You are now reminded that this album exists and is terrible
You are now reminded that this album exists and is terrible
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This is why people don't like you montie. Leave this album where it belongs. In the trash.
Just because it's not Oasis dosen't mean it's bad
I literally pulled it out to make fun of it
Someone even try to defend this
Go back to tumblr
God isn't real. All religions are retarded.
the knowledge of this fact is so ubiquitous that writing a song to express it is akin to writing a song about the fact that water freezes at 0 celsius.
this is a very good album to fall asleep to, though
no excuse for terrible lyricism. reads like the poem an 8th grade atheist turned in for english class
First song is decent so far. but if the whole album is like it I'll be doing this
great album apart from fedorism
oh catpeter how much i have missed your blessed presence
On the contrary, this album is good and has gotten better since it was released.
I see nothing wrong here. Brutal honesty at its best.
Ummm, no sweetie.
Fantano loves it.
t. oasis fan
I've had enough of that milquetoast folk-rock shit in my life but I appreciate FJM's wit and insight. I don't know if anyone is doing what he does on the same level.
Everybody needs to be honest with themselves, is there really any difference between christianity and scientology beyond the fact that one is more popular and the other has more recent source material?
Political ideology is a religion. No idols.
Let's give that a go
>Oh, the frozen water is the best
>It freezes at 32 Fahrenheit, 0 Celsius
>With fishing holes, ice skates, frostbite
>I went out without a coat
>And my parents got upset
>When I question the laws of physics
>Observed by woman-hating scientists
>Their mathematics just serve to confuse me
>Their empirical observations just make them more sure
>They build their well of knowledge off of the world around them
>While Dr. Bones comes in with his saw and calls it a cure
>Where did they find these quacks they gave doctorates to?
>What makes these medically trained professionals so remarkable?
>These cold animals are obsessed with saving my life
>But they ended mine with the slice of a knife
PS I'm a fucking genius, give me money.
it really is fucking awful, but so i'm growing old on magic mountain is a great song
You are also now reminded that Fantano named this album AOTY
pls tell me this isn't actually fantano
honestly, why do people still listen to him
What does he have against epileptics?
Let me guess, you can't take a conflicting opinion?
You are all now reminded that Fantano thinks people who hate the album are pretentious and overly opinionated
It's like an hour and fourteen minute long musical tipping.
If that isn’t just mindless Christian-bashing, I don’t know what is.
timestamp is 2:35 or so
more mindless than being christian or about the same?
they are
it's not terrible but it was definitely a comedown from honeybear. felt like he was just keeping the wheel spinning waiting for the shape and it never quite came.
How do you do, fellow kids
dude religion bad, social media bad, technology bad, love ogod
i'm very smart :)
i have never heard this guy's music and i'd never even heard of him until that honeybear shit came out
what even is it? i assume boring folk-indie shit that should have died two decades ago
I would describe it as 'kind of like John Denver but not as good'
He took all the experiences making interesting medieval chamber folk with Fleet Foxes and watered it down and exchanged the for his own self-righteous fedora-tier lyrics.
I enjoy this album enough, though I like Fear Fun and I Love You, Honey Bear, and Vacilando Territory Blues better.
That being said, aside from the opening track (which I do still like despite obvious faults that others have already pointed out) and Two Wildly Different Perspectives the album is not as sophomoric as it is often labeled.
When the God of Love Returns There'll Be Hell to Pay takes the religion-bashing theme and runs with it in a more well-thought out and articulated manner than in the first song of the album. I find a song about talking down to God about the human experience to be enjoyable. The closing lyric of the track is my favorite of the album:
>Just want light in the dark and some warmth in the cold
>To make something out of nothing sounds a lot like someone else I know
I enjoy it for the fact that the speaker in the song is talking to the most human form of the divine. This closes the song pretty effectively with a pair of lyrics that are sympathetic and disbelieving of religion simultaneously. Undoubtedly not the deepest or most philosophically challenging song in the world but it resonates with me, at the very least.
Then there is the added bonus that The Memo and So I'm Growing Old on Magic Mountain are really catchy.
The album has an 8/10 from me. 8.5/10 if Two Wildly Different Perspectives wasn't included.
Oh so that's where he came from.
Same guy. I am not finished with my posts that few will likely read or care ab00t.
An additional reason I enjoy When the God of Love Returns There'll Be Hell to Pay is for the fact that a man wrestling with God and faith is an entirely Christian feeling that can be found within the Bible and its stories.
hello retards who read anything remotely political at face value. Not mention Leaving LA literally describes what the album you're listening to is all about. Maybe you should go back to listening to Crazy Frog's Crazy Hits.
I will defend this album against doo-doo heads but much of the politics is concentrated into Two Wildly Different Perspectives which IS meant to be taken at face value. The song is about fucking Drumpf for whatever that is worth to listeners.
That doesn't magically make them good lyrics you philistine
Yes I noticed he included himself in his satire, which I tipped to. The lyrics are so over the top it's amusing and I think that's part of his thing. There are some great lines in there though, I think he should just say less.
>much of the politics is concentrated into Two Wildly Different Perspectives which IS meant to be taken at face value
I mean it's a pretty simple song. I wasn't saying everything on the album is some dense composition. As a matter of fact, none of it is. Nonetheless, it's still powerful imo.
In your retarded opinion.
fuck off anthony
>It's shallow garbage ON PURPOSE
It's a great album in my opinion. I still listen to some songs from time to time.
No matter how true this fundamentally is, this is a huge mistake of lyricism. Please delete this.
> And so the pale skinned wet maids
> And their crumbly brown pet slaves
> Recruited a tool to fool us
> We entered vr and then you exit a car
>And now weve both been to one destination afar
>The world leaders preach pantomime logic
>And indiscriminate fiction of a race affliction
>So now we know who crawled from a shithole >and who fell from a golden mountain
>Old witches yearn to drink from the fountain,
>But dorothy is a kid
>And old people must die in bed
> Not atop fidget spinner tricycles.
Am i fjm enough?
Pray tell, what was your interpretation of this deep and richly symbolic poetry?
its post-sarcasm, you need a high IQ
If after writing this you still fail to see how powerful his writing is, you don't understand shit about lyricism.
love was an easier topic to express in post-sarcasm format then politics and the part he plays in it, he also cared more about it but just had to get it out of his system I imagine
lacks the jesters dichotomy between comedy and tragedy while also lacking detachment/dismissal