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The thing is...

You shills get paid, and as a result there are tax records.

That means YOUR NAMES AND ADDRESSES automatically become a matter of public record.

Don't think we'll forget about your anti-American shilling activities when the time comes to separate the wheat from the chaff....

This is a false flag, you dumb cucks

Now the entire media drills the DNC talking points into the public endlessly for weeks

Prepare for the Day of USB Cord!

>Trump beat up his music teacher

well, thats it, guess i'm a #cruzmissle now

most of this shit is really tame and Hillary has already used the "most severe" ones as her major talking points against Trump

is this really all they have?

this was supposed to cover the entire general?

Had to punch my teacher out now he's chilled

Why would a hacker give this to Gawker of all places? Gawker wrote this up themselves in a last ditch attempt to save the company

>MURRICUNT lives matters
it matters for a dollar under the table for shillary

You. You're funny.

Soo spread this shit?

>This is a false flag, you dumb cucks
they could have sent their opposition research to the media anyways. if you've read any of the file you'd realize all this shit is public record anyways. looks like someone got paid a lot of money to google and copypaste from articles.

also, these arent talking points. it's clearly opposition research.

>Trumptards will spread this PDF
>Normies will read it and see a metric fuckton of cited data against Trump
Trump is finished.

they are sliding this thread so hard kek

They already do...what difference does it make? If anything it adds to narrative how incompetent Hillary is and how likely her emails with sensitive info were hacked

I just searched through the whole document. This is all just old stuff. No mention at all of anything from 2016 even

I think this was purposefully released by the DNC. Maybe the narrative they are wanting to push is to suggest that Trump has some connection to the 'russian hackers' who supposedly obtained the document in the first place. They'll point to the fact that Russia wants Trump or something.

This is what's happening, user

>I just searched through the whole document. This is all just old stuff. No mention at all of anything from 2016 even
>Submitted: 12/19/15
user, are you alright?

>is this really all they have?
of course it's all they have. we've already heard the worst during the republican primary. they already did their worst to get rid of trump and it didnt work.

hillary on the other hand hasn't had any of her dirt brought up yet because sanders was too polite.

He didn't give it to them Gawker made that up to appear relevant after getting power bombed by Hulkster




(you) have a very pretty ID.

Every shill will be gassed.

This is not a friendly reminder.

The Hillary Supporters are dumb as dog shit. They do mo research for themselves. They just regurgitate media talking points.

At worst, all this document contains is marching orders for low information voters, trolls and shills.

this is some weak shit

Not sure if this is a ploy or not. All these talking points are milquetoast as fuck. all the same bland bullshit that nobody gives a fuck about.

If this is legitimately all they got though, then trump wins in a landslide.

This. They started unironically calling him Hitler nearly a year ago. They have nothing.

Exactly. Why just this particular document? It's all propaganda for a debate against Trump.


This is their secret weapon? It's already the same shit they have been spewing this entire time.




Morgan Freeman gave 1M

Yes. They're so sad it's pathetic. I love that this was leaked thinking about it more. As Scott Adams says, nobody is persuaded by empty accusations and quotes. This just makes her, and, by association, any other similar attack on trump look planned and robotic.
Imagine, at the debates when Hillary confronts him with this stuff he can turn right around and go "She can't think for herself! All pre-planned worn out attacks, folks. Least I'm for real!"

Jesus Christ. Look how Jewish their donors are

I love the fact that the left is going full-steam with the OMG RACIST LITERALLY HITLER stuff. They've been beating that drum for a year now. We've finally reached a point in history where people finalyl stopped giving a shit about being called hitler.

It's like the boy who cried wolf.

lol. Turns out the copy I downloaded did not have that cover page on it which said the date.


The left is getting seriously anti-semitic by cheapening the impact of losing six million in the Holocaust


So just perusing through, this is a huge non-story. Nothing new here. Nothing surprising here. Its basically a hige summary of Trump, where he stands on issues and where he can be criticized. Nothing juicy...

Oh look the google translate fin.

This guy lives on Sup Forums


any reason why it shows telephone numbers, emails when you open it with txt, but with excel it just shows normal shit but no #'s or anything like that, unless im doing it wrong.

Why is there so much sliding?

>That tweet



Crikey, it's so jewish, they even have an Anne Frank who donate a million dollars.

the eternal shill has no life and shitpost all day to feel special with his yous

Now Trump has a plan to make an "RNP" attack plan on her and "accidentally" get hacked

>Morgan freeman


ja heitä tää kuukkelin käännöskonheeseen vitjakkeen pellehermanni antieeppinen paskemyyrä d:D

If it was the DNC doing this deliberately, than they've just shot themselves in the fucking ass.

This is like... imagine if a college football coach leaked their entire playbook for an upcoming game against a rival team on the logic of "this will expose all their tactical weaknesses to the public and embarrass them" while ignoring the fact that "oh shit, I just completely gave away all my plans for the big game!"

If this is the entirety of the Democratic establishment's playbook against Trump, than this means they'll have burned through everything they've got on him before we even get to the fucking conventions. No surprises, nothing catching Trump off guard.




>he's a shill
>on the internet
>on Sup Forums
>he does it for $0.02/post
>he shills eight hours per day
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of significance & influence he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he reposts the same stale images until passing out from exhaustion induced by excessive mouse movement
>he can't muster an argument, because the effort would interfere with the large backlog of My little Pony episodes he still has to watch
>the DNC will never acknowledge him
>he will never wean himself from Hillary's tit
>he will never have a real job
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends

Guys bump

Except that most of it is bullshit that you hear every day on the News. The media has been shilling this shit for months.


Trump now has all the details. This is a late birthday present for Trump. :^)

>is this really all they have?
Not really, you can be pretty sure they contracted more research groups, and that they have kept their research going, but they probably don't have many if any big things
>this was supposed to cover the entire general?
Pretty much yes

That would work if this doc had anything that the media hasn't already used against Trump
There's a reason they released it like this

>Normies will read it and see a metric fuckton of cited data against Trump
And forget about it in a month. There's a reason the term "October surprise" comes up every 4 years

>looks like someone got paid a lot of money to google and copypaste from articles.

This. I just finished all 200 pages of it. Swear to god it's a copypasta of Politifact, Cruz' campaign, and On the Issues. There is literally nothing new in it. There is nothing there we haven't been arguing for months about amongst ourselves. If this is legit, it's ogre.


Uhhh... the exact same talking points they've been drilling into the public for MONTHS?

Not only that but if you dump all your dirt you basically let trump know that no worse shit is coming. Like maybe there’s something from trump’s past that he’s really nervous they might find out about. With this dump he can see that they don’t have it and possibly relax more.
Part of the benefit of having opposition research is it should make your opponent worried. The opponent doesn’t know what you have. The opponent doesn’t know what you’re going to say about a particular issue.
If they did this on purpose they’re just stupid. They’re not that stupid though. They’re just woefully incompetent.

Trump probably knew all these lines of attack before he even stopped running. If I were running and was a billionaire, I would pay the best opposition research guy in the biz to dig up all my dirt and tell me how to hide it, or at least prepare for it. If I thought of this, someone way smarter than me like Trump definitely did. It would explain how he's seemed like he had knowledge of the future for this entire election.

CtR doesn't want their marching orders leaked.

just skimmed through the document
i can't take this seriously, this is not how such a document should read. it provides absolutely 0 rebutal that could be given.

false flag is false flag

OR... is OnTheIssues, Politifact, etc copypasted from this?

Which came first? The media manipulation or the DNC's playbook? The chicken or the egg?

Who on earth is going to read a 200 page document causing them to change their mind about trump? If this is a false flag its comically stupid

Remember when Rubio was grilling him over those Polish workers and Trump swelled up and just as he was about to angrily reply Rubio said, "Google it"? Holy fuck did Trump just sit back and get smug right then.

Its not a false flag as they have BEEN FOLLOWING THIS PLAYBOOK for the past couple of months.

What is scary is that they have most likely SHARED all of this shit with guys like CNN so they know what to shill. The mainstream media has been shilling the stuff that I am seeing for months now.

there's a lot of stuff repeated too. i sometimes saw the same paragraph 2-3 times. this doc probably could have been 50 pages but they blew it up to 200 pages to make it look like they did a lot of work. whoever put this together ripped off the clinton campaign. instead of making something substantial and to the point they made something with a target word count. kek. if i told someone to write me a report on something and they came back with this i would be fucking pissed.

On the Issues actually had most of this way back in July when I first started looking him up and he didn't have any policy proposals up on his website yet.

Because the DNC didn't release this and are scared shitless.

I mean... the only possible scenario where this is actually an intelligent move is if they have a second playbook full of super heinous shit and this is all to lull Trump into some kind of false sense of security... but honestly (and I say this as someone who was a Democratic supporter for many years) I don't think the DNC is that fucking clever.


yes i know they have been saying all this shit for months.
but this is simply not a strategic document, it's just not in depth enough.

maybe the russians were speaking truth and the hack didn't happen and the DNC is hoping the Trump campaign will fall for this very low quality bait

That's no shit. I'm sure it was collaborative. There were some sections put together better than others.

Yep pretty much.

This makes the Democrats look massively incompetent. Hillary already looks flaky with her emails, this hack is a other nail in her coffin.

Anyone saying this was a deliberate leak is retarded or a shill.

Americans already know this btw. it was in the Times, I think.

His teacher said that X music sucked, so he told the guy to listen to this and held something up. When the teacher leaned to grab it, Trump slammed his head into the desk, uppercutted him, and then tossed him to the ground.

That was part of the reason he was sent to a military school.

>His teacher said that X music sucked, so he told the guy to listen to this and held something up. When the teacher leaned to grab it, Trump slammed his head into the desk, uppercutted him, and then tossed him to the ground.

how would you not vote for this guy

my music teacher was good guy though

Lmfao, and he was a kid?

What a legend.

Massive DNC sliding occurring on multiple social media platforms. Sup Forums/Infinity being raided.


You forget who she has working on her campaign.

>Anyone saying this was a deliberate leak is retarded or a shill.
Agreed. We need Slack channel though for this? Anybody want to start one?

From these documents, you can see the march of globalism. You can see the interior workings of the machine.

You see how it goes from Jewish money to funding policies aimed at destabilizing countries with "democracy" movements, even how they strategize against the one man who can save us from them.

>June 2016
>STILL unironically linking Gawker

He was (I think) still in elementary school, but as the teacher whined "already nearing 6 feet tall, with little baby fat left and lean muscle"

teacher sounded like a total fag 2bh

>is this really all they have?

yup, they got nothing

nice resolution my friend
excellent font

So this document basically details the dons positions on everything from gun control to immigration and everything in between, but it doesnt have any combacks or plans from hillary clinton and how she will combat any of this.

Ive just skimmed it though, so i could have missed it.

People who wrap text in Excel should be executed.


This is just a research file. All of that would come out in strategy planning.

>Gawker bankrupt
>Jewish "distressed investing" firm bails them out
>They just happen to release damning documents about Trump

Remember goyim: nothing to see here!

I skimmed it too and there doesn't appear to be any strategy in it at all. whole document is a giant waste of time really, i have a hard time believing this is "all" the material they haev on trump

I wouldn't be surprised if trump has someone as head of her campaign. A double agent

>damning documents about Trump
but all these documents do is damn hillary and DNC

That tweet is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

>Donald on Putin


Donald Trump Said Russian President Vladimir Putin Is Getting An “A” For His Leadership. “During their interview Tuesday night, O’Reilly pressed Trump on his recently released tax plan and about Russian President Vladimir Putin supporting Syrian President Bashar al Assad. ‘I think in terms of leadership, he’s getting an A and our president is not doing so well

they did not look good together,’ Trump said before adding that there’s ‘very little downside’ to Putin fighting ISIS in Syria.” [Politico, 9/29/15; The O’Reilly Factor, Fox News, 9/19/15]

>Literally supporting the enemy
You guys are whacked. Your leader will turn America into a communist shithole

yeah her twitter staff hates her, it's pretty funny