I haven't been here in a few months. Something has changed.
How did the shills take over Sup Forums?
I haven't been here in a few months. Something has changed.
How did the shills take over Sup Forums?
kom deg i seng nå din jævla horeunge.
Its only picked up in the last few days. Sup Forums is trying to fight back
nei men for helvete mamma
Shillary pays them, that's how. And they are soulless, no-talent hacks with no other way to make money, so they shit up Sup Forums with their perpetual lackluster shilling.
Pic related.
>Trump drops slightly in the polls
>Sup Forums BTFO, etc,
It's just a phase
What do you mean? this site has been inundated with trump generals for almost a year
Trump said the stuff about the guns so most Sup Forums posters are just shocked and suffering from PTSD right now.
Also people don't want to get red pilled anymore because they see Trump even MORE like a Hitler with the whole go after their families thing.
People have lost hope.
It's summer pham.
I personally have gone into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE and have started shitposting against the faggot Drumpfkins who have shit up this board for so long now.
fuck off shill
It started after Orlando. They're scared and it shows. Stay strong brother spread the truth don't belive their lies. Bless Trump. Praise kek!
Posters are morons and will fall for the shitty bait threads that usually start with
>what did he mean by this?
>really makes you think
or any of the usual bait topics. These threads are easily identifiable because the OP posts once and the thread will have 250+ replies
Lies lies lies
The Hill paid 'em to shill.
Make me Trumplet, in launching a Reconquista on this fucking board
They didn't. A large number of Sup Forums users simply realised what a charlatan and a hack Trump is.
Trump is just a phase.
Hillary's paid shills are in maximum damage control mode.
good attempt shill
good shill examples
desu i wasnt really looking for your opinion on this, australia
It's simple. Anything anti-Trump is shill.
better late than never
This is bait, the worst of its kind too... SHILL
that's a shillin'
>Sup Forums has to migrate
cuck mentality, fuck off shill
No we're not fucking leaving. We fight
That's fine, I wasn't expecting any respect any way.
Shots fucking fired.
>implying the Cabal haven't been here since 2006
Sup Forums has to migrate.
They already did. Reddit is literally The_Donald right now.
They haven't and will never take over Sup Forums
These nigger faggots will be ousted as they always have been.
Fuck them and fuck you, Chris, sitting at your laptop with your beady cuck eyes typing away. I hope you get aids.
If you kill them, they win.
>How did the shills overtake Sup Forums
kek. The """shills""" have overtaken everything because Hillary genuinely has more supporters than Trump does. He's got a 70% unfavorability rating and Hillary is beating him by double-digits. The Mexican judge comments and his disasterous handling of the Orlando shooting have tanked him. He was supposed to become presidential and pivot to the middle, but instead he keeps ranting like a crazed lunatic.
Enjoy the next 8 years of having the FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT in charge.
>Sup Forumsacks
>going to reddit
Oh boy that's a shillin'
whatever she pays you, shes overpaying
lmao so paranoid i do this for free, believe it or not many people here have sincerely given up on Trump
There are about 10-20 shills (aka Australians and Canadians using proxies) who post the same threads every minute and some dumb Sup Forumsacks eat it up instead of saging or not replying at all.
Trump fags pretend they're silent majority. Silent majority actually was watching the loud minority this whole time. Silent majority sick of a year of this shit.
you should apply for a job, at least shitpost for some money ausfag
Nice try shill
Tell me: After Trump loses by 10-points and Hillary is officially President, will you still call everybody a shill for pointing out that Trump lost?
gotta tag'em
i think most Sup Forumsacks have learned to never trust the aussies
I have a job kek, unlike Trump come November
The shills took over shortly before Moot left us.
It's been a gradual decline ever since.
don't trust the down under jew
I'm going to kek massively after Trump loses the election and nobody ever wants to work with him again because of all the shit he's said.
Gonna be a fun time mate.
staying at home with your wife's children isn't considered a job m8
Son there's more than 20 people posting all the shitposts- I'd estimate it's a few hundred. Not sure why anyone's surprised that a board filled with trolls attracts trolls that try to troll it.
Trump is dropping like a rock because instead of acting "presidential" like everyone hoped, he's the same old Trump but there's much greater scrutiny now. So Sup Forums is watching their candidate kill himself before their eyes and have gone full Berniebro:
>Hillary's indictment will come soon!
>It's the media's fault he's behind!
>The polls/votes/etc are rigged!
>Remember to push down threads we don't agree with!
>They're paying shills to troll our forum!
>He's really winning!
It's pretty fucking sad.
Fake camp tattoo.
Idk, I think that the success and popularity at r/The_Donald is partially responsible for an increased amount of shills. Meme magic is more powerful than ever this election and huge amounts of normies are being redpilled or are having their safe spaces on the internet intruded by unpopular opinions that can no longer be silenced. Sup Forums is an uncontrolled chaos of anonymous posters so they really hold no power here.
Hillary's entire support base are people who are driven in busses to the voting booths and maybe some hypercuck whites, but many people either don't care about anyone but Bernie or don't go out voting at all. I agree with you on one thing though, Trump seriously has to tone down on his manner of speech.
Every time I see an Australian flag I instantly check the first 5 words and decide whether to skip or read on, which is what most Sup Forumsacks are presumably doing. But thanks to proxies, I see a lot more American flag shills, so the shitposting detector doesn't react fast enough.
I don't think it's more than a few dozen dedicated shitposters who don't really care about politics. But Sup Forums is way too easily triggered, which is not good. I don't think the people here are stupid (since most of them have a college degree or are students) but too blinded by hate and rage to react appropiately to this kind of shitposting.
>They don't do it for free
sup Shill, here's your 0.03
Shillary paid shills.
We had Bernbros raiding us with shit threads for months on end as well.
That's why Sup Forums needs more moderation so these threads can be identified and instantly deleted.
I have a completely unrelated question. What are some good ways to learn German for free?
I'll give them 3 months. Then they will run with their tail behind their legs, and we will become stronger than ever.
I guess speaking with a German over Skype might work. Alternatives are learning some words and then watching German dubbed movies/animes, that's how I learned to read, write and speak English to a certain degree. But even if you try, you won't ever learn all the articles we use in language. I know immigrants who have been here for decades and still make a lot of mistakes when forming complex sentence structures with lots of articles in them.
You could start by reading Mein Kampf.
Now they're here to "Correct the Record" Right shill?
they're being paid. just wait until after Nov 2nd.
It's fucking hilarious how many pro-Trump people here are from another country. Trump's biggest supporters are shitposters who can't vote anyway and just add to the echo chamber of delusional Trumpfags shouting "MAGA!" I'm starting to think Berniebros had a better grip on reality.
One little blood clot....
> 1 post by this id
No one is being paid to shill for hillary. etc. etc.
by posting the same shit over and over and over. i think someone is paying them to do it.
BS its been going on for months
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
wash your cunt
Sup Forums isnt your personal hug box
nice try esè, now go back to mexico
Why is it ALWAYS one of the following countries
>Australia (Melbourne)
That are just MASSIVE cuckposters?
internet magic ensures their IP addresses are most commonly used by shill proxies
How important is it to learn the gender of words? Are Germans nitpicky about that kind of thing?
Hillary clinton is a "rank amateur"
not true, since December the number of liberals here has raised exponentially, and no one is getting paid you fucks that cant get that people have diferent opinions
Because the cracks in Trump's persona and aura of invincibility are finally starting to show and since 90% of pol are scared cucks they're abandoning ship like the rats they are.
On election night as Trump loses in the worst election blowout since Reagan v Mondale you'll have shitters here going I WAS JUST FOOLIN THE ENTIRE TIME
Depends on where you work. If you have to be formal, just use the ending "/innen" for every word that adresses people. For example, "Sehr geehrte Student/innen" (Dear students).
But you can just use the normal translations casually "Student"-student.
They come in waves.
Hillary makes big waves.
Help us and bring reinforcements.
I prefer Trump over Hilldawg but some of the retards on this board are starting to sound like berniefags and that is no good
The second largest internet exchange is located in amsterdam.
Lots of bandwidth for all them vpns.
Because reddit came here with the Trump hype, responds to each and every bait, shitpost and troll and destorys the board from within.
They just do hit-and-run style thread posting. Post some shill garbage, then let the people stupid enough to reply to them duke it out in an empty thread. It seems like they've "taken over", but it's just a concerted shilling campaign. This is the new normal, the internet is officially a battlefront.
They're paid by soros for the summer.
Last night I could barley make it down the whole first page, it's bad right now
For sure it's gotten bad. But I do think summer and the chaotic nature of the world right now.
It's honestly hard to tell the difference between a shill and a retard.
has 73 people on staff
has 900 people on staff
All the Trumpfags and ''''''''trump general'''''' cringe thread
They're disrupting us by shitposting things that aren't funny or disruptive for us to co-opt into memes (such as the cuck meme which originated by the interracial spam threads here) but just take up space. Basically they're putting graphite rods inside our meme reactor to lower the energy level.
I'm pretty certain Trump will win but when he takes office I believe he'll become the next Jimmy Carter and destroy the prospects of the party ever being powerful for decades (complete with a reversal of the Iran hostage situation where he'll go too aggressive on the enemy. Then, Bernie or a politician similar to him will sweep in, win 2020 and return to New Deal style politics. I know this because the presidents of the New Deal-Reagan era have disturbing similarities to those of the Reagan-modern era.
2.Truman=H W Bush
4.Kenedy/Johnson=W Bush
Well the shills ARE retarded, but that's beside the point. There's a lot to talk about, the election being the main thing. SJWs and liberals seem to be trying to emulate what we've been so successful at, which is influencing the real world using the internet. They're stooping to our level and they really fucking suck at it. We do well because he was humour and wit on our side. All they have is vitriol and despair, evident by their shitty memes. (Seriously, who finds "Drumpf" funny at all?)
I guess all we can do is be aware of it and not take the bait. That's all it is really, really basic shilling tactics and like you said, disruption. It's really all they know.
Go somewhere with people they don't agree with, and just yell unfunny bullshit to drown out discussion. Kinda surprised we don't just see a sea of HELL NO, WE WONT GO posts.
To be fair, "Carl the Cuck" was our penchant to JO "Drumpf".
I'm not sure what you mean by "penchant" in this sense, but I never found Carl the Cuck to be very good. Just a personal attack on some faggot.
Just me mistaking English words again. What I meant by this was that CtC is an insult on the same level as Drumpf, a very forced and unimaginative meme.
Trump would be either Kennedy or Eisenhower
Dubya is Johnson
Reagan and Clinton are FDR
Obama is Jimmy Carter
HW Bush is Ford