90% of All Germans Would Vote for Clinton

pls send help

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What the fuck? Why?

>Germany is cucked by the media

What's new?

It's too late for help

only nukes

Germany has dug its own grave, sadly.

Come to America, Hans. We need more right-thinking fellows over here.

ihr haettet lieber einen mussi schwanz im arsch, ihr opfer

Its a mix of two things: No or very less interest in American politics and the feeling of European superiority.

Trump embodies the negative stereotypes that Europeans have about the US: Loud, impolite and very direct so its easy for them to hate him. Clinton on the other hand is a name everyone heard (and if you already know someone in race you don't care about you probably pick him)

Of course they would

Germans as we know them will be extinct in ~50 years, so who cares what they think

>constant anti Trump shilling during prime- time
>people know Bill so they think Hillary is good

I'm moving to Berlin in a month (not by will, but eh), and if I ever could, I'll vote for AfD.

Did they ask 10 niggers?

I want to add that the german right-wing is extremely anti-american (and pro-russia). I personally think its because of resentments of the lost war and that the US has a very shady history of forcing multi-multiculturalism on europe.

Well they did vote for Merkel

>hitlers voting for nazi is surprising

Their pro-Clinton stance is more like a anti-Trump stance, since most Germans get all their news about America from our MSM, which copy content 1-1 from American MSM.

the installed media control and propaganda works very well here since 1945, we are good goyim.
you too btw, that's why america will elect Shillary

They are completely clueless and cannot think for themselves. Ignore them, they are essentially the same medieval peasants that they have been for two milennia. The ones with a brain either left for the USA to seek their own fortune or they died in the war trying to create it in their homeland. Germany is mostly niggers and Arabs now, anyways.

RIP Germany, at least your genetic stock lives on in the Americas.

Well, are these Germans, or "New Germans"?

Either way, get cucked




The propaganda is very effective.

No one of them ever watched a Clinton speech or Trump speech, but they know "Trump is racist / sexist" and Clinton is a lot better

Leaked emails of Cliton were never really reported much

because Merkel wasn't enough.


>the US forced France to take millions of Arabs and niggers
>the US forced the UK to take millions of Pakis and niggers
>the US forced Germany to give citizenship to the Turkish guest workers

No. Those are your own delusions.

>90% of All Germans Would Vote for Clinton
She is just 'murrican Merkel

only because it has the name recognition. everyone knows the name clinton

Europeans have a hard time accepting responsibility for their actions.

chris cuckwell is live if any of you faggots want to call in and vent your issues with the races youtube.com/watch?v=VbaOzGIyAqc

I'll be sure to write "help" on the side of the nuke that's coming your way.

Fucking up the middle east gives the refugees an excuse to come here. If you'd left based Saddam, based Qaddafi and based Assad in place without interfering, they'd have kept their populations in check

So you're saying they're not refugees?

>the US forced France to take millions of Arabs and niggers
>the US forced the UK to take millions of Pakis and niggers

While there was a backwash of colonization the recent migration from the middle east certainly comes from the US destabilizing the middle east.

>the US forced Germany to give citizenship to the Turkish guest workers

You did force them to take them. Hell, without the US forcing germany the process could be delayed by decades.

germans don't vote for US presidents, your opinion doesn't matter. Considering what you've done to your own country, I'm not surprised.

Nah, rather nuke
Pls find all redpilled Germans you can and build a protective cover around Frederick II's tomb so that he can be allowed to come back and lead Germany to its destiny once again

That is 100 percent proof that the bad guys won ww2.

Western Europe lost the ability to actually make decisions a long time ago.

Germany is so fucking afraid of their past aggressions that they will enable the foreign ideas of islam to take over and enact totalitarian sharia law. Pathetic

Reminder that when Germany collapses under it's own cuckoldry, the Germans who come to the US with continue voting leftist. Do not allow Europeans into the United States.

100% of germans don't matter in this election

You were involved with that too, don't act like theres no blood on your hands.
We memed the middle East to death. Look at pictures of Iran and Afghanistan before 1970. You could almost live there

>The propaganda is very effective.
>No one of them ever watched a Clinton speech or Trump speech, but they know "Trump is racist / sexist" and Clinton is a lot better
This, and it's - in a way - funny as fuck. Just ask them to give you at least an example, or two: "So what did he actually say that makes him a racist?", "Why did he actually do that makes him a sexist?" ... *silence*

Same applies to AFD. Yet, if you ask people about them, they have absolutely no fucking clue what they're about, what they do, and what they say.

The best part is that they don't even care to not know shit. They're completly comfy reciting what they've read in the newspaper (headlines only).

It's some kind of hivemind, being part of something bigger, and of course; on the right side thingy. Lemmings. Sheeps. I wouldn't even mind, if they'd just not care about things. But of course those kind of people have a loud voice and great ego... probably because they're part of that hivemind.

Crazy shit if you ask me.

That is most western countries though
We're socially sedated. We don't go out, challenge things out try and learn things. We pretend to learn things on tv and pretend to have friends in Facebook