You won't see this in the news
You won't see this in the news
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Because nobody gives a fuck
I don't care if 2,000 peaceful Muslims showed up. The issue is still relevant. Muslim extremists need to be eradicated from the planet. We all know the majority of Muslims are "peaceful." No one even gives a shit about this red herring anymore. The majority of Germans weren't Nazi.
Maybe if Muslims started thinking about ways to pull Islam from the 9th century to the 21st century then maybe their "prayers" would mean more.
And yet they still support the homophobic Islamic ideology which caused the shooting in the first place.
Fucking hypocrites.
Because it doesn't mean anything.
Of course they would, it's their skin that's in danger because of the shooter.
Yea no, I don't care about 200 muslims.
I see the bigger picture, and it scares me.
inb4 those retarded faggots spamming their "1 post by this id" forced meme that is killing Sup Forums
>Over 200 muslims came together to save face and spout some taqiyya
You got me OP I am now a #dadforjihad
Now tell me how many muslims cheered...
It's literally taken from the news. It says Huff Post in the lower right corner.
Sup Forums cant crunch the numbers and realize that the MOTHER FUCKING VAST majority of Muslims are normal, peace loving people.
It's using a minuscule fringe of people to justify hatred of an entire race. It's fucking disgusting.
And next they'll buy the property and build a mosque where the nightclub used to be.
This is their ages-old victory ritual, you cuck.
Huffington Post is part of the news though
>doing what they were going to do anyways with pink shirts on
oh okay
hey i'm eating cheetos as a sign of solidarity with the terror victims
right, see or
You are deluded. This really is mainstream islam.
Why is Islam still relevant in this case? The guy was just a self-loathing gay boy.. nothing else to it. He pledged allegiance to ISIS, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda before he died and this person knows anything about Islam? l m a o
Ooh ooh ohh, I've got two new ones (at least I think noone else already posted them)
>Omar "Making faggots food for maggots" Mateen
>Omar "Spray n' Pray the Gay Away" Mateen
Read the tweets being sent to Milo (@Nero) right now. I'm waiting.
Fire bombs would have been awesome!
You won't see this either
2015:. there were 2865 Islamic attacks in 53 countries, in which 27626 people were killed and 26149 injured
The problem with that graph is that the muslims that hold these "extreme" views live in the middle-east or North Africa. The muslims in that research (who live close to Europe) don't have these extreme views. Guess why? Socialisation. If you grow up in a country/culture were these extremist views are common, of course you're more likely to adopt them as well.
Muslims that grow up in the west aren't really that big of a threat.
>actually believing in prayer or religion
maybe if any of you nutcases did something besides smack your hands together and talk to yourselves you'd get something done
the fuck, i've seen this everywhere.
Damn near all the "you won't see this in the news" is in the fucking news.
Hell, it's usually a news outlet posting it.
I dont see 200!
I also dont see 6 million jews ashes!
they pray for the gays?
why are they all facing mecca a place where gays are heavily marginalised and killed on a regular basis
>hundreds of muslims come together to break the stereotypes by doing their strange sandnigger monkey thing again
These are simply examples of the fringe I acknowledged.
That's not true actually tho
>Muslims that grow up in the west aren't really that big of a threat.
Source please.
That's all well and good, but it doesn't fix the ideology that caused the issue
Put it another way: If a father raised 10 children and spent the whole of their entire childhood teaching them that murder was acceptable, but only 1 child actually committed any murder, would you still call him a father of peace since 90% of his children haven't murdered anyone?
>200 muslims pray
>still end up praying to allah
so close
>examples of fringe
Are you braindamaged or you simply dont understand how statistics work?
This is bait. R-right?
Great, good for them, doesn't defeat the fact that millions of muslims in muslim countries think gays should be punished by death.
If you look at the research in the graph you linked (i.e. from the source), you will notice what I'm talking about.
It is.
No. This is basic psychology.
>Muslims that grow up in the west aren't really that big of a threat.
yeah, no
Remember, the kike liberals were saying "they weren't refugees" like it was a "good" thing that 2nd and 3rd generation niggers that grew up in Europe mass murdered people that could not arm themselves.
Look at his flag, he's either a cuck or a muslim. I think he actually believes the shit he is saying. Sad!
>peaceful muslims
A whole 200 muslims? Wow i guess im a #hillshill now
It no longer matters, with this attack on Spanish fags we pretty much on kebab removal mode, I just hope some can wait a few months before they start hanging mudshits.
You are right. We know that Dylan Roof was a white supremacist that killed people. We can't risk having any more of his kind around. All stormroofies have to go.
daily reminder that "moderate Muslims" don't exist, there are only lapsed Muslims, terrorists, and terrorist sympathizers
>Omar "Spray n' Pray the Gay Away" Mateen
this was literally one of the first ones, haven't seen the maggot one before though good job
No, it isnt true. Actually, second and third generations of middle-eastern immigrants are more radical than the original immigrants.
>educate yoself!
probably because it doesnt matter
they were there for free food
>Tiny percentage of Muslims are terrorists
>says most Muslims are to blame
>complains about others not understanding statistics
It has only mentioned muslim dominated countries, but I think it says more about Islam as a whole than what you THINK about western muslimes.
these are all shithole countries though. I wonder what it's like for NA/Europe.
>Breaking their fast
>Praying for faggots
Not real Muslims. It isn't these shit for brains we care about. It's the one cheering for the deaths of 50 "perverts"
Degenerates are fucking degenerate, but they don't need to be slaughtered.
I do aswell burgerbro, but since they are coming from those shitholes you would assume they take their ways of thinking with them.
>no saudi arabia
apparently PEW wants to give them a pass
>No, it isnt true. Actually, second and third generations of middle-eastern immigrants are more radical than the original immigrants.
Still grew up in the middle-east, and consequently adopted these kind of views. The muslims who grow up in Europe are not as likely to have these extreme views.
>Remember, the kike liberals were saying "they weren't refugees" like it was a "good" thing that 2nd and 3rd generation niggers that grew up in Europe mass murdered people that could not arm themselves.
You're still taking one example out of many. If you compare terrorist attacks in Europe and the middle-east, you will see a LARGE difference. Guess why? Because of what I previously mentioned. There are plenty of terrorist attacks that are carried out by non-muslims as well.
hey faggot omar mateen was born in america and grew up here
saleh abdeslam was born in belgium
there's statistical research showing 2nd generation immigrants are substantially more ripe for radicalization
they are backwards scum and don't belong in western countries, magical dirt doesn't erase their backwards beliefs
>nice strawman
Can you read? I was not talking about terorism but about muslims' opinions.
>The muslims who grow up in Europe are not as likely to have these extreme views.
Thats simply false. They are more likely.
>It has only mentioned muslim dominated countries, but I think it says more about Islam as a whole than what you THINK about western muslimes.
No, I think it says more about those countries' values than muslims. This is socialization 101. If you grow up around people with extreme views, you are more likely to adopt the same kind of views/behaviour. There are more of these in the middle-east, consequently making it a breeding ground for extremism. That's not the case in western civilization.
[Taqqiya Intensifies]
Two examples out of how many? Should we bring up examples of non-islamic, white terrorism too?
>Travel back in time to Poland circa 1940
>Nazi SS killing Catholic Poles and clergyman
>Nazis view Poles and other Slavs as a slave race
>Send a tweet
>Get sent to work camp as slave labor
>Die from typhus
>Can't get back to the future
>Thats simply false. They are more likely.
Then why are we seeing a radical difference between extremism in the middle-east and extremism in Europe? You make no sense.
>individual examples instead of statistics
Is this line of thought actually meant to work?
more attacks will come and the peaceful majority are irrelevant.
if you ever find out why everyone capitalizes the Pew family's last name be sure to let us all know
Because muslims only make a few percent of european population????
what the fuck
You do realise that muslimes band together in giant ghetto's like Malmö where they breed like rabits and are basically a recruitment ground for ISIS?
So what if they are a product of extreme parents, their parents are still extreme, and when everyone is extreme in the middle east no one is, because by then it's a norm.
Get you fucked paki.
The day will come when your lifeless corpse will swing blue from the lampposts beside your SJW lovers.
>breaking their fast
They're the next to get shot.
I heard they changed the name of that night club from pulse to flatline.
When people ask me about immigration I say "Regardless of my or your stance on the matter I think we can agree that it's a very difficult and delicate matter which has to be handled at a domestic level if it's to be handled effectively", I don't say "Sink the fuckin boats and burn the buses, stain the earth with darkie blood until they learn they're not welcome". The lesson here is that sometimes people pretend.
>Praying for them
Yeah praying that they'll be turned hetero or something I bet so they can enter paradise
Explain why 60% of American Muslims want Sharia. I'll wait.
>webm of a bunch of muzzies praying with some text over it
yeah, sure. seems legit
How the fuck is it radically different when people are butchered in the streets of Europe just like in Middle East?
Why are you trying to suggest that one form of extremism is somehow more acceptable than the other?
>You do realise that muslimes band together in giant ghetto's like Malmö where they breed like rabits and are basically a recruitment ground for ISIS?
Yeah so it's the socialization that is a problem and not islam itself. You're fighting the wrong battle. The "muslims" need to be integrated into western society.
>So what if they are a product of extreme parents, their parents are still extreme, and when everyone is extreme in the middle east no one is, because by then it's a norm.
So take away the children if the parents hold extreme views, and let them grow up in a more secular/liberal household.
How many Christian extremists who despise fags have tried to do what this muzzie did?
I'm honestly curious I can't recall any American Christian group literally targeting gays for slaughter. There are probably a few, but I can't think of any.
>Retards are bumping this
You are the cancer that is killing Sup Forums
because they are celebrating
Do you have any statistics to back that up?
i can make a caption too OP. mines more accurate and not based on liberal faggotry
Wanna know why their parents hold extreme views? Because they read and follow the Quran, the only way to elminate modern terror is to eliminate Islam.
There is no "extreme Islam" there is following Islam or there is not following Islam.
>praying muslims eating during Ramadan
looks legit
>How the fuck is it radically different when people are butchered in the streets of Europe just like in Middle East?
They are not? I live in Sweden and that doesn't happen here. Aren't you people saying that we have the most muslim immigrants? If what you are saying is true, we should have the most extremism, but we don't. Guess why? We have good integration compared to your countries. Our socialization system works fairly well.
>Why are you trying to suggest that one form of extremism is somehow more acceptable than the other?
There are different kinds of extremism and you know it. Besides, I'm not excusing extremism. I'm saying that it's a product of socialization and not necessarily Islam itself.
>males and females praying together
>those aren't real muslims
See how easy it is, liberals.
>The majority of Germans weren't Nazi.
Is beeing a Nazi bad?
Islam isn't a fucking race you tool. You can leave Islam anytime you want unlike your skin/iq.
>Wanna know why their parents hold extreme views? Because they read and follow the Quran, the only way to elminate modern terror is to eliminate Islam.
I think it's because they migrated from the middle-east (i.e. they grew up with these extremists and were consequently influenced by it). Their kids (and their kids) will gradually become more liberal with their religion as they grow up with non-extremists.
But that`s wrong. Hitler was democratically elected.
But thats proven to be false, you retard.
Isn't the argument that all terrorist attacks have been self-radicalized, domestic Muslims?