So, are there any Mongolians that visit Sup Forums?
I imagine they visit Sup Forums once in a while.
What's your opinion on Mongolians?
I half expect this thread to be full of Chinese and Korean posters giving their 2 cents on them
Mongolians on Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Some of the Finns on here are OK.
Don't go to sobriety tomorrow.
theres a mongolian on Sup Forums from time to time, hes cool.
too bad Sup Forums is a garbage board.
I've seen mongolia on Sup Forums but not much recently that I've noticed. I think they are still very nationalistic and proud of their heritage though.good people
They look and are colored like Native Americans.
That's good to know, they should be. They have a lot to be proud of, much like Western Europeans do, but they are becoming sissified shells of their former selves.
Okay, that's good so then I wasn't just seeing things
Yeah, I believe Native Americans (*or at least the ones in north America*) all descend from a Siberian tribe of ancient Mongols
>tfw turkics were proto-mongols
>tfw cengiz who were turkic himself united the tribes and created mongolian identity
>tfw then he fucked other turkic empires in the ass
Mongols are bro tier, especially as they stopped that commie nonsense.
Literally who?
I'm american but I'd love to visit mongolia someday
I have a totally warped and probably completely inaccurate view of the country, but in my head it's beautiful
big plains and bigger skies, huge deserted areas empty but for the odd farmer and his ger
think it'd be a cool place to muck about, probably pretty empty since who the fuck would tour mongolia
[spoiler]plus i think the people are pretty in this plain rugged sort of way[/spoiler]
dunno how it'd go for an american though, don't know a lick of the language and already have a bunch of preconceptions
figure the city's are a borat tier dump but I wouldn't want to go to mongolia for that
> a fucking arab
>all these inferior cultures always trying to we wuz shit
>blacks and now turks
Turks aren't Arab.
>Anatolian cucks
>dat filename
top kek
>Turkish gunna turk
So much for Greek education.
>they have a lot to be proud of
Not really. They invented almost nothing and had to rely on Chinese or Persians for anything close to civilization. Aside from united the clans and burning Asia down they accomploshed nothing, and the world would have been better without them ever existing, particularly Russia and the midde east.
As much as I agree with you, Swede I advise you to tread lightly. Even if you aren't a cuck, that's the first thing someone will blurt in their defense
Btw the movie Mongol is fucking based
There were mongolians several times.
There was a particular mongolian who did 2 ama threads.
you damn sandnigger, i've seen arab faces even in some Greeks.
You faggots have arab characteristics. goddamn kemal really fucked you up in the head making you think you are some sort of turkic while ottomans on their own hated turkics after some time, so much that they were almost bred out.
I'm talking more along the lines of historical figures, the natural beauty of the land, and their unique cultures. I mean now Tyrone can make the same case for African cultures, but we all know how much of a cesspool that place is in it's central and southern regions
google göktürks
dunno man, we are mixed so fucking much
Just go to the Rez, nigga.
How does it feel to know that a illiterate orphaned nomad from one of the least populated places on earth conquered the largest land empire the world has ever seen.
Fuck you, Turkroach
ching chong ping pong t. mongolian master race reporting
They're mostly Greco-Anatolian people with some East Asian admixture. I can't speak for any isolated communities, though.
You're just a watered down Albanian. Genetically, of course.
i wouldn't mind turks if u looked like this pic
sadly , u are shitskinned kebabs
Who /Tuva, Among the Spirits/ here?
>You're just a watered down Albanian
kek, first time i've seen someone use this, save for some analbanian fags ofcourse. Looking back at history though, you could say that many albanians must have Greek blood in them, since Greeks have been living there since b.c periods, but you can keep believing your fairytales, sandnigger
lel, colonies debunk all that bs. nice try, mustafa.
I am a Buryat.
So pretty close to being an actual Mongol.
There used to be a land bridge bewteen russian and alaska, they are the same people just seperated and eveolved slightly diffrerent
What are your thoughts about the Chinese?
Just visit Kansas. Same thing, less chinks.
FUCK chink and slav
My family hates them for some reason. My mother always going on about how you cant trust the slant eyes. I am quite indifferent, they can be loud and obnoxious at times. My people are more reserved. Although the Millennial generation of Buryats is pretty fucking retarded.
Ancient Greek wasn't one ethnicity. Also, your predominant haplogroup peaks in Kosovar Albanians.
Ones in China are chill and seem to be nice people and very assimilated and peaceful unlike (turkshits and the Dalai lamas former Tibetan slaves).
Mongols from Mongolia seem butt hurt and backward. All I ever see them do on the internet is mention Ghengis Khan and how the conquests of the Mongols hundreds of years ago are somehow meant to be anything special when Mongols haven't achieved anything or done anything else, in fact the Mongol empire was bad for humanity. Literal subhuman orcs who are nigger tier, especially considering they got btfo once guns became mass produced and people got their own horse archers on a similar level to mongolshits.
Reminder that there are 5 million Mongols in China and 3 million in Mongolia.
Is that traditional Mongolian BBQ?
I dont know where you've been, but people in Ulan Baatar are quite nice, as long as you dont say you're a Buryat.
>slant eyes
M8, you cunts have got the slantiest eyes. Don't be a hypocrite.
>Ancient Greek wasn't one ethnicity
Study, and you'll see they actually were. All of them talk about one nation and "greek races" that just form one greek nation-ethnicity-civilization in the end.
mongols are just turkic chink hybrids
goddamn ignorant trash
Well she calls them something else, but that would be a close translation really.
Sainu? chi neerengeese mongol yumu?
I believe a am black mongol AMA
Well tell your mum she's a hypocrite and needs to check the mirror m8. Asians calling others slant eyed is like spics calling each other non-White.
Original Turks look very similar to Mongols. All non-Mongol looking Turks simply have sandnigger or white blood in them. Reminder that xinjiang was not originally Turk land but Tocharian aka Yuezhi aka ancestors of the Kushan empire land aka Europoid scythians.
Yeah, take a look at:
T. Chink
I reverse googled that, and this shit came up
Fucking Slavs appropriating our heritage.
>Greeks aren't white because I said so.
>Iberians are just rape babies, don't mind the fact that Eastern Europe was raped far more than Spain after WW2, but Poles are Poles, and Hungarians are Hungarians.
>Italians aren't white because I say so.
>Slavs were conquered once so they aren't white, but Germany getting conquered, raped, and mixed still counts as white.
I'm impressed
I hope to go this isn't a proxy, lol
Eh, I think it's healthy for people to have an appreciation for other cultures as long as they don't try to take credit and ownership of it. The Chinese government endorses performances in dance and music from our many minorities to prevent the spread of social divide and it works for China mostly whilst preserving the national identity of these groups of people.
>What's your opinion on Mongolians
They offered land to people displaced by the Fukushima disaster. Mongolians are good folk.
Sorry I am a city boy from Ulan-Ude, my folks were too busy with their careers to teach me Mongolian or Buryat language all I know is Russian. I kind of regret not learning them.
Yeah, they always seemed pretty cool tome.
>tfw no nomad gf to remove kebab with
Everything good was Turkish! Mongolian empire utilizing Chinese siege weapons to spread across the globe? Turkish! Iriquois Confederacy? Turkish! Roswell UFO? 100% Turkish science! All good was Turkish!
...All shit was Greek.
no problem m80. take care.
do you live in a shed?
You learned English, and that's all that matters.
mongolia seems like a cool place
wide open fields
don't really hear much bad news from the country
Tfw I have a qt 3.14 burgendy haired mongolian gf that rides this italian stallion like shes conquering all of asia. Mongolians are very proud if their heritige and extremely nationalistic very red pilled for a nation of only 3 million. 10/10 will wife in the near future
How did you immigrate to the US? I suppose there aren't many Buryats here.
hope this isnt proxy
You Mongol man?
a joke lost on most
After the fall of USSR everything kind of turned to shit, believe it or not Republic of Buryatia was thriving under Soviet rule. So after my father voted for Boris Yeltsin twice, my mother took me and skedaddled over to US.
bi mongol girl
im way 2 good for u-drake
Mongolians have the best clothes.
should have been a better Turkic then
>Republic of Buryatia was thriving under Soviet rule
B/c resource or not really? How do your family get ingredients for cooking traditional food (I assume that it will be not too easy to get some of ingredients cuz your kinds wouldnt be as many as Chinese or Koreans. Even as a Korean myself, I have to drive like at least 40 mins to get some ingredient for food) and do you see any of your kind other that your family here?
Shit. Never seen any Mongol in the US. (ironically I saw more Mongols in worst Korea. plenty Mongols doing manual labor there)
Islam would never existed if the golden horde didnt anal ravage the ME
The golden horde turned Aladdin
into Jafar
Yea Buryatia had a lot of government military factories, the money was pouring in like crazy. Ulan-Ude is the capital of that Republic, so there plenty of Bazaars where people sold fresh food from the farms. Public transportation was superb, you jump on a bus or a trolley down to the local bazaar, load up and come home. Plus my family was pretty well off, my grandpa had his own car, a Lada Niva. Shit was tight.
>The golden horde turned Aladdin
into Jafar
I'm fucking roll'n, top kek
That's what kikes want you to believe. Original Turkics became similar to mongols AFTER they settled down next to chinks. They became nomads then they racemix with tight chink pussi
Stop parroting the kike history as gospel user
Would fug
Kazakhs (and in some extent Uyghur who actually has some mix w/ Tocharians) kinda look like Mongol tho. How do you account for that?
that sounds almost surreal. btwn I heard Mongolians, Buryats, and Inner Mongolians hate each other. Is there any historical background for that?
what the hell
where do I find a steppes waifu? would they think I'm a bitch cause I can't drink blood and shoot things with a bow and arrow?
The main reason why Mongolians hate us, is because we sided with the Slavs. Its kind of funny there is a little feud among Buryats over who sided with Russians more. Those on the Western side of Lake Baikal around Irkutsk completely embraced their Slav overlords. While Eastern Buryats didnt.
I have mongolian in my blood along with slav jew, I have high I EQ social retardation and troll
Just something off topic but have you heard any opinion on Korean/Japanese from other Buryats or Mongols? I am interested cuz both people kinda like to claim that both Koreans and Japanese are closely linked to Mongols and sometimes consider Mongols lost 'brother' folk
>muslim name
>sikh guy in profile
at least make it believable, why are americans so retarded?