The Barbary Slave Markets will re-open in your life time

>The Barbary Slave Markets will re-open in your life time

Can't wait

Another 1,000,000 wh*tes enslaved, kekeke

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How much will a hot blonde go for

we can only hope brother

pls no

I have no idea what sort of crack our ancestors were smoking when they ended slavery. It sounds glorious. As a jew, I can only imagine the pride of owning a slave ship.

Very low price. Swedish whores will be easy to obtain and overflow the markets

>Implying that these nations will have money to purchase slaves.
>Implying that you'll even manage to recruit Slavers to get the job done.

I never understood this idea that Globalists are capable of going full police state. Business skills and Media management have nothing in common with Martial traditions. By this logic, Cleetus winds up running the NWO.

Implying Muslims won't take over Eurocuck and start the slave trade again

Sure. Right after they learn how to feed themselves with Merkel's Welfare Dollars.

Do you think anyone is going to profit from the chaos that's going to hit mankind? Nobody's going to have much of anything when SHTF. That's the second thesis of City of God. What the fuck was the point of being the Roman Emperor when your realm was a shitshow of ruin and violence?

Your twisted fantasy is going to turn into a nightmare in 2026. Notice how the MILLIONAIRES are the ones fleeing France. So much for 'having it all' when you have to pack your bags and run.