is she right Sup Forums ?
Is she right Sup Forums ?
How many involve blacks?
seems right to me, men do everything and women sit back and complain
I assume that's literally any gun crime?
I often wonder if Twitter is good for exposing the idiots of the world or toxic for spreading the stupidity.
Of course she's not right.
She's a woman.
>totally ignoring that 80% of that is "gangland violence"
Must be a nigger problem using her logic.
Oh wait, thats racist!
toxic probably
>blaming all men is MUCH better than assigning blame to an ideology which explicitly encourages his actions
>it's a roastie complains about masculinity episode
Some of us read the news outside of the US
> 998 shootings
Where is the list?
Does it includes gang violence?
What is the % of legal weapons being used?
She should spend a week in Afghanistan to really get an idea of what Islam is all about.
During this time period, there were 2865 Islamic attacks in 53 countries, in which 27626 people were killed and 26149 injured.
>Jamal shoots Tyrone
>mass shooting
second post second best post.
>men commit the most crime
no fucking shit
Are there people out there that really assume it's a 50/50 split?
>Are there people out there that really assume it's a 50/50 split?
What's even worse is that people think niggers don't do any crime!
and you've just explained the patriarchy exists.
100% of them involved humans.
Oh man just look at those names.
How many involve blacks?
Shit, according to ShootingTracker, I was actually involved in a "mass shooting" even though there were zero deaths.
>what is per capita
>Daterryn McBride
Well, she's right if you buy her narrative.
Her narrative is that this is a "mass shooting", which in the American context means that a mentally disturbed guy got access to guns WAY to easily and shot up a place. If you categorize this as a mass shooting, then yeah, she's right.
The right wants to call this a terrorist attack, which is overwhelmingly a Muslim problem in the post-911 world. If you buy that narrative, then you can't call it a mass shooting and thereby nullifying her point.
I happen to buy her narrative, not because of the "males are assholes" POV, but because it's increasingly clear that he had no direct contact with ISIS and actually probably was a self-loathing homosexual that was very disturbed and used the ISIS card as an excuse to commit mass murder.
Just my take.
I see a lot of Shooter Unknown can we assume those are blacks. Kind of fits with all the black birth certificates that list daddy as Unknown
Posted link to jewbook
almost all of the shootings dont have more than 1 death from them
only a few rampage killings and terrorist attacks since sandyhook
muslims are to small a portion of the population to commit 2 within a 1 year time frame. they are 0.9% of the american population according to a pew study
their % of the population dictates they are over committing terrorist attacks/ rampage killings
>because it's increasingly clear that he had no direct contact with ISIS
Then why was the FBI watching him?
She's not wrong. It's just that without male aggression she wouldn't have a powerful nation supporting her life so unfortunately you gotta take the good with the bad.
You should assume that unknowns have the same race ratio as the known ones. So yes.
Anyone can write that on their facebook/twitter/ICQ and just shoot a place up. Doesn't mean there was direct contact with ISIS or any other group. I will happily change my stance if and when there is proof that he was being directed by an al Qaeda/ISIS affiliate, beyond the "It's Ramadan, go kill people in the West" message that ISIS sent out.
The first time FBI investigated him was because he was saying scary shit about becoming a martyr and dying in a shootout with the cops to his coworkers. They called the cops on him and the FBI had a sit-down chat with him.
The second time was due to the fact that the first American that joined ISIS and became a suicide bomber talked to Mateen before he left to fight and eventually die. It was a good idea to just talk to Mateen and see what he knew and if he was radicalized, which they didn't conclude at the time.
Still kinda sucks that the FBI didn't racially profile his ass right into Guantanamo bay.
>you can't generalize and stereotype a billion people! But you can generalize and steretype 3.5 billion people!
She didn't cite a source and the claim sounds dubious.
>I will happily change my stance if and when there is proof that he was being directed by an al Qaeda/ISIS affiliate
It's doubtful that he was being directed by anyone, but he claimed that he was fighting for ISIS and that's good enough for me.
AS far as I'm concerned, he was ISIS.
Mildred secretly loves violent males. If not she would be calling for all governments to disarm instead of only civilians to disarm.
She does like male violence, when it come with a government seal of approval, that is.
Yes. Males are violent people.
why doesn't she look at the subsequent columns of the tanle she's looking at from the FBI crime statistics where it breaks it down by race?? ???
whites are low even though they count hispanic murderers as white. talk about lmao
[citation needed]
Remember, in white liberal world, only white males are the problem.
Everyone else is just a victim of white males. That means that any evil behavior by anyone other than a white male is really the fault of white males.
Save some hate for the money printers. They enable dumb bitches like her everywhere they can.
Yes. Ban assault apes now!
>AS far as I'm concerned, he was ISIS.
Then I guess it's an unwinnable war from the American perspective.
Think about it, if anyone can call themselves ISIS and shoot up a place, then that means anyone, including you and I, can call ourselves ISIS and bring down the morale of the United States' war effort.
Trust me, it's actually better to deny him the ISIS banner, because then ISIS wins a propaganda victory.
Obviously, I can't change your mind on the matter, but if that's the criteria to determine who is and isn't true ISIS, then any one of the 1.6 billion Muslims is suspect.
>exclude gangs
>drops waaaaay down
wow, really makes you think
>1 post
You're starting to sound a little Trudeau-ish, my dear leaf.
She's changing the subject, and thus protecting Islam.
Yes. We males are violent. End of story.