Did she and Obama create ISIS?
Did she and Obama create ISIS?
Bush, Obongo and Hillary.
so the answer is yes.
Where are those Syrian Rebels now? They're trying to hide the truth from the public because Obama will be seen as a joke for ages.
Western involvment in the Middle East created the opportunity for ISIS to be born. Libya was the egg, Syria was the hatching. Clinton did make a very strong push to get the US in Linua and Syria though, even when other dems didn't think it was a good idea.
>not saying Oblamea
Yeah, but it's not like it matters - the media will drag her across the finish line regardless, and the average American is too dumb to understand anything about geopolitics
If Trump says it in a speech or possibly in the debate they'll have to recognize it.
I can see it now.
>Trump: The Obama administration has been a failure, you are a failure Hillary. With your horrendous policies in Libya and Syria you helped create ISIS. You sent arms and money to the rebels and they responded by murdering our people.
>You can try to blame me for my words, that I dare say that Islamic Terrorism is to blame. But the fact is that the blood is on yours and President Obama's hands. And the country cannot trust you in the highest office.
There's nothing for her to say, she can't throw Obama under the bus and she can't deny the truth. All they can do is cry racism and it isn't going to fly.
yes, why did you think she deleted the emails?
>Can't deny the truth
You underestimate this woman's power.
that is why they refuse to acknowledge them directly but tiptoe around their existence
meh sort of but not really
ISIS is a spin off that defected under some different dude leader (I forget his name)
However, and take this however you want, Obama and $hillary supplied Syrian rebels with a bunch of weapons/training, who in turn went and joined ISIS because better pay.
Ultimately ISIS got the American weapons and while Obama sat on Michelle's BBC and $hillary was busy sleeping ISIS made gains throughout the Middle East
>implying there will be a debate
Hillary will play muh woman card and skip all the debates
There's no direct proof- yet- that one of the rebel groups that got funding was Al Qaeda in Iraq, which later became ISIS. And the administration KNEW that AQI and Islamic State in Iraq would probably form a caliphate. There's plenty of circumstantial evidence, just no smoking gun.
>mfw Hillary and Obama Make America Great Again
Considering she's a reptilian, anything is possible.
the answer OP is clearly yes
The US was behind the entire Arab Spring
You missed the threads from last night.
Muslims will self form these groups from now to eternity. IS, AQ, MB, BH, IJ, Hamas. They all want the same end game, a caliphate with a caliph waging offensive jihad on the rest of the world till its subdued, that's been made clear. The US in this case just created the conditions for this group to grow and acted too late when it had. They didn't give this group their ideology, rules or beliefs. They have been fighting for the same thing since the Ottoman empire was dissolved and the Muslim Brotherhood was formed.
>just no smoking gun.
but the US (I don't want to totally throw Obama under the bus, but his """non-aggression""" policy does in fact have something to do with the rise of ISIS) will continue to arm, train, and fund whoever can potentially achieve its goals in throughout the world, regardless of ideology, or potential future threat. See the Taliban.
feel free to catch up, mate.
for the record, Dick Cheney and Henry Kissinger created ISIS. Obama has been funding them for 7 years tho.
>wow trump you are a crazy person and I am a woman, next question please moderator
Saved you the trouble of watching the debates.
I hope so, but we all know that will never be what the media focuses on in any debate
>Watch this EPIC mic drop moment where Hillary DESTROYS Trump on the minimum wage
What I gather so far
Obama admin funded and armed 'moderate' groups opposing Assad
AQI (al-qaeda in iraq) and ISI (islamic state of iraq) were among groups fighting in Syria against Assad
ISIS was formed afer AQI and ISI established caliphate in Eastern Syria/Western Iraq
AQI and ISIS had access to US military hardware
US left stockpiles after leaving Iraq
Obama admin knew AQI and ISI were among the groups opposing Assad, and knew of the potential to form a caliphate
AQI and ISI were among the groups to recieve direct US support
If all of the US hardware ISIS uses came from leftover stockpiles in Iraq or if some were provided to AQI and ISI by Obama admin
is this about right?
She created Obama.
Then Obama created ISIS.
And on the third day, ISIS begat Trump.
Heil Victory!