Best state in America?

Best state in America?
Worst state in America?

Best state - Maryland.

Worst - Toss up, California/Illinois.

Texas best. California worst.

Best: North Carolina

Worst: everyone else

NM: best

TX: runner up

Vermont: worst

Texan here
This times Infinity.

Tennessee is best state.

The worst would be Florida or California

Florida - Florida

.t sentient pubsub

>third world mexican dumping ground

You need to be very specific with Texas, too many disgusing mestizo and indian beans south.

>MFW I live in CA
I really need to look into moving to another state, was thinking Texas or Arizona but both those places have beaners, how about niggers though?

NM, are you fucking kidding me?
That shithole is worse than Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

Your violence and nig problem is off the charts.

Source: I lived in NM for 3 years.

Best: Wyoming
Worst: California

Op here, I'm looking to move to a place that is in the woods, but within 45 min to a city. Also somewhere that people won't greet me with "look at Mr fancy pants California engineer guy"

Best: Nebraska
Worst: California

Best: Ohio
Worst: Michigan (Specifically Deerborne, Detroit)

We can all agree Commiefornia is easily the worst.

No clue about best though, it certainly isn't VA

Tennfag here, can confirm. Worst would definitely be Cali, Florida's tolerable.

Best: Florida
Worst: Michigan

Wanna know how I know you're shitposting?

Best State: California or New York

Worst State: Alabama or Texas


Best state-Tennessee
Worst state-California


>Vermont: worst
No, it's a very nice state, safest and whitest, don't be mad at us because we have a bunch of progressive flatlanders.

Best: Idaho
Why? 99.999% white people in this state. Great 2nd amendment laws. Low cost of living

Worst: Mexifornia
Why? Infested with much so that the spics now outnumber the whites in Commiefornia.

Who in their right mind would pay an arm and a leg to live in a state wherein whites are no longer the majority race?

The reason this country works is because there is no objective best or worst state, we're all different incomparable kinds of shitty. (from Illinois)

best ohio? honestly dude you have to end your life because your brain is literally fucked up

Nah ohio is p chill. Pretty well-rounded state.

best florida
worst california

I'm a Nationalist for both my state and my country

Colorado is best for the land itself, but not for how it's run.

I love my state, I always will

Best ME, sorry NH
Worst CA, sorry entire south

CA here too, I'm pretty sure Texas and Arizona aren't going to be any better. But yeah I'm also looking to move out. I live in a pretty comfy suburb, so it's not all that bad, but I would imagine southern California and Los Angeles being an absolute hellhole.

Best: Montana
Worst: KKKentucky

Best state - Most small New England states if you can afford them. If you can't afford them, Wisconsin is cheap, comfy, and white (as long as you avoid Milwaukee and Racine).

Worst state:
New Jersey. California and Chicagoland Illinois are also bad.

Best state Michigan.
Worst state Ohio.

Best : Illinois
Worst: California

t. mad ohiofag

Michigan countryside is great, though southeast MI is fucking ass, way too many niggers

except for the black problem.... and the air pollution..and the shitty college and nfl football.

Literally a state full of losers and minorities

Jersey and Maryland suck and have terrible gun laws

Hello Keifer

Your best state is Texas

Your worst? Probably New York, maybe California

State flag thread

South is full of niggers and mexicans. West is full of mexicans. North is full of Italians and jews.

Mid-west is the only safe place left for white folk. Gimme Wyoming for best. Worst state ends in a vowel.

How m8?

If we're taking best land, that would be California or Texas

Best New Jersey
Worst Jew York



It has everything that every other state has; Mountains, the ocean, forests, mangrove swamps, FUCKING DESERTS. I FUCKING LOVE MARYLAND

California confirmed to be a great state free of Sup Forumstards. Definitely moving there.


fuck yea, wisconsin has the best flag.

>calicuck thinks he's exempt from beaners

Texas will be the proud host and sponsor of the Wall.

I live smack dab in the middle in Sacramento, my neighborhood is going to shit thanks to "low income" apartments. I'm just fed up with all the bans and laws on gun laws and want to get the hell out of here

Nice to see some Tennessee people on here. 45 minuets west of knoxville and I'll probably never leave

You can't beat Estes.

>California confirmed to be a great state free of Sup Forumstards. Definitely moving there.

Enjoy the spic infestation, communist government and outrageous cost of living.

Arizona best.

California worst.

Best: I wanna say Texas, but at this point it's the state with the best gun laws, so maybe Alaska, although it's very cold and dangerously close to Cucknada.

Worst: California or New York, leaning towards California because of spics. Also because they seem to have invented their own form of cuck science. Every other thing seems to be labeled "This product is known to the state of California to cause pride in one's heritage in white people" or some other nonsense.

>Las cruces
I guess shithole Austin represents all of Texas ugly-ass wetback

>Full of beaners

>weight 137

Hello Mr. skeleton, your not going to make it.

Y-you guys like North Carolina, r-right?

>I would imagine southern California and Los Angeles being an absolute hellhole.

You'd be 100% correct

t. SoCal

Please nuke this place, all of it.

I lived in Albuquerque as well
Both are shitholes.

Probably the only nice part of the state is Ruidoso.

D.C., not a state.
grew up in maryland. Why best? Its the richest...

If California was it's own nation, it would have the sixth biggest economy on agriculture alone

Fuck, it was basically Sweden a couple years ago, I can't imagine how bad it is now.

Confirmed nigger.

That's where my dad grew up. It was fine in the 50's.

moving from Tampa to Maryville, can't wait to get out of this alligator infested humid shit hole

worst: california
best: anything in the south

Best state: Utah
Worst state: New Mexico

Hey Sup Forums what state would u recommend to a brazillian guy who wants a new life? I am of course 100% white.

What's wrong, gringo? Joo no like me and mi familia breeding out of control like cockroaches, with our huge, over-inflated sense of self-entitlement?

Best: CA

Worst: NY

Not debatable, flyover fags need not respond

I'm a tech worker in Silicon Valley, and I'm looking to buy a property in another state to eventually move out to when I am ready.

I like small, mainly white cities where I can walk everywhere and without any nignogs. I'm thinking Seattle, but the homeless problem is supposedly pretty bad there. Maybe Nebraska or Des Moines.

What do you guys think?

What makes Tennessee the best state?

Best: Vermont

Worst: Mississippi

Texas m8, it's still a highly conservative state, just stay off Austin and El Paso.



Thanks, I will!

Best: Arizona
Worst: California/Utah

California makes a law, Utah follows within a year. I've been around most of the states and I'm still in disdain for those two. Arizona kicks ass

If I didn't live here I'd live in Asheville. Would like to try it out. Seems like a less precious version of Oregon.

Move to Wyoming then, it's a great state imho. The people are friendly and the weather is great.

Fuck off faggot


t. Pablo Garcia

Middleton or Verona Wisconsin. Suburbs of Madison.

Nog infestation but nothing terrible.

We've also got one of the best Presidents.

Worst is California, of course.

maybe outside of nashville, TN. growing city, tolerant to yanks, still has a good amount of frontier outside of the city

We need one of these for maryland.

u watch too much college football

Boise, Idaho. 99.99% white. Very affordable housing. Tons of hot white pussy. Conservatives, conservatives everywhere.

Life is good when you're not living in Mexifornia.

Arizona is nice, but I just can't stand the 120F+ weather in Phoenix.

How can you guys deal with it?

>The south valley is all of ABQ
Fuck that shithole, Clayton, Raton, and Texico are better

Lol NH is definitely better than our shit teir Maine. It's true man we have no job prospects that are worth anything other than BIW. Still kinda like this state tho

another tennfag here, can confirm california is worse, florida close second though.

I am not very fond of NM, they only thing I do miss from it is St. Clair's wine.

Fugg that wine was a amazing tbqh

I want a cold state, and i will definitely not move to a city whos name is in Spanish

Yeah, I know, but the advantage is I make bookoo bux here. Like, enough that I can rent a place here and afford a mortgage in another state WITHOUT having to worry about renting it out in the meantime (which I'd do anyway)

It's just temporary, until I'm ready to settle down.