>Be liberal
>Want to ban an inanimate object that literal harms no-one when left untouched.
>Actively participates in the mass murder of thousands of lives a year
>"But but muh Wade v. Roe! Muh rights!"
This is liberals for you.
>Be liberal
>Want to ban an inanimate object that literal harms no-one when left untouched.
>Actively participates in the mass murder of thousands of lives a year
>"But but muh Wade v. Roe! Muh rights!"
This is liberals for you.
Other urls found in this thread:
Abortions keeps hundreds of thousands of nogs off the street
I'm staunchly anti-abortion my leafy, mapley friend.
How anybody can justify it is beyond me, it's one of the few issues where I am mentally incapable of putting myself in the oppositions shoes and seeing it from their point of view.
>Black Lives Matter!
>Adamantly support a eugenics organization created to control the black population
the doublethink is real my friend.
But a fetus isn't a life, it's just a clump of cells.
An adult human is life rather than a clump of cells because magic.
Dindus abortion should be mandatory. Even for adult ones.
I think sterilization is a better option in most cases, but there are enough shitty parents raising future criminals as is. Nobody should be forced to be a parent because if they have to be forced, they are going to do a shitty job and produce another Trayvon or Mike Brown.
In this thread: a bunch of neckbeard's that live in there mom's basement that
A. have never felt a pussy and
B. have never lived alone and have no idea how much a motherfucking kid costs
Inb4 bu...bu...but dah baby
Did he died?
not enough tho
>Interview With a Woman Who Recently Had an Abortion at 32 Weeks
Why do you idiots simplify everything? are you incapable of having left AND right views? jesus christ.
Not everyone who thinks aborption should be legal and guns need controlling is a liberal.
Use birth control, how fucking difficult is that?
>Nobody should be forced to be a parent
nobody is forced to fuck, unless we talk rape
>Not everyone who thinks aborption should be legal and guns need controlling is a liberal.
Yeah, but they invariably are retards.
There should a be a fitness test at 18 that tests mental and physical fitness where failure means sterilaztion
Yeah but with abortion we can trick stupid leftist idiots into supporting black eugenics
Sup Forums would cease to exist
Yes, but someday IT WILL be a full person, I can consieve the passage of time unlike most, and killing somebody as a Cetus is the same as killing a baby, the end result is the same, they can't grow up, and they can't have a future, you forcibly denied that from them.
I would beat the shit out of anybody who cordially mentions they've had an abortion, to me, that's the same as saying they've murdered a child.
I'm proud to be apart of the only country in Europe to 100% disallow abortion. Problem is the fucking government keeps fucking making referendums to change it, as if to say "it's only a matter of time"
"UH-oh they voted no to this one, better make another referendum next year, we'll do it until it's legalised."
I'm not willing to support a cull of white europeans until the inferior races are annihiliated, thanks.
Abortion is murder.
Abortion is needed to keep the ghetto population down
>No one should be forced to be a parent.
No one is forced to be a parent. It's the responsibility claimed for fucking your wife w/out unprotected sex. Don't like it? Then you should have been safer.
Abortion is fine if the child is going to be born retarded, if the child is a product of rape, incest, or if there is a significant risk to the mother
If you have a plan to stop teens and poor people from fucking, I'm all ears.
Seriously. There's at least 6 million fewer nogs today because of Wade v.Roe. If you're degnerate enough to get an abortion, you really should just kill yourself but an abortion is a good second choice.
Nature does that for us
It's called stds
I'm ethically opposed to abortion, but abortion is also basically nigger population control.
You're the idiot. What you want is a bunch of shitty people (mainly niggers) reproducing and creating even more shitty people who will commit crimes and leech off taxpayer's money. Fact: over half of all women who get abortions are black.
Praise Zika
You sound overly religious about. Why bring something into the world if 1. You can't care for it and 2. You don't want it. Both become burdens for the state in this outcome
You are forcing your own feelings on other people, and thats fascist as fuck
That stops precisely nobody.
that lil nigga dead
>Yes, but someday IT WILL be a full person
no it won't because I decided it won't. it was never going to be anything but what it was which is an assembly of unmatured bone and tissue.
No, I want people to take responsibility for their own fucking actions.
He did more to help society than the average dindu ever will.
>not wanting breeding licenses to be compulsory
>half your country is east asian
>known to breed uncontrollably
>still doesn't want licensure
Stop duty free shopping in my country maplenigger.
We should sterilize everyone currently living in ghettos.
That's a miscarriage not an abortion OP.
You're refusing to look at the bigger picture. Forcing shitty people to raise children hurts society at large. It creates more criminals, reduces labor force participation and puts an unnecesssry strain on the taxpayers. Like another user said, abortion is very much preferable to 6 million more niggers.
Planned NigletChoppers is the most productive eugenics organization in the country.
Would you prefer all those feral dindus grow up to be carjackers?
A fetus is pretty much as sentient as a gun senpai.
What is the inanimate object?
I guess you're right. It's just so crineworthy that people can't take responsibility for their own actions.
>Bieber re tweeted truedue kissing some dude
What kind of world is this
A rooty tooty point and shooty.
Abortion gets rid of far more shitskins than whites. Not matter what you christcucks say, it's a net positive and I don't give a fuck.
That being said, if these dipshits go for my guns I will lose my shit. Good thing they've all been lost in a boating accident.
Shit wrong thread sorry
>an inanimate object
The leaf is strong with this one
Sadly this is the world we live in. Personal responsibility is the antithesis of the left.
The correct beliefs are to be pro choice and pro gun. If you don't want to have an abortion, don't get one. If you don't want to own a gun, don't buy one. You don't need the government telling you what's okay.
Abortion is MOSTLY practiced by white.
Yes, indeed. Mine have also been misplaced during a tugboat mishap.
Well, to get the first thing out of the way, using the word facist as an insult an Sup Forums is fucking ridiculous is like using gay as an insult on /lgbt/.
Secondly, yes I am religious, but not overly so, I don't let it cloud my judgement, and I value politics over religion.
Thirdly, making abortion into a normal thing is the ultimate slippery slope for me. Once you determine than human life is so unimportant that killing is a better option than taking care of it, and the media and general zeitgeist promotes abortion as an OK thing, and a legitimate solution, that ending a life because, fuck it it's only a foetus, where do you go from there, now that the taboo behind ending human life is broken and is now considered a normal errand on our journey through life? What's next, what's the next frontier? Killing your unwanted children? After all they ARE yours, you made them and they are a burden...
Widespread abortion will create a world of sociopaths, mark my words.
Reminder that abortions kills hundreds of thousands of white children every year. Do not fall for the degenerate meme about it being about black population control.
Reminder that abortion is murder.
there is no such thing as small government.
Business interest will always replace that role. We need a strong government to squash out degeneracy and rebuild civilization
Dude, if the US didn't had legalized abortions it would be Brazil by now.
Also the powers that be don't want abortion because of this, look here at latin america were socialists run wild for decades doing whatever they want but not legalizing abortion.
Abortion cuts of misery and dumb people and they don't want this.
No contraceptive is 100% effective. Even a condom and birth control can result in a pregnancy. Condoms tear and break all the time, and not all girls can take birth control because it makes them fat, gives them acne, makes them moody, fucks up their cycle, etc. Aborting an undeveloped fetus should be a non-issue. My cum isn't considered a baby. Also, if you ban abortion you create a black market for it. Or a lot of unwanted kids will just go up for adoption, live in a foster home all their life and most likely become a criminal.
I thought that pic was an average Ethiopian.
> clump of cells isn't a life
Bullshit, if the same exact thing were found on another planet it would be a groundbreaking discovery for science
Go fuck yourself
Fact: you're fact is dead wrong
go to hell
>No contraceptive is 100% effective. Even a condom and birth control can result in a pregnancy.
>American education
You do realise they only say 99% effective because 100% isn't as believable right?
True, but the government doesn't need to run around banning everything that involves someone personal choices. Drugs, gambling, prostitution, etc should all be legal.
Get fucked baby killer.
Being pro-choice is being anti-white.
If men gave birth, abortion would be illegal.
The problem is that they still wouldn't take responsibility.
They will just bring up more people without any family education and those will repeat the process.
And there isn't any school system that will educate them.
Cum inside a girl on birth control and take the risk then my guy. That's why my friend has a kid now, and my ex had an abortion
You have to look at it in proportion to the population you moron. Blacks are like 13% of the population but get 42% of the abortions. White people are like 60% of the population but get less than 50% of the abortions. Duh.
>considering a clump of cells that dies if removed from the body its own person
nigga do you think cancer removal is murder too? this shit's illegal past the point where the baby could live on its own you know.
>Not based on per 100,000 of population
Into le trash
You know that a condom is much less effective than 99% in typical use? In fact, it's closer to pulling out. Check Perl index or whatever it's called on any website.
Doesn't matter if you're black trash or white trash, if you can't raise a kid, then don't
I'm sure you don't have a kid.
Having a kid definitely makes you appreciate life more.
I'd rather a seedy underbelly of black market abortion than have it endorsed by the state.
If murder is illegal, people will do it anyway and try to cover it up, we might as well sell hit men for hire and tax the fuck out of them, if people are doing it anyway. Once something becomes normal and endorsed by the media and government, that's when we have truly sold our souls.
I couldn't live with myself if abortion was legal in this country, that would be the point where I'd become that weird guy in a cabin in the woods, with a beard, a mangey dog and a sword who screams about how the end is nigh and shit and scares hikers and children and becomes an urban legend, and has documentarians like vice come to investigate only to be chased through the woods by a crazed man with a full beard in a suit of makeshift armour, swinging a claymore at their back, throwing snakes and badgers at them, screaming about how the government's GONNA EATCHA BABBIZ
They both lied about taking it then.
>he believes the birth control failed
You gullible fool.
>nigga do you think cancer removal is murder too?
A baby won't eventually kill you retarded slut.
>this shit's illegal past the point where the baby could live on its own you know.
So premature babys can be killed?
Goddamn why liberals are always so retarded. They can't use simple logic.
No I don't have to look at the proportion of the population, dumbass, because it is irrelevant to my point, which is that abortion kills roughly 500,000 white children a year. You and your fellow baby killing psychos think that is okay as long as less black children are murdered. Talk about cutting your nose to spite your face.
You are dense
I hate seeing this word "murder".
When you say a young girl is murdered, you are not just talking about her loss of life but the pain her family members go through, the feeling of loss everyone who knew her experiences, and the loss of all investment society has given towards her future through education and health care.
When a fetus is murdered, you're talking about the loss of life, and the loss of that life's opportunity, but if the mom is unfit to raise that child it's essentially just the loss of life.
Using the same word "murder" in both these scenarios implies they do the same general amount of harm to society but objectively they do not.
Why would a girl lie about taking birth control, willingly get pregnant and go through an abortion? Seems a lot easier to just take the pill
No you fucking moron, it has everything to do with proportion to the population. Are you surprised that almost 100% of the bad things that happen in China happen to Chinese people? No, because that would make you a moron.
Jesus Christ, my ex-girlfriend was born a month and a half premature, as an adult woman she was completely normal, albeit very small and frail like bird. A month and a half is 6 weeks, a full term pregnancy is 36 weeks. That means she was born at thirty weeks. That aborted baby was two weeks older than her when she was born, a fully functional human being.
What is this sick world?
>how easy a particular birth control method is to use
>how much a particular birth control method costs
>whether a person has a health condition or is taking medication that will interfere with how well a particular birth control method works
So you're agreeing that they were too stupid to use it correctly, because that's where that "8/100" bullshit stat comes from.
>literal harms no-one
you're stupid
Let me tell you that women can be very irrational creatures at times.
She probably thought that by temporarily being pregnant then aborting could be used as some sort of leverage against you. I don't know, the female mind is incredibly nonsensical.
Women are retarded. Don't ever expect them to act logically.
>literal harms no-one
Except the baby being killed.
> What is this sick world?
pic related
Heh, just realized something
The only reason the US isn't the lightest shade of green is because of niggers and hispanics. For the UK, France, and Sweden, it's mudslimes.
>Fetuses are people
they can't walk, they can't talk, they can't form memories, at the point of most abortions just taking them out of the mother kills them because they can't even breathe yet.
>tell my family doctor that I just had an argument with a bad liberal (I'm liberal myself).
>based doc tells me that she was wrong and that FETUSES can be considered as alive
Also the best way for me to argue that foetuses are lives is that it is constantly growing and developing organs vital to life, something that grows into life cannot be equated to being an inanimate object BECAUSE A FUCKINGN SHOE DOESN'T GROW A HEART AND LUNGS REEEEE.
Once the egg is joined with the sperm, it is considered life to me.
Overly religious about it?
Where in the fuck did you get that from his post?
Not really. Killing the drug addict and illegally killing the archbishop are both murder.
Great job completely dodging the point.
Yes they would be born unwanted. Really great idea. Also most of them are not aborted late term.
If you hold the position that if one
>they can't walk, they can't talk, they can't form memories
they have no rights, they most children under 2 years can be killed.
if you hold the position that if they can't breath by their own they have no rights, then a lot of premature baby can be killed.
Understand this simple fact you retarded liberals: being inside the womb gives no less rights to a baby than being outside the womb. If you approve abortion you must also approve most cases of infanticide, otherwise you're just a goy who believes in feminist crap.
don't bother
liberals cherry pick science when it benefits them and will fabricate bullshit when it doesn't
I haven't been with a lot of women so this what I generally think, but my alpha friend who has a new fuck each weekend told me adamantly, "she takes that pill right in front of me or I force feed it down her mouth" and really, that tells you a lot about his past experience with women.