Milo "afraid to debate ben" kikenapolis and gavin "midlife crisis" mcinnes
well, you cant really debate a gavin. he'll destroy you like the cunt you are.
first post is supposed to be the best post, not some gobbledygook
What are you talkin about, friend?
Gavin called out jews on his show with milo earlier today.
Gavin zyklon mcginnes
>make a successful company
>get fucked
>try to stay relevent
>get fucked
Is there a level canadians stop at or do they just keep sinking? Whats in the water?
Gavin doesn't know what the fuck he debates about, he's only good at pissing people off because he's retarded and stuberon, and now instead of actively combating Islam he's kissing Milo.
Gavin is the most retarded, degenerate mid-life crisis, washed up Williamsburg Hipster ever to walk this planet.
Catholicism is literal Babylonian Luciferian cultism, and the Catholic echelon invented Islam as a geopolitical weapon to sic on the world as an agent of chaos for problem, reaction, solution.
Modern Protestant sects are completely infiltrated wastes of space too, don't get me wrong. The Jesuits actively have taken over 99.8% of all of Christendom.
I love it.
wasn't he supposed to talk today at orlando or something?
he did, and that's where they kissed
Source. I need it now. Gavin the chin less scott gas always defended the joos.
is there any videos of this?
Fuck those two pathetic people
and he did it then, too - didn't call out shit
just the usual "jews are overrepresented because they are superior to goyim" mixed with milo's "gays are superior to straights and gay jews are superpowered"
All of them are controlled opposition.
This might be it, I haven't watched it all yet.
This is the Alt Right? Two trollops smooching to 'protest the strictures' of Islam?
And now our man Trump is supporting an uber gun ban list for citizens. What the fuck happened in the past week?
I'm in this to restore Western Civilization, not spread AIDS and disarm fellow right wingers.
>right wing guys are fun to be around and not crushing bores
oh wow, better stop them, god forbid we should get the youth on our side and actually make a difference
no, sorry, i meant of the rest of the speech
ty tho for responding. don't see too much of that round here
ty based pony land
No he was talking about necessary evils to talk about gays and then milo said and jews and gavin was like ehhhhh no, and then milo mentioned he was jewishand gavin was like ehhhhh i dont like the jews
you must be a recent arrival from the berenstein universe, because that's now what happened here in berenstain
they're both kike shills. the'ye know Sup Forums is going talk about this and the know it will help their standing in the mainstream jeudea. slide all milo threads
Shut it you dirty mick
Look at my flag, im american i matter much more than you
what a cuck.
Jesus you fucking newfag idiots. It's subversion.
Theyre pushing the entire spectrum left. And idiots on Sup Forums are helping them
>being red pilled means tinfoil hat theory
kill yourself retard
gavin calls out jews around 20:00 youtube.com
Benjamin would need a stepladder to kiss Milo.
I don't give a fuck about your YouTube celebrities. Fuck off back to TMZ you brain dead idiot
Yo dawg, I'm not that new. More to the point, obviously it's subversion. I was rhetorically asking why pol fags are so easily going along with it.
On the by, Trump is taking heat on his Twitter from us original supporters. No gun buy list is like the jewel in the crown of this beast system: it works around the 2nd Amendment using DHS.
>guys if an entrepreneur form a non MSM site, who built an entire career around conservative politics and has been saying the same thigns for years including when he was a young punk rocker in the 80s agrees with you its subversion
>also be careful tonight aliens are coming after you
you are an embarrassment to us all, just kill yourself retard
He is rich from real estate tho. This journalism thing/web show is just for fun
>yo dawg
>im not that new
>2 posts by this ID
Keep doing the left's work for them, useful idiot
>Catholicism is literal Babylonian Luciferian cultism, and the Catholic echelon invented Islam as a geopolitical weapon to sic on the world as an agent of chaos for problem, reaction, solution.
>literally Chick Tracts-tier
you seem like you're 35 years old crying about red pills and useful idiots it's embarrassing. All media is run by jews, therefore even our right wing mags have to be slightly pro jewish but in this interview gavin straight up says he hates jews, including anthony cumia his jewish master and your retarded nigger brain doesn't understand what happened so you flail like a dumb child crying subversion as you adjust your tin foil hat. Learn another word loser.
What's wrong with Milo?
Other than being gay.
I don't keep up with him really.
I thought he was right about the left selling out gays for Islam though.
Dude, happy now that I switched SSIDs?
You want to address the essence of my posts, or do you want to have a contest over who is the polest of pols?