>obergruppenführer smith will never be my dad
why even live?
>obergruppenführer smith will never be my dad
why even live?
boring shit is shit
I like how Tagomi just fucked off for like 3 weeks to live with his family in the alternate timeline and that timelines Tagomi never even showed up like "what the fuck who is this guy?"
Feels bad man.
>you will never be as much of a filthy weeb as Childan
I like how they avoid naming the Jew by calling them Semites.
>Obergruppenfuhrer Smith will never cuck you and fill your non-white wife's vagina with his stronger racially superior Aryan semen
Why even live m8
>you will never fuck some fine yellow pussy in the back of a van filled with explosives
A true American hero
>wanting to be a useless eater
Hausmann was right.
>waaaahhh I'm bred to be genetically perfect and my father is a top Nazi
I like how at some point the writers must have realised
"shit, he's got a doting wife, two beautiful daughters, an academic son who tries to be a good man his father will be proud of, and a job that provides for his family. Isn't he meant to be a bad guy? We need to throw something bad in there."
Joe is a cuck. Wish Juliana just shot him after finding out he was a Nazi like she did in the book.
Well the nazis hated all semites (Arabs, Jews etc) and used that word most often
My favorite is how they keep trying to play everything in the Reich off as creepy and unsettling.
>s-see it's a funeral but they do a Roman salute at the end!
They also cleansed Africa, creating an enormous amount of Lebensraum for white people.
A world with no Jews, niggers or arabs.
Remind me again why this show is called "dystopian"?
You really can't be actually advocating genocide, are you?
BBB-bu-uut Hitla was ebil cus Jews told me so
>You really can't be actually advocating genocide, are you?
At least they got the boomer generation being degenerates who will destroy everything their fathers built right. Seems like no matter what timeline you're in you can't escape them.
I tried to get into it, it was boring.
I'm personally too softhearted to oven anyone but I could tell you were supposed to be unhappy when Heydrich said that and I just couldn't see the problem.
I like the German chick. Remember, without (((them))) there's no one to push Gen X further down the slippery slope.
Go look up white Rhodesia, apartheid SA.
Tell me that Africa, and the world, would not be better off if we removed all niggers and filled those places with white people.
I nearly gave up when they were in the neutral zone for like 50 fucking episodes in s1
S2 was bretty good I watched the entire thing in 2 days
>Remember, without (((them))) there's no one to push Gen X further down the slippery slope.
This is true. They at least won't go full marxist retard like our liberals did.
>ovening cripples that aren't in pain
>not just sterilizing them
Some seriously inefficient eugenics going on here.
surgical sterilisation
>well trained surgeon
>blood transfusion, stitches, nurses to assist
>same solider can throw body into oven
why are they wearing these black uniforms when in reality they had already been phased out long before the war
It's the final solution to many of humanity's problems.
It's true, but they don't shoot the cripples before they oven, they inject them with poison. Plus we're talking about Aryans who could still be productive subjects.
I see the argument but I think it's only there to force a moral conflict with Smith (and of course to make le evil Nazis seem more so),
>alternate timeline where the nazis won the war, developed the A Bomb and now occupy 3/4 of the entire planet with the japs occupying the remaining 1/4
>yeah but why are their uniforms not like in our timeline
Clearly the aesthetic uniforms are what pushed them to victory
The nazis lost BECAUSE they switched uniforms. God favors the fashionable which is why these nazis won.
yes its because Smith actually was coming across as having a perfect family, providing for them, and having an unshakable sense of loyalty
They had to force something in there because the nazis were actually looking pretty good until that point desu
the SS always had black uniforms . . .
I'm only on episode 4 of season 2 but man the Nazis don't seem that bad in the show. The Japs are way more evil than the Nazis
>the Nazis are about twice as bad in the show as in reality and they're STILL the good guys
no, they were replaced by grey uniforms in the late 30s
Not only that, they make Hitler sympathetic because he is avoiding war with the Japs. I thought they would've made him to be a Saturday morning cartoon villain.
Just seems weird, like Americans wearing Brodie helmets in the 60's.
S2 E9 spoiler:
Did Frink (and more importantly) the yellow qt die? the scene was too chaotic for me to notice if they got away. As Kido was not going full rage looking for them I assume not?
>Hitler is a tired old man who never liked fighting but just did what needed to be done for the sake of humanity
>is visibly horrified and rages out when he sees the video predicting nuclear war with the gooks
They do make him a little unhinged, but still I wonder if the writing team is more goyish than usual.
what makes you think so? theyre both brutal but nazis also do that eugenic shit with mass euthanasias
>whenever the Holocaust is brought up by a Nazi the consensus seems to be "we did what we had to"
Aren't these people supposed to be the villains?
>God favors the fashionable which is why these nazis won.
At last I truly see. Praise Kek
the audio sounds weird in deflate's s2 rips
The bad-timeline Tagomi killed himself tho
>the good guys are vengeful assholes who want to kill a woman because she was too soft hearted to watch a man she thought she knew get executed
>they still attempt to kill her after she does everything they ask of her to try and atone for her fuck up
>but nazis also do that eugenic shit with mass euthanasias
Don't you want the next generation to be better? That's progress.
Look at the world they made, supersonic jets in the 60's landing on the moon in the 50's. Nobody locking their doors, Massive humanitarian efforts like what Jack's dad worked on. At the very least, they are better than the Japs. The Japs treat people worse than the Nazis in the show. Also, at the time in the 30's eugenics was seen as the future.
dont think killing oberfaggotfurhers son would make the next generation better in any way, he's not going to reproduce anyway
What was wrong with his son anyway?
degenerative muscle wasting disease
something like motor neuron probably
Nah it's neurological
did they explain how joe met rita?
>Well the nazis hated all semites (Arabs,
What do they even teach you retarded cucks in school now
Who cares?
Joe is a shit character.
>japs are evil
>resistance are all unlikeable cucks and backstabbers
>based smith and uncle adolf keep the peace
what did they mean by this
Anyone else want to eat out Alexa Davalos ass?
...and there are also pictures of Nazis conversing with rabbis, what's your point?
I have to wonder what the target audience is. The fascist demo can't be big enough yet to warrant a TV show.
Is that Juliana? She's cute but I'm getting pretty tired of her as the "traumatized" "refugee".
So I guess alternate reality traveling wizardy through deep meditation is now going to be apart of the show? mite b cool I guess.
wait, this show has timelines?
Where the fuck did you think all the tapes of alternate realities were coming from?
I am not watching the show yet, I was reading the thread to get a feel about it and see if it was interesting
he's an evil nazi. hope he gets a comical death.
>why even live?
Well his son answered that one with a big "Sieg Heil!"
The neutral zone episodes in s1 are ass, skip them
>That scene with Himmler speaking in the huge fucking dome.
I wish Speer got a cameo in this.
Dixon pls go, the Smiths are the real protagonists of this show
Dixon was and the resistance were all assholes
Apart from that QT yellow chick
Oosh, they die? I might like the end of this season a bit more.
Last 2 episodes are GOAT
I'm not sure if Frink and his yellow gf survived the end of E9
Joe Blake is boring as shit
>feeling bad for those criminals
If it was a normal WWII movie and he was an American that rused Nazis or Germans like that he'd just smile and laugh it off
His only purpose this series was to get Smith into the war room in e10
Everything else he did was boring and irrelevant
Joe and Juliana both piss me off.
>le ebil Nazi Smith is the most relatable/likeable character
he's a boring character played by a guy that can't act
juliana is more tolerable than joe. at least she's cute...
Or even Frink and his weeb salesman friend.
>but Dad, those people
>innocent people Dad
>look I know I sound bored af but I really do care I'm super emotional about this dad
I feel like Joe's more a vehicle to show us the Fatherland than an actual character. Otherwise all the Hitler-dying shit would be going on in the background.
>I'm not bored, I'm stoic :^)
Serious feels when Tagomi finds his wife is still alive in Worst Timeline and thinks he can have another chance, but worst timeline Tagomi was a drunkard and now she wants a divorce
post yfw they start sieg heiling smith
I feel bad watching him try to patch stuff up with his son. He doesn't even know what went down and he's probably no more okay with it than bad-timeline Tagomi was but he still wants to be with his family.
what happened to the tagomi in that timeline when the best timeline tagomi showed up?
He walked off that bridge Juliana was talking about.
Apparently two people from different timelines can't live in the same timeline
It's implied he committed sudoku