What does Sup Forums think about Stormfront?
What does Sup Forums think about Stormfront?
Not enough memes
My home board
nice meme
Pol's dad.
goddamn I hate niggers, kikes, spics, gooks and indians: The Board
Literal skinheads or KKK members. Probably controlled opposition since everyone there is fucking retarded
it's full of degenerates.
It's where I get my news.
honey pot
I prefer The Weather Channel or Google.
Sup Forums is a much more relevant force for white nationalism now.
Retards good only to make people kek
Bunch of meat headed idiots.
I don't.
Low IQ humorless cunts
Just boring to read
They do more harm than good in the great memetic war. But we refuse to capitulate to political correctness by ostricizing them from our ranks.
But with that said, its a good thing that Sup Forums is purley just satire. Wew Lads
And dont forget it when your questioned.
Lifelong klansmen here, I used to like it but I did six months time a few years ago and some skins mentioned this place so I've hung out here more. Less bullshit.
I don't think racism is the way to go. This is a culture war. We need to make this country a melting pot again. Assimilate or GTFO.
>Literal skinheads or KKK members. Probably controlled opposition since everyone there is fucking retarded
>Implying that doesn't describe Sup Forums
I will say though, Sup Forums comes across as slightly more intelligent than Stormcuck or any other white rage board.
Sup Forums mixes serious, intelligent discission with trolling/blowing off steam better than any othet board, I'll give them that. There's still a considerable amount of autism here.
no degenerates there
unlike on pol
Sup Forums is a joke
I remember going on there once and this guy was trying to get someone to write a computer program to remove all "nigger music" from his computer.
A younger guy, probably in his 20s, was complaining about everyone being racist. There were a bunch of people like him trying to get the older folks in line to keep up appearances.
Tbh they're all delusional faggots but I think they're the ones who spread white nationalism to Sup Forums (and keeping the torch burning), so I have a little but of respect for them. Even if they're mostly crazy old folks and Annoying af.
Lol kill yourself reddit.
too serious
Neo-nazis are the exact opposite of nazi values that im suspicious that its even legit and not some kind of advance propaganda.
Stormfags are absolutely hilarious in their seriousness
>muh white heritage
>muh traditional European values
>muh protection of white wimmins
>how do you do, my fellow goym?
cringy fags who don't know how to have fun
go fuck yourself cuck
>muh white heritage
>muh traditional European values
>muh protection of white wimmins
these are bad things now?
fuck off jamal
>gif related
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
White genocide is real. If you don't believe it you are anti white.
Racist is code word for anti-white.
anti racist*
I actually completely agree with him.
Not all people, maybe even most people who Sup Forums find as their opposition are of different race. It's a battle of ideologies and culture? Race may play a part in all of this, but it's just that, a small part of the bigger picture.
The saddest website on the Internet, and home to the most unsecured neckbeard man-titled virgins on earth.
It's better than most places on the internet.
They have the right idea for the wrong reason.
For example they don't hate sjws because they are idiots, they hate sjws because they don't like people who aren't racist.
Stormfag detected
Part of Sup Forums heritage, whether people like it or not.
I must have underestimated Sup Forums's autism levels
all of that is objectively true to be honest.
nah im not their member
i prefer being an anonimous
I agree with most of the ideas, but the neo-nazi culture is just too autistic for me.
>muh sjw's
>caring about a bunch of laughable useful idiot insecure teenage losers more than the existence of your people
Most Stormfags aren't even White. A lot of them are Spic or Indian shitskins.
>caring about a bunch of laughable useful idiot insecure teenage losers more than the existence of your people
I think you misunderstand him.
The latter doesn't exclude having common ground with people from all over the world.
Wrong leaf.
I never implied that any of that was bad, it's the execution that is hilariously inept. 1488ers are a joke.
Stormcucks literally want to defend white women no matter what, even when they act like irresponsible, irredeemable whores.
It's absolutely kek-worthy watching MGTOWs square off with white nationalists in the comment section of any Youtube video involving a confrontation between a white woman and a black man.
Hmm... reading it again. Maybe you are right.
I did misunderstand him.
It's bad for implying white women want to be protected from BBC.
fair point.
i guess i dislike the "i don't see race" type of cuckservatives. it seems pretty obvious to be that without some kind of positive white identity western culture will not survive anyway.
I hate that they use that symbol.
Stormfront hasn't been relevant since like 2005. Invoking stormfront is the online equivalent of talking about the KKK as if it was a real and relevant organization in modern times. Might as well talk about myspace too.
They're what came before us. And their message never spread because they took themselves too seriously, didn't use meme magic, and spent all their time sperging over who counts as white.
It's all about Sup Forums, fuIIchan, TRS, and daily stormer these days.
I thought we are already on Stormfront.
There was an exodus to Sup Forums.
is that notorious Aryan national list Sam "empty my 9 on the welfare line" Hyde?
>and spent all their time sperging over who counts as white.
kek, truee
>and spent all their time sperging over who counts as white.
i thought this was banned on stormfront
The only people left on stormfront are the agents.
Hence no memes.
I'm still not exactly sure what Fingol's stance on race is.
Whatever. Your point:
Yes, it certainly is about ethnicity. Lack of self-interest and confidence are what's driving the western world into the ground right now. More precisely, it's a lack of "self" - you call it white identity, I think.
Just look at Japan. They had to bow before their conquerors after WW2 and got supremely cucked, yet they have never given up on themselves. They would never let their own identity perish just because of their history. They did it quite well in fact; they have pretty much culturally conquered a large part of millenial culture in the west with their weeb stuff.
>Stormfront a shit
They lack nuance. They'd be useful if they weren't so obviously idiotic.
>implying this isn't a communist board
stormfront was created in 1996.
They practically started the internet.
If you want stormfront to be better, then join stormfront and post your dank memes.
You talking about Stormfront or Sup Forums?
Stormfront is the alt-right with shittier music and 10 fewer IQ points.
their intentions are good but there are really awkward people that post there
thanks for the (You)
It isn't. It never was.
>They practically started the internet.
Nigga wut?
Wonderful people, very friendly and smart.
White trash
Sup Forums is and has always been a communist board, user. I don't know what you mean!
It is incredibly fun to shitpost on Sup Forums roleplaying as a stormfag, claiming to kill faggots for fun and shit like that...
In reality it is a bunch of redneck retards that deserve being thrown in jail.
It is fun to shitpost and piss fags off telling your wild stories about how you kill them all the time using molotovs and shit like that, but that where it ends, When you start acting like this irl you stop being just a troll having fun and becomes a fucking criminal.
That is about it.
They are based in my book, we have to much hate between Sup Forums and stormfront. In the end our goals are the same.
Remember, next time we fight together.
Low IQ idiots and mongs who believe in magic + a few good posters. Not really worth the time as a whole, though.
Dumb, take themselves too seriously, generally ineffective. But
>no enemies to the right
Skinheads get enough flak from the left as it is. Remember, the globalists want nationalists to disavow one another for being nigger-tier (in the case of skinheads) or for not being ideologically-pure (in our case)
It's divide and conquer, plain and simple. Don't fall for it.
ITT people who have to go back to their fbi containment board
ITT we are in the new containment board.
Like this place is any different? The canary is dead, this board has lost what little security it once had. Serious shit goes to wheelies, this board is only useful as a public front now.
>unironcally being a nazi
I have never found so much cringe on one site. The youth section is like fedora central and its full of neets talking about how to avoid the 'wetbacks' and the 'niggers' at school, all while sucking Hitler off for writing the 'masterpiece' that is mein Kampf. A personal favourite was seeing the faggots talking about how they get through history class. Even if I was a genuine Nazi I would be embarrassed to post to that shithole (and that comes from someone who frequents this site). The stormfags are the real subhumans and hitler would gas them without a second thought.
They are like Sup Forums but not funny and take them selves too seriously
I keep hoping pol will regain its former glory
all those bantz lost in time, like tears in the rain
its a communist throwing board
from an helicopter you go
i think if there's something Sup Forums has consistently been against since it's inception it's that.
Daily reminder that 95% of the anti-storm fags are shills and/or redditors.