Red Pill me on Westboro

Red pill be on Westboro baptist. All my libshit friends hate them so I know I'm missing something

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They despise degeneracy. This includes war and the soldiers who participate in it.

They're crude with their tactics but overall they stand for good.

Christcucks can't call themselves redpilled. How can anyone seriously say god is anything more than a delusion.

bunch of lawyers who bait people into doing things that they can sue over

WBC isn't real christians

it's a family of lawyers who are actually secret liberals and put on an act

Christcucks aren't redpilled. How can you be redpilled if you believe in the Sky Jew?

Is it a brain or a heart that you're missing?

This shit right here.

They're a bunch of overly litigious pukes.

They're very very misunderstood.

They are professional trolls, nothing more. They goad people into attacking them then sick their jewish lawyers, collecting a large lump sum. They have gotten very good at their craft.

People love to trot them out to paint Christianity as awful and bigoted and hate filled even though they don't commit crimes, haven't killed anyone, and consist of a small number of people. Totally the same as Islam though.


No, they don't cut heads off, burn people alive or flay them living. They don't bomb airports, fly planes into buildings or hack up gays.

fucking thunderfoot lol

They're a family of lawyers who make their living by actively trying to provoke people into attacking them so that they can then file lawsuits against those people.
I don't know if they actually believe what they say, but they're basically professional trolls.

>hehe look mom I posted fedoras xDD

All these troll religious groups do the same thing. Whether it be Brother Dean, Open Air Outreach, or Westboro. Do you ever stop to think how these people make a living, lol? Is it god dropping them off money for doing nothing but preach all day and piss people off? Nope

They initiate fights, they initiate confrontation by schools and universities and other big name institutions, they initiate trouble with police, and then they sue. They sue the fuck out of everyone and everything and they live off the money from that.

>refuse service

Oh, you want freedom of association now?
Sorry faggot. You have to bake her a fucking cake. It's the law.

Just wait until someone with nothing to lose fucks their shit up. One day they will piss off the wrong dude.

Had some liberal shitbag bring up westboro when discussing Islam. "Every religion has bad people. Look at westboro!" Yes, let's look at the Phelps-Roper clan. 30 people compared to 1.6 billion people following Islam. Great comparison, dipshit.

A group to be hated by everyone. Fedoras love to point to fringe lunatics like her and Steve Anderson when criticizing Christianity.

controlled opposition

>Wow! I'm gonna call their God something that has been used a thousand times! I expect an actual argument to my shitty post!

con trolls


Came here to see this response specifically

Man you guys are a bunch of fucking hipsters.

>hurr durr anything that a lot of people hate we like because we are smart and they are stupid
>hurr durr we are so contrarian

literally either because they were born into it and it's all they know, they can't accept death, or both.

Nigger, do you realize what site you're on?

What a fucking cornball.