Common sense gun regulations

Why are you against criminal/ mental background checks for guns?

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we will have to read how they define background checks.

why do people act like you can make decisions on things by reading the title of a bill?

Because eventually the government will claim that wanting a gun is a sign of mental illness, and the fact that you want a gun prohibits you from owning one. The only way you will be permitted to carry a weapon will be if you DON'T want to be carrying a gun, meaning a draftee into the military. Who the government will order to shoot the mentally ill and dangerous people who want guns.

Because criminal and mental background checks already exist in every state you retarded fucking leaf.

Nobody with schizophrenia should be able to legally purchase an assault weapon.

It makes sense to do, but there is currently no infrastructure to do it. You can't give people's medical and criminal records to shop owners, so you would have to have some government controlled mechanism to check for gun viability. Is a government controlled mechanism going to satisfy the backyard militias?

"This person said some bad things about Jews once. He is obviously insane, because there are no rational grounds for disliking Jews."

"Mental background check"

Who influences the standard of what is considered a mental health issue? Will Conservative Republicans be considered mentally dangerous? Will Patriotic Americans who criticize their government be considered a risk of national security? Will Christians be considered a "dangerous sect" of American society?

Shove your checks up your arse.

>Headline readers thinking critically about what constitutes the topic.

Never going to happen. Who is doing the "Mental health background check"? Are we going to see people with a more "conservative" leaning mentality being declared not fit for gun ownership? So much room for error and bias, but that's ok the headline readers will feel good from the headline and support it.

1: why the fuck is this guys opinion important

2: it's an opinion backed with no relevant facts

3: see pic

If you go to the doctor and clearly are showing signs of severe mental illness there should be no issue having at least some time of system that allows the doctors to flag the person from owning a gun until their mental faculties are back in check. I have no idea how this is supposed to be a unpopular argument.

Because the constitution doesn't say "shall not be infringed unless you can't pass a background check, then fuck you."

The check we already have for FFLs is if you've been adjudicated on mental health grounds. As I understand it Obama's order would expand that to person-to-person (so-called "gunshow loophole"). No idea how the fuck you'd enforce it if some crazy person drove out to Bubba's trailer by the river and bought his daddy's SKS he had in the garage since 1978 for $120 or traded it for his rusted out propane grill.

$5 says they deny guns to anyone who has ever been diagnosed with clinical depression "for their own safety" without realizing the irony in this.

>Occupy Democrats in the OP
You are dishonorably discarded. How much do they pay you to shit up our backyards?

>I am this and just like you and I support gun control!

Holy shit

Report schizos to jail.

these faggots are going to take your guns little by little, this is obviously the first step. and no respectable firearm enthusiast would be on a page like occupydemocrats.

In Soviet Union being ""Capitalist"" was a mental illness.

Not owner.

How about deporting those we can't trust with a gun?

Because I can read the US Constitution aka the Supreme Law of the Land and as a responsible gun owner and citizen I believe that the Law should be followed.

Nobody is trying to take your guns. I think most gun owners agree that there needs to be a system that stops hardcore criminals and mentally unstable people from purchasing automatic assault weapons. Nobody here is arguing against that and honestly I think a country like United States could easily implement a system like this if lobbying groups like the NRA got out of the way.

Sp how did Ahmed the Fagkiller get his gun? Was it stolen? Or belong to his friend/family member?

Remember liberal fag all gays and transgender people were considered mentaly I'll less than 20 years ago. Any one who doesn't follow societal norms is mentaly I'll. Any one who is stressed out because of work could be considered mentaly I'll. Playing video games more than a few hours a week is a mental illness. Being part of a certain religious group is a mental illness. Not believing what I believe is a mental illness. Where does it stop?

who cares, he could have got it because I gifted to him, still wouldn't change anything how he's a criminal and my gun is my right.

>I think most gun owners agree that there needs to be a system that stops hardcore criminals and mentally unstable people from purchasing automatic assault weapons.
There is. What we already have.

[spoiler]they buy them illegally retard[/spoiler]

Dude you have to be a fucking retard to purposely fuck up on the background tests

They will ask you

>are you an addict
>have you been to the hospital

etc. Only retards answer them truthfully.

I'm bipolar and still got my guns

I remember hearing about the DSM having the framework laid out for defining "mental illnesses" like having a strong desire to eat healthy, non-processed foodstuffs.

What about the gunshow loophole?

this could cause people with schizophrenia to try and hide their illness and not get treated.

Sup Forums is a habbeding board.

if only sane responsible people had weapons, there would be damned little to talk about.

he didn't have a criminal record

>how did a guy who has never been diagnosed with mental illness and worked as a security guard with a license to own a firearm get his gun

Probably the same way you buy cough medicine: walking into a store and buying it you fucking idiot.

just asking you isn't a real background check. They need to actually check themselves not just ask the person lmao of course they know people will lie.

>"I'm a fatfuck that buys shitty guns in the hope that they rise in value over time, and this is why I support Obama's bans and restrictions on guns since it limits the availability of guns but will grandfather in what I already have thus increasing it's value. I'm totally on your side, though!"


What is going to be considered mentally ill though? Are we going to go as far as to include people who have taken Adderall as a kid? Are we going to block people from buying firearms if they have gone and got help for mental health?

>citing "common sense" when wanting to make the topic very one-sided by making the opposition have to go against "common sense"

It's not a loophole. If you're a felon and you purchase a gun at a gun show you are purchsing your gun illegally.

And why would you do that when most private sellers at gun shows aks for photo identification and make detailed bills of sale for their files for this exact reason? Tyrone on the corner won't make you do this.

Jesus, there is no loophole. Gun show vendors are legally required to run background checks on transfers just like any other dealer. The only reason people bring up this argument is because there happens to be a lot of private transfers between people, which is legal in a lot of states.

>Why do you refuse to acknowledge criminal/ mental background checks for guns are already in place?

Already have it. Enforce the existing law.

There is no "gunshow loophole" you fucking idiot.

>Are we going to block people from buying firearms if they have gone and got help for mental health?
They would. And then I would be fucked because I saw a psychiatrist in my early 20s as part of treatment for a substance abuse problem.

You know when leftists say people should get help with their mental illness but then in the same breath say we should take away their rights? Funny huh

Because most crimes are victimless and mental health is totally arbitrary.

They're the same people who say that frycooks need to make $15/hr but blue collar workers who lose their jobs to Mexicans who will work for $11/hr were "asking for too much money."

Lets go through this logic. There was a call to have more shit on guns after sandy hook. It never happened. More after San Bernadino. Never happened. This with Orlando, still won't happen. Ever since fucking Columbine, we've been shrieking and hollering for gun bans and gun restrictions and in some places it has happened. But you know damn well, that if the repealed the 2nd ammendment, there would be an impeachment fest for king nigger and all his little lackeys. Mark my words, gun control is a thing now. But it doesn't matter how many times we end up with a mass shooting. We only care when its a lot of people. When a nigger kills a nigger, we don't care. When someone else kills a nigger, or muslim, or whoever, we call for a gun thing. Move the fuck on and Sage.

>nobody is trying to take our guns
Do you honestly believe that if our government was not held back by the second amendment that they would not try to take all our guns in an instant? Look at all the crazy laws that have been proposed to restrict guns and the only reason a lot of them didn't pass was because they were unconstitutional.

So let's extrapolate your retarded idea: The only possible way to do that is create a national mental health database. This is a total waste of time for the following reasons:

1) You're trying to keep sociopaths, people who are manipulative narcissistic habitual liars, from having guns. People who have become experts at hiding the traits that mark them as mentally ill.

2) Psychologists and Psychiatrists are no longer capable of practicing physician–patient confidentiality, meaning that the mentally ill will not seek treatment.

3) The moment you walk into another psychologist's office and get a second opinion that you're not mentally ill then the database becomes meaningless.

Whatever method you think would work to enforce this magical federal background check, it'll just cause mental illness to dig itself in deeper, fester longer, and explode harder.

"Shall not be infringed"
It pisses me off that America has such a fantastic document as its constitution and short sighted idiots are slowly tearing it up.
An amazing libertarian principle that ensures the most fundamental freedom. By implication they are genocide deniers, since the worst non-state mass shooter pales into insignificance next to crimes committed by states.
Any infringement is liable to be abused by the most murderous form of human organization- the state, and yet naive fuckers seem to think the American state is somehow uniquely immune to tyranny and corruption. It is, but only because of the constitution.
Don't fuck it up.


but of course, determining who is and isnt muslim is totally 100% accurate and simple, right bud?

Nice red herring.

Finding out if someone is Muslim or not is about as easy as figuring out if someone is vegan

>and yet naive fuckers seem to think the American state is somehow uniquely immune to tyranny and corruption

The great irony.

>shall not be infringed

so why do felons lose theirs

What the hell is a "mental health check"? Like, point to an occupation or lifestyle or tool/vehicle someone needs to have a mental health check in operating and tell me what it looks like for them.

Just because i don't feel like shooting up a school today, or next week, or next year, doesn't mean I won't do it in future.

Personally I'm in the camp that thinks that if you do the time you should have all your rights restored

Not too long ago, homosexuality was considered a mental illness. Due to political pressure, not scientific evidence, it was redefined as NOT a mental illness, but a government, government PREFERRED lifestyle choice. The definitions of sane and not sane will change due to political pressure. No profession is free from the corrupting influence of government's coercive power. They will simply label anyone who wants a gun as a dangerous and violent person, with alternating paranoid delusions of persecution (Government gonna get me) and grandeur (We will defeat the military). They will classify conservative views as a mental illness. Never, ever trust politicians. Ever.

>Random guy's opinion

Why is Occupy Democrats like this?


Shame upon my state.

Because I have no desire to be a slave like you, faggot leaf.

I'm pro "common-sense" gun regulation.

Banning specific guns because they are scary-black-guns is retarded.

Like how the CZ-858 is up to be banned in Canada even though technically it falls into the "non-restricted" as far as it's physical specifications go. But it looks like an AK-47 and is thus spoopy.

The AR-15 as a restricted firearm in Canada makes sense because it physically matches the definition of a restricted firearm due to it's short length (and thus concealability).

I think "delayed access" makes sense on the topic of becoming a firearm owner. Somebody who doesn't already own firearms, and wants to go on a shooting rampage has to fake their way through the licensing process first; and as a result it doesn't happen overly often.

And having taken the Firearm Safety Course it's actually a very good and informative course. I would even go as far as to argue that it should just become a standard part of public education.

Just because if you have taken the FSC, whether or not you like guns, if you come across a gun that some criminal ditched while running from police, it provides you with the knowledge you need to render that firearm safe.

And I think if that was hammered into children from a relatively young age, you would have less accidents involving children and firearms.

It's not so much the gun control aspect of the Firearm safety program that I think works, as it is the cultural implications of it. '

Canadian gun nuts tend to be a lot more responsible and aware of what they are doing at any given time.

Aren't gun sellers already forced to do some extensive background checks on their customers? For example, I heard that felons and people who have been forced to stay in mental wards are permanently excluded from owning a gun.
From what I've heard, Obama is basically trying to prevent terrorist suspects from buying guns, but those lists are secret and your name could be added just because of your skin color, religious afflination or political views.
Even in Germany, as long as you haven't been formally sentenced, you can still own a gun as long as your mentally healthy (or over the age of 25) and have passed a test.


I'm not, we already have that. There is no background check that predicts the future. The problem really is that the people calling for this do not understand our system.

I am a total for reals homosex and I support the execution of all gays

Not for gun control, but didn't they clear the Pulse shooter as mentally stable?

He didn't have a criminal record. He passed the fucking test. And the reason WHY is that everyone was afraid to report him for anything because that'd be WACIST.

in Canada you just need 2 references and 6 months of patience. And 60 dollars every 5 years.

Also if you are recently divorced or fired (last 2 years) they will want to interview your spouse/employer (for obvious reasons).

Restricted weapons (Short rifles and hand guns) are a little more restrictive. License is more expensive, and you have to call the local Chief Firearms Officers office every time you want to leave your house with it.

But yeah. Ruger Mini-14 ranch, non restricted. Sexier than AR-15 and just as capable.

Why less shooting in Canada? 25% of households in Canada have at least 1 firearm, vs. 33% in US. Yet we have like 1/10th the shootings.

It's not the guns themselves that are the problem m8.

Every gun I own went through paperwork, background check, plus the unstated, unlegislated check of not freaking out the gun store clerk. I have seen them turn people away. The gun grabbers gratuitously make cartoons in which the gun store clerks are idiots who sell to clearly deranged people. In real life, they are watching you, they won't sell to you if you fill out one box wrong or if you do anything thay suggests criminal intent. It's just like a bartender not selling to a visibly drunk person.

Yeah it's funny, some US states actually have more gun control than Canada. Lol.

Also, .50BMG rifle in Canada. YES WE CAN BITCHES.

in Canada also a weapon other than a firearm is defined by it's intent of use.

So you can also carry big ass knives in Canada if you want. As long as you aren't creating a public disturbance by doing so.

What it looks like they will try to do is just declare people insane, like in the later Soviet Union. I have met a psychiatrist who thought that wanting to own a gun was itself proof of mental illness -- guess what, he was a recent arrival from India. Look up Brandon Raub. They tried, at the time of "the freak 2012-2013 one shooting a week streak," to just arrest people without cause, forcibly commit them to a psych ward, then use that to go back to the guy's house and take the guns. In Raub's case he was rescued by a libertarian/Constitutionalist think tank, the Rutherford Institute, and the judge was so mad he threw the whole thing out. Raub had done nothing and owned no guns. They just thought he would be an easy target and grabbed him.
In the aftermath of that, veterans seeking mental health services dropped off, because obviously this totally poisoned trust.
They have an agenda, they try to move forward with it, they overreach, they are beaten back, they try again.

I can already tell you the faggot in the pic doesn't own a gun. Everyone on my Kikebook who owns a gun has said that gun control is a bad thing

Who defines who is mentally sufficient to own and operate a firearm?

Oh man, could it be that Canada has even stricter gun laws than Germany? While we have to join a sports club, wait a year and pass the tests, we don't need anyone to vouch for us. Even a loner could easily get a gun as long as he's over 25 and we can buy most weapons that Americans can also buy (with the exception of pumpguns, 50cal bmg and automatic ones).

>The only possible way to do that is create a national mental health database
Or contract it out to companies that do background checks.

Because they don't work. Criminals just get someone without a criminal record who they know will pass a background check to buy the gun for them.

>support criminal/psycho background check
>turns out you're deemed a psycho/criminal for some reason by the 'infallible' computer system

yea nah, fuck off cunt

How about for Politicians first? Most are traitors, but never the real problems.

Our psychatrists are legally forced to keep quiet about their patients unless the patient does actively threathen to kill people, in which case he's allowed to alarm the police.

>Why are you against criminal/ mental background checks for guns?
Because there is litteraly zero evidence that they do anything other than infringe upon the rights of good law abiding people.

I think most US states have prohibited .50BMG.

I mean I honestly don't see the Canadian system as being particularly overbearing.

The Firearm safety course takes about 8 hours to do. Provides you with hands on experience (using dummy ammo of course). The hard part is that there's only 1 processing office for the licenses. Which is why it takes 6 months.

I know at least 2 people who will vouch for me. And the last time I got divorced was like 6 years ago, and we on good terms, so she would even vouch for me if I wanted.

Pretty much any gun you can get in the US you can get in Canada (since the US also banned automatics) And then some. Becuase like I said; .50bmg legal Canada wide. Not US wide though.

When's the last time you ever heard of somebody murdering somebody with a .50 though? lol. You can't fucking shoulder fire that kind of power.

What is a 4473?

No, anything .50 bore is allowed in nearly all of the US.

when they start banning black pipe at hardware stores and 12ga shells at Walmart, it will be all over.

As far as I know California is tje only state that bans them
Maybe NJ and NY
Outside of that to my knowledge they are legal everywhere else

I think countries and states that ban .50bmg do so not because of the high murder rates but rather the potential threat to themselves, since the bullet can easily pierce several level 4 plates and security cars.

>you tell your family doctor you have recurring nightmares and you toss and turn in your sleep
>3 years later you wanna buy a gun
>computer says too bad brah, says here you're a psycho!


This is more or less true- they make sure someone's not a felon, not convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence, and also not legally ruled insane by a court or has been involuntarily committed to a psychiatric ward. But we don't ban people from having guns if they have OCD or something. However, medical marijuana patients are prohibited from owning guns no matter why they have the prescription because the government considers them 'addicted to a controlled substance' despite it not being addictive.

So generally, our laws say that people only have their rights taken away based on due process, but there are some things that should be changed.

literally how. It's un-enforceable. Millions of people buy and sell drugs everyday even though it's illegal. The black market has been around since the first time a nation banned something.

You don't know how many guns there are, where they're at, or who has them, so how in the hell do you plan on screening every single gun sale?

Im all for criminal/mental health/watch list/no fly list restrictions.

Gays btfo
Trannys btfo
Nigs noggedtfo
Half asian gentleman btfo

>But yeah. Ruger Mini-14 ranch, non restricted. Sexier than AR-15 and just as capable
Mini14 is a mechanically inferior design in these terms.

Only in the context of a range toy would this statement be applicable but regarding any kind of feild use the AR 15 is significantly superior in design

Yeah in Canada it's like, anything "under 22mm" or something like that, is regulated as "small arms'.

>When's the last time you ever heard of somebody murdering somebody with a .50 though? lol. You can't fucking shoulder fire that kind of power.

This guy can shoulder that kind of power. I don't think it should be banned though.

Yeah well, what kind of fag drops their rifle in the sand.

And in that case the AK system is superior to all. Since you can pretty much dunk it in a septic tank and still go all jihad with it after.

He went through a criminal back ground check when he purchased his gun from an FFL. But because he had a clean criminal record and no recorded history of mental illness, he flew under the radar.

There isn't a single law that would have stopped him short of disregarding due process and stripping his rights without any evidence of wrongdoing.

>watch list/no fly list restrictions.
Seriously fuck these
Regarding felonies and being adjudicated mentally ill you go through due process.

With these they are entirely detached from due process and any amount of accountability and recourse.

US Congressmen have been put on such list

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