>Muslims want to kill this
Muslims want to kill this
>this thread again
Can I fuck the boipucci first?
They want to kill everyone who isn't Muslim.
Me too, desu senpai.
this is a trap thread now :3c
They want to kill ALL non-Muslims. This they know, 'cause the Koran told them so.
But especially gays. Which is ridiculous because they sodimize little boys as a cultural practice.
What is wrong with killing them?
i´d fuck him and im not a muslim look at that beautiful face and just imagine how tight that 12-14 year old male butthole is , jus thinking about it gts me rockhard.
oooh llooloordy
transgender "operation" mutilation male into female is disgusting though and must be improved.
but just think about his boyhole.
and that face
the noises you make while you penetrate his tight butthole.
You understand this pic is fake right? They are not the same person at all.
Why do they have the same moles then?
You mean
>crisis actors want to kill this
Keep telling yourself that. If it helps you sleep at night.
look at the mole that is left of its nose.
Look the the shape of the ears. It's the same person.
And this comes from Germany, I'm not even suprised.
Please stop.
Decided to opt for the German proxy today, huh Australia?
Also, kill yourself.
They want the little boy to stay dressed as a little boy, how are they supposed to get off when they rape him if he looks like a girl?
Damn, mohammed.
>>Muslims want to kill this
I want to kill that
I want to smash it. Is that close enough?
I'd dress it up in Shimakaze cosplay and fuck its boipucci before decapitating it insh'Allah!
Fucking kill the fucker. No seriously, this is why enablers and cultural marxist who poison children should be shot and the children given drugs, therapy and counseling but if all else fails, drown the fuckers!
why are white males so effeminate?
they're not
Doesn't Iran already have all sorts of legal stuff already in place for trannies. So at least Iran has no problem with trannies.
Would you fuck this cutie?
>implying hes not canadian
they are literally the land of pedophiles
wives are for procreation
twinks/girlyboys are for pleasure
Most Arabs are gay as fuck.
Reminder that there is literally no point to women anymore other than reproduction.
How the fuck can they even compete with this?
I promise it'll only hurt for a moment if that, and then you're no more. Or, you could stop being degenerate.
remember to sage report and move on
I lose a little bit of humanity every time I see this picture.
this boy probably ended up picking up a doll for 5 seconds out of a toy bin, and his libcuck marxist parents were probably so keen on wanting to virtue signal, that they ended up pushing him toward believing he's really a girl trapped in a boy's body. All topped off with the coup de grace of having his prepubescent dick chopped off and being prescribed fucking prostate cancer meds.
All because his parents wanted to virtue-signal how PROGRESSIVE AND TOLERANT they are. If his parents weren't such pieces of shit, there is a 99% probability that this kid would've quickly grown out of a phase and went on to being a normal person.
>approving gay sex
Off to the stoning ground, ahmed.