying to come off as some hipster tough guy. This site is all about antagonism but the way OP (possibly you) did was pathetic.

Disney wont do it because they know part of the movie will have to show Vader reflecting on Padme and his life before being put into the suit, and they dont want to acknowledge the prequels until the new trilogy is over.

No they don't.
Focus on Vader fighting and that's it.
That's what people want from a Vader solo film.
Light story, action focused, big battles, and Vader's badassery.

Sheev took over the galaxy without a death star.

Lucas is a fucking genius.


Whats so special about Vader killing people though? I could easily see that by booting up Battlefront 2. In fact that last scene of him in Rogue One reminded me exactly of your typical encounter when playing as Vader in that game.

Maybe some of us prefer film over video games, baby satan

Vader film starring IDRIS ELBOW

make it happen



They don't need to have flashbacks or something. A good director could make Vader suffering subtle.

The next time you decide to bump your retarded thread don't do it. The threads dead. Bury it.

This isn't my thread you fucking idiot.

Also, lrn2sage