Ask Chaim anything
I will tell you the things the left and also Sup Forums aspies don't want you to know
Pic related, I am Edomite az fuk
Ask Chaim anything
I will tell you the things the left and also Sup Forums aspies don't want you to know
Pic related, I am Edomite az fuk
troll questions will get troll responses. anyway, you are all jealous I'm going to take my orthodox jewish gf's virginity and she treats me like I'm Jesus
why do jews oppose nationalism for european gentiles?
hows it feel to be part of one of the most successful ethnic groups?
Which DUMB in the ozarks is enlil located at?
I have wondered this. Why do they want to make us a double digit IQ, diseased, browned fleshpit?
Why OP?
Read Henry Makow
Feels bad because I'm an aspy and my people hate me for being frum and also aspy
see first answer
>Read Henry Makow
this guy believes in the illuminati..
its not a belief
>orthodox jew gf
Aint nobody jealous of that