Can my friendly neighbours to the south help me out?
I'm considering moving to America within the next year and a half but I have no idea what state to go to.
I was originally thinking Florida, but everyone tells me people are assholes there.
So what should I do Ameribros???
Can my friendly neighbours to the south help me out?
Every state hates every other state and you're likely to get 50 different answers. Depends on your values and what you like to do with your life.
Here have a crack at this.
Come to louisiana, the food here is waaay better than the slop they serve up north
But the people are way shittier.
fuck off Dixie nigger
Move to based Texas
wow northerners sure do get triggered easily, must be hard knowing you are the entire reason globalism is a thing.
Depends on what your skills are.
Lived in Florida. Was okay so long as you remember it's literally a swamp, and the heat and humidity is off the charts during summer. Also lots of old people.
Florida is a shithole thats where all insane "Flordia Man" live
Move to New Hampshire instead
go to one with green in it
Kentucky here, I can vouch for the quality of Louisiana food. Also they complain about the weather, but as someone who experiences winters I find it absolutely heavenly.
Fuck off leaf, we don't need any more freedom-hating white guilt cucks
Come to new hampshire if you're white and non liberal. It's nice here we have seasons and trees
Work visa or illegal? If illegal, go to california. You'll be able to get a drivers license, welfare, and will be able to vote.
Work visa, go to Hawaii
Don't come to Maryland.
It's fucked here.
Stay out of Austin it's full of Libs
Stay out of Houston it's full of Nigs
I'd suggest California, desu senpai. It's like Canada-lite when it comes to politics/social norms, and has outstanding geographic advantages (that are offset by the politics and the people in LA and SF, but they wouldn't be as annoying to someone coming from Canada I think).
Get adjusted to that, and then move from there to a more genuinely American state after a few years.
Fuck off, Florida is full- the last thing we need is more maple-niggers shitting up our roads with their mini-vans and god awful chuck mangione records
I'd like to move to a state with cool weather and lots of whites, preferably on the east coast. Any advice?
you best leave America then
move to new jersey and be with your own kind
Tell us about what you'd like OP.
Desert? Beach? Lakes? Forest? Snowy mountains?
We have every climate, lots of biomes, and political scenarios available.
Stay out of tyrannical libshit territories like Commiefornia. Jobs are in conservative states and boring places to live are cozy and easier to manage. Fun and population dense places to live are more competitive.
Come play hockey with me in North Carolina, way better than Floridia
I want to move to a state with lots of black men. I heard detroit is a nice place
Florida is still based. Fuck Miami.
I think Colorado would be the best place to live for a Canadian. You got your WEED DUDE. You got guns, and freedom. There's a great balance in Colorado of amusement parks, population size and density, variety. I don't know about taxes in Colorado however.
I'm not ethnically Italian and I'd rather not live among them anymore, hence my will to move.
Why the boo New Hampshiranon? OP could move somewhere like San Diego which is relatively conservative compared to the rest of Commifornia, and moderate compared to everywhere else.
Arkansas is pretty good. Nothing but guns, woods, lakes, hunting, and freedom.
Maine, New Hampshire, or Vermont
East Tennessee, easily. Coming from someone who lives in the northwest corner of the state. Low population of niggers, plenty of opportunity in jobs involving technology and skilled labor, the nature is absolutely gorgeous, you have beautiful winters and hot summers to take advantage of floating the rivers and hiking etc. The people are very polite, there are some hippies but they typically keep to themselves. You get all the benefits of Tennessee gun laws too, and the hunting is excellent just an hour or two west of the mountains.
someone shoop a child in that gator's mouth
Wrong reply.
I dunno. Just go to new york and either make it or get churned out like a beta cuck bro. man up.
a little bit of blumpkin-ville but I largely agree with this.
TN is an amazing state.
also consider:
>northern utah
>eastern oregon
isn't that where the hillbillies who blow in jars for porch bands live?
Wisconsin is your best bet as a Canadian. And a place with most whites and least violence is "Dane County" Houses are not bad, good prices, If I see ya I'll buy you a beer
Maine, the middle of fucking NO WHERE
New Hampshire, the middle of fucking NO WHERE
Vermont, the middle of fucking NO WHERE
Based choices bro.
Western. Maryland. Just check it out man google maps it perfect combination of rural landscape but easy access too metropolitian areas
H-how do you even start applying for citizenship in the US?
just do what the Mexicans do and jump the border, when killarly gets elected no one will care
Yea floridas awesome if you like dying in night clubs and being eaten by alligators
Also its great if you love bitchy old people
Stay in your own country and leave us alone.
Georgia. Still conservative, nicer people. Stay out of Atlanta.
>more Americans tell me to hop the border than actually giving advice on how to legally move
One day.
If Civil War or the next revolution breaks out I'm running my arse down there to help out.
Maryland spawned the based band Clutch. That's all I know about it.
Well.. Kinda, those people exist in the greater Appalachian area, but the vast majority of them are a good ways north in Kentucky.
If you are serious, contact an immigration attorney, in the US about how to start the process. If you marry an American you can get in faster. Actual citizenship will take some time, but I think you can gain legal permanent residence much faster.
You can't just move to the US legally. If it was that EASY I would have done it ages ago.
H1b visas are capped and you need years of experience. companies don't want to pay sponsorship fees ~1000 and ~4000 in lawyer fees to make sure the sponsorship goes though.
TN visas are non immigrant visas and you need high end degrees to even apply for those for the most part. Plan is to either get married to a US chick (O GOD NO) or work in a desolate area for x number of years till your lawyer exploits a loophole that allows you to apply for citizenship. Even if you marry a US chick today it will typically take you AT LEAST 6 months before you are allowed to cross the border into the US.
people are assholes is nationless areas.
Try Colorado
Beautiful land and mountains with a lot of advocates for guns without being a full blown retard. A lot of military bases so depending where you live you could be like me and have an all white neighborhood which military gun owners and police that keep the community peaceful. I live in the Suburbs of the Springs.
>florida resident here.
>it's too culturally diverse for everyone to be an asshole anymore than everyone already is an asshole.
can second this. the south has the best food by far.
there's swamps, sure. but also forests, beaches, urban areas, farms, botanical gardens. it depends on where you are in florida.
Only works on dark skinned people and Muslims.