Yellow guy hate thread

A citizenship card doesn't make you a Canadian yellow boy. Stop overinflating our property. Stop killing our bears to try to make your tiny little dicks bigger. Stop overcrowding our hospitals. Stop driving like a retard. Stop drinking all the time and driving home. Start going back to your own country. Alcohol and cigarettes are cheap there so start moving boy.

lol ur just mad cause they are smarter and more successful than you

muh dik bitch bip da doo bix nood

Asians are pretty based famalama
Your problem is you are cucks and take in shit Asians while we only take in top tier doctor, science Asians.

No they are all shit and they are going to turn this country into an unaffordable developing shithole. Canadians need to wake the fuck up right now. This country was built by Englishmen and whiny Frenchmen to some extent.

>cuckada is so shitty they cause asians to become nigger and beaner tier

Kek has spoken this is now a worship thread

They aren't white and thus don't belong in white countries. They can be as smart as they want as long as they stay where they belong

Then they should see no problem with going back to chinkland.

Why do chinks love canada so much?

Only natives are true Canadians.

pierre and justin fellating them i sjuppose

It's common for rich Chinese people to evade taxes send their kids to places like Vancouver to buy real estate, thus driving real estate prices through the roof. I live in Alberta and I even see it here

I'm from the west coast originally and I don't mind the gooks. Of all non-whites, they're the best.

The big complaint is that they raise the value of property? That's great for people that want to sell their house.

That's adorable. Genghis thinks he's white.

Eh at least Asians work hard as fuck.
In East Asian countries people die of overworking. The Japanese even have a word for it, karōshi

Pretty tough talk for a Co-Citizen of Ted Cruz.

please stop devaluing Asian men. Our women hate us more than anybody already. At least they hate niggers and won't fall to Tyrone's dick. Please take our women white boy, but don't make fun of us. Please.

>Mudeyed Yank

Stay home, nigger

Uh oh! Genghis is angry!

>there are no Mexicans illegally entering our state
>there are no African Americans doing African American things
>there are relatively few economic migrants from the middle east that fail to integrate into society
>foreign Chinese dump come and dump a shit ton of money into our economy, making property values increase substantially in metropolitan areas

Doing better than every other western country right now to be honest family.

not australia

They got pretty shit internet (even worse than ours) and stuff is really expensive there.

No they aren't they are first nations not Canadians. Canada wasn't founded by them it was founded by conquering them you moron.