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Shut up senile old fool, you belong to the grave
>Shut up senile old fool, you belong to the grave
>implying he'll ever die.
Nom chompski
Bernie Sanders
known rusky
>it has internet
Nim Chimpsky
Yes dad, I'm doing well?
>le meme professor of inapplicable memetic utopistic ideologies
Yes Yes
There is only Capitalism or Gulag yes yes, Capitalism is the only alternative! Good
Self proclaimed expert on everything
/leftypol/ take your pills.
yes yes Capitalism is the way!
haha deluded leftists haha think that Capitalism is not to last forever haha kek
I hate leftists they are so deluded
>capitalism isn't going to last forever
Yes it will. Capitalism isn't just human nature its animal nature. Every living thing on gods green earth is a capitalist.
William Luther Pierce
YES! Exactly
Look at all the ancient civilizations they all had capitalism in a way
People are so much happier in capitalism, it brings only good really. The problem is regulations.
I hate people like Chomsky that try to propose something else. Holy shit Leftists are dumb haha
>Tribes had Communistic social structures
Tribes die from Aids faggots
Noam "the Communist Kike" Chumpsky
Yes goyim yes the free market will fix it's perfectly "natural" for me to be worth billions while you have to work 16 hours in a coal mine for $50...
Choam Nomsky
>people think communism/anarchism can be implemented anywhere before post scarcity becomes a thing (i.e. never)
Oh, my memes...
>Tribes had Communistic social structures
Yeah, tribal cheftains were so gommunistic.
Noam, kill a statist reward a muslim rapist, chomsky
Noam "Khmer Rouge dindunuffin" Chomsky
Noam "What Cambodian genocide??" Chomsky
Noam "At least Pol Pot wasn't American" Chomsky
Noam "Smashing baby skulls against trees is still preferable to imperialism" Chomsky
Noam "I may have been wrong but based on the evidence I was right" Chomsky
Noam "Khmer Rouge Don't Bruise" Chomsky
I agree 100%
Capitalism is liberty, Communism is Gulag. Just look at Stalin, killed half of the population 50-70 million minimum. Lenin 20-40. Mao 100-150.
>Life Expectancy reached/surpassed western Life expectancy at the end of his period
Kek, more like the KGB stole technology from the West. Same with China under Mao.
>Muh Cuba vs Haiti/Dominican republic
Castro is a dictator and send journalist in prison
>Muh Imperialism
Western Imperialism is a meme, Asian factory workers get a job. If they don't want it, they can just quit. It is a 50/50 relation. We get half, they get half.
>muh 1%
Why don't you just do what they do? People working in finance are rich because they are more important than manual labourers etc.
Chump Chumpsky
Roam Paulmsky
To be fair, human-nature is actually a form of "primitive-communism".
People living in the most primitive tribal settings, are not capitalists. They are communists. Humans have existed for hundreds of thousands of years. The concept that you can literally own property(land, people, etc), is a few thousand years old. And in some parts of the world, capitalism didn't even exist until a couple hundred years ago, and in some places, it still doesn't exist.
Capitalism rose up alongside civilization. And to be civilized, really just means to accept authority. You cannot have civilization where people don't respect authority, and by extension, you cannot have capitalism without civilization.
With that said, modern capitalism has little in common with more primitive forms of agrarian capitalism. Modern capitalism is industrial/financial capitalism, based on international trade, and control of a wide array of natural resources(oil/energy, precious metals, technology, etc).
Modern capitalism is not human-nature, but large-scale industrial socialism is even less akin to human-nature.
Human-nature is primitive agrarian tribalism. What else could it be?
Compolean DyNoamyte.
(((Noam Chomsky)))
kek deluded leftist
Oven Dodger
>Xavier Renegade Angel
Mah nigga.
One of the best cartoons ever.
>Capitalism is liberty, Communism is Gulag.
Capitalism is not, and has never been liberty. It is certainly true that capitalism is generally "more free" than Leninism or Stalinism. But the purpose of all government is not freedom, it is power. And neither is the purpose of capitalism freedom. All capitalism which has ever existed, is only various forms of corporatism, because capitalism is really about "competitive advantage". There has never existed anything close to free trade, where governments have ever existed.
Capitalism exists to increase the efficiency of production. To the extent that people are free(IE emancipated), it is only to the extent that such emancipation is useful for greater production, and in modern times, consumption(IE economic growth).
The serfs had to be emancipated from the land, so that they could move into the cities and work for the capitalists in the factories, and buy goods and services. This is a byproduct of the "specialization of labor", as the need for workers in the fields declined from industrial technology, such as tractors.
The ostensible purpose of capitalism, is the creation of wealth/money/production, which can then be taxed by governments, to build armies, to bribe or otherwise influence foreign governments, and thus to dominate and control the entire world.
The idea that capitalism exists for the purpose of freedom, is delusional nonsense, the ramblings of a madman.
Noam Chomsky. The guy who thinks the Weimar Republic was the height of human civilization. Now with video evidence!
>Weimar German is great
>Nazi Germany was a step down
Okay, kid.
>Life Expectancy reached/surpassed western Life expectancy at the end of his period
>Russia would've been like Africa if it wasn't for muh Stalin
I'm sure a capitalist Russia would've killed less people with greater results. And yeah, as an eastern european I have the pleasure of living in the irl shitpost left by communism.
Do you have any idea how shit Cuba is? I was at a work brigade there 2 years ago and the average family makes 70$ a month and lives in abject misery.
>Muh Imperialism
>Imperialism was/is bad
>a ultra-first worlder tells me this
Epin. That's what tankies believe
>muh 1%
Yeah let's kill the people keeping the economy going, that won't backfire like it did every time before.
You, troll, are a deluded Leftist.
The madman speaks
>All capitalism which has ever existed, is only various forms of corporatism, because capitalism is really about "competitive advantage". There has never existed anything close to free trade, where governments have ever existed.
So you admit the problem is big government. Glad we're on the same page.
Gnome Chompski
(((noam chomsky)))
I agree on everything
Eastern-Europe became so much better after the fall of communism aka GULAGISM. Life-expectancy up, life-quality up, drug use down, suicides down. Everything.
>Muh old people saying it was better
They are driven by nostalgia. The people that did not live in the hell hole knows better.
Also generally the wealthier (upper) middle class with education have more reflective opinions IMO. Poor people are just lazy and jealous.
Yeah, it is totally shit. And the MUH Haiti/Dominican Republic is worse meme needs to die.
>Muh Imperialism
I don't get you here. Imperialism is basically non-existent. It's a 50/50 relation. We take, we give. They take, they give. As I said, they can just quit their job if they are unhappy. Not hard.
>Yeah let's kill the people keeping the economy going, that won't backfire like it did every time before.
Could not have said it better myself. Manual labourers are dragging the economy down. We are lucky that we have rich people that can handle things.
Since both of you seem to be too thick to understand what I'm saying, let me clarify.
The problem is, the world has since the beginning of time, been a battle for power between various factions. As a general rule, power comes from the control of resources. In the past, it was mainly about the control of farmland, because power mainly came in the form of large Armies, which had to be fed. The more food, the bigger the Army, the greater the power.
In modern times, power mainly comes from the control of money, because with money you can buy everything else to build massive armies, or to otherwise project your power around the world.
Modern capitalism rose up mainly with the rise of international trade in Europe in the late middle-ages, especially as a byproduct of better farming technology, which freed up laborers from the fields. Part of the transition to modern industrial capitalism came from things like the "English enclosure acts", where the land was enclosed by the landowners, sold off, and the peasants were then kicked off the land.
These peasants had nowhere to go but the English cities, and either became beggars, or became laborers in small shops. This transition caused something called the "English poor laws". Whereby those with the ability to work, would be forced to work, instead of being vagrants and beggars.
This entire process was not about freedom, it was about increasing industrial production, which was then used to build armies, and to provide goods to be sold to international markets, so that governments could have greater power and influence.
Thus it is not government which is the problem, it is power itself which is the problem. As soon as power exists, everyone rushes to protect themselves from it, and the only way to protect yourself from power, is to become more powerful.
There is no "purpose" to Capitalism, it is what happens when you allow people to exercise their right to free enterprise. Your ascription of pragmatic purpose to nature is retarded. Slit your own throat.
Dr. William L. Pierce.
>Since both of you seem to be too thick to understand what I'm saying, let me clarify.
I never argued against anything you said. I don't care if it's about freedom. Free market enterprise is simply the greatest system by which people can prosper. The fact that it's more free than other systems is just icing on the cake for me.
>Thus it is not government which is the problem, it is power itself which is the problem.
I'd like to see a system that successfully eliminates "power." Big governments always without failure get bought out by corporations and turn their backs on the people. In a free market, culminating power is much more difficult since you have to compete.
If capitalism is natural, then why did it not really exist in the practical sense, until only a few hundred years ago? Why then does capitalism still not exist in much of the world?
Of the ~200,000 years in which modern humans have existed on this planet, how many of those years have humans had anything remotely resembling capitalism?
The idea that capitalism is human-nature is a myth, a foolish one. That isn't to say that Marxism/Leninism/Stalinism/Maoism is human-nature. None of them are.
Humans evolved as hunter-gatherers, period. Modern civilization is an unnatural abomination.
Now we are speaking.
Regulations is a really huge problem. The markets should be free, so that the economy can flow.
Money w/o Law = Capitalism
Law w/o Money = Marxism
Money & Law = National Socialism
>Eastern-Europe became so much better after the fall of communism aka GULAGISM. Life-expectancy up, life-quality up, drug use down, suicides down. Everything.
It would've been much better without this meme ideology for 45 years. Also old people are retarded, you had to wait 10 years for a car and 5 for a trash TV. You worked your ass in the aging insuficcient factories for 100 BG bucks, spending them mostly for food and clothes and saving what was left for trash household tech. But go on, I'm sure a norwayfag that makes in a month more than they made in a 5-year period knows what's up.
Cuba is actually shit, not even memeing. Let it go tankie. Cuba, NK, Cambodia and Venezuela are just not worth defending.
>We take, we give. They take, they give
Pretty much this. Europe isn't to blame that shitskins crave the white man's tech and want the european businesses to abuse them. You can't really bitch at Europe and the US for colonialism after 1960, since nigs wanted the first world sweatchops.
>Manual labourers are dragging the economy down.
Yeah, I'm sure the stamping press workers Cletus and Jamal, who can't read will 100% run a company. And when you consider that blue collar luddite unions bitch 24/7 about muh automatization, thay actually do drag the economy down in a way.
>Free market enterprise is simply the greatest system by which people can prosper.
First, you're wrong. Free-market enterprise is not the greatest system by which people can prosper. If at least, you are talking about prosperity in the form of greater goods and services.
Corporatism, which is really just a top-down economic system, whereby a handful of the most-ambitious, and most-capable among us(IE multinational corporations/bankers), organize the labor and resources of society for their greatest production and profit.
If the resources of the nation were left in the hands of the common people(IE the stupid, ignorant, unambitious, and those without capital to invest in large-scale projects), you would never have achieved the kinds of production, luxury, and economic growth we currently have.
Secondly, it is silly to argue that free-market capitalism is good or not, since it has never actually existed, and it will never exist. Thus, those who argue for free-market capitalism, are themselves utopianists, who refuse to see the world for what it actually is.
With that said, I am a fan of free-markets, in fact, I am most-appropriately a "Voluntaryist", if we want to put labels on ourselves. But I am not foolish enough to believe that it is ever possible.
The world isn't run on freedom, or democracy. If freedom was good, we could be free tomorrow, it isn't difficult to create freedom. But there is no power in freedom, if there was, we would have always been free.
The world is run on power, and power only wants more power. How then can you defeat it?