Really makes you think, huh?


Other urls found in this thread:

It really makes me think.


The thing is...

You shills get paid, and as a result there are tax records.

That means YOUR NAMES AND ADDRESSES automatically become a matter of public record.

Don't think we'll forget about your anti-American shilling activities when the time comes to separate the wheat from the chaff....

Seems like the Trump meme is officially

Kek has abandoned Trump

>Seems like the Trump meme is officially dying.

Thank god

Hey OP which won't make any more posts now that he's getting paid per response

Why don't we look up the information used to make up that poll? I'm sure it holds up to scrutiny, right?

r9k and lgbt pls....

The most hilarious thing about this threads is that you actually think ''you are winning'' (winning what exactly? Nobody is buying your shit)

Trump never had a chance, that's the reason why the GOP establishment didn't like him. They knew from the start he had literally 0 chance in the general.

Nobody is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a Republican funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.


Hey, you don't like the polls, but we do. Look at polls, Trump's run for president is disintegrating - it's a big fat mess, he has fallen of the wagon, he's doing dreadfully - he's losing bigly. The RCP aggregate poll has Trump in a serious downward trend; the support from social media, the public, and his followers - his so called 'silent majority' - have given up on him. According to a new poll, less than 30% of people agreed with Trump in his response to the Orlando massacre. You cannot be president with the support of less than 30% of the people. His campaign is in shambles. He is done. He is a mess. He will not be president of the United States.

I'll post it again, don't worry I'll post in every thread you make

>1 post by OP.
>No margin of error
>Inflated X-Y axis

Nice bait, auscunt

The only poll I trust is the Fox poll and according to that one Trump and Hillary are very close.

Kek has not abandoned Trump

Suck a dick aus-fag; maybe if anything that happened in your cuck'd country was as important as our election you wouldn't be posting against something that barely has any effect over you.

He has clearly

Denial and anger are the first two stages of loss and grief, my friend.


Longterm trends are almost useless when public opinion is so volatile.

Wow you're really making me think...

>a shillary owned site showing that shillary is leading is news
I heard chocolate cures cancer from the candy company, I am sure it's the real truth

>Polls may actually underestimate Trump's support, study finds
>DECEMBER 21, 2015
>The analysis, by Morning Consult, a polling and media company, looked at an odd occurrence that has cropped up repeatedly this year: Trump generally has done better in online polls than in surveys done by phone.
>Their results suggest that the higher figure probably provides the more accurate measure. Some significant number of Trump supporters, especially those with college educations, are "less likely to say that they support him when they’re talking to a live human” than when they are in the “anonymous environment” of an online survey, said the firm's polling director, Kyle Dropp.
>experiment confirmed that "voters are about six points more likely to support Trump when they’re taking the poll online then when they’re talking to a live interviewer,” said Dropp.
>The most likely explanation for that education gap, Dropp and his colleagues believe, is a well-known problem known as social-desirability bias -- the tendency of people to not want to confess unpopular views to a pollster.

Don't fall for their tricks.

Trump should have done all the debates

Damage control is almost useless when shills are beaten

Brexit will fail
Euro 2016 will pass without terror attacks
Hillary will win
Merkel will be re-elected

>Mattering before the tv debates between the two

And Marx will finally have won.

Less than 50% of people vote, so the support of 30% is a guaranteed victory.

People are being shamed away from Trump.
And there's money coming in a Shilldog presidency.

Kek, hath thou abandoned Donald J Trump?

I can confirm this

>1 post by this ID

Trump is a populist. Please enlighten me about his political achievements or even proficiency.

The guy is mostly just throwing around slogans and he even has people thinking he really will change anything at all. He's a good salesman, that's where it stops.

Hillary would also at least attempt to respect the US Constitution unlike him.

>Respect the US constition
Yes, especially the second amendment. When is the Correct The Record funding going to run out? And how is populism a bad thing? How is having a bodycount a valid experience for running for president? How is having knowledge about employing thousands of people not a valid criteria?

>Respecting the constitution

That's what happens when you let your BLM Muslims go HAM on voters.

He honestly needs to shut his mouth more often.
That's it. Especially how much the media manipulates what he says.


Weak b8 at that.

Who has better chance in the general? Jeb? Ted Cruz? Fat Christie? They are all losers and their donor wasted millions.

That's under the presumption that all of that 30% will vote for him.

>dems are blowing their load in june
>election is in november

its like they didnt even follow the primary at all

Bait thread

Real answer?

Trump became the nominee a few weeks back.

Hillary more recently.

People really overthink this and overestimate how much people care.


Makes me think alright.
Kikes gonna kike.

Besides, it's fucking June -- five months from the election.
Do you even calendar?

What country will you be moving to when Trump is inevitably elected President? I'm conducting a poll.

>DECEMBER 21, 2015

That's the point. We knew about this phenomena for quite some time.

KEK works for Hillary now.

>circumstances and variables never change

>drumpf supporter

I'd be more impressed if the Refugees start paying taxes.

Nobody is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a Republican funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.

>Trump's falling in the polls by 5%? Yeah that's rigged.

The only polls that matter are in the same month as the election.



>1 post by this ID

>Implying polls will suddenly rise about Crooked Hillary in 5 months
A Muslim democrat murdered 50 people at a gay bar and he still hasn't risen since the judge talks.

$0.10 has been deposited in your account.

Thank you for helping Correct The Record!

ecksdee drumpf candy gold


Nobody is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a Republican funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.

I'm a #ShillForHill the Clintoris nao!

AUS desperate for replies as per usual.

Here's your (you) so you don't hang yourself

Gary Johnson is fucking it up for everyone :/

>Trump drops by ~3 points due to outlier (((bloomberg))) poll in june
>meanwhile Hillary gains no momentum despite clinching dem nomination

shoo shoo shill

holy shit trump b t f o

dubs prove you wrong

Nobody is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a Republican funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.

Nobody is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a Republican funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.

No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.

Nobody is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a Republican funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.

No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.

Why is anyone bothering with polls when the first debate hasn't even happened yet?

>literally threatening people who disagree with you
>literally 5+ month ago
that's by posts in the thread you stupid cuck

i'm gay and i'm a #hillfiremissile

1 post by this ID

Trump fucked up his response. People REALLY don't like the idea of a Muslim Ban and the Mexican judge comments.

The conventions haven't even happened yet. And the indictment is still an open question. It's too soon to predict what will happen. Politics is unpredictable like sports.

That does it. I'm #MentallyHill now.

lmao this is some pinochet tier shit