Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense...

>Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron. ~Dwight D. Eisenhower, speech, American Society of Newspaper Editors, 16 April 1953


"Wow guys it really sucks that we are using so much money on guns and not on creating an Utopia for everyone"

That's true, but if we don't have weapons our neighbour will, and they sure as hell won't hesitate to invade and slaughter us all.

Sounds like Eisenhower was just trying to sound inspirational and poetic.

The kid from Transformers did it better.

We really got the MIC from not demilitarizing after WWII, even though we had the bomb and even though the Soviets eventually did, too, it was a matter of arguing over who has the bigger lighter, when you're both in the same pool of gasoline.

At this point, it's its own beast.

Rhine Medow

I like the fact that, if you make a speech with metaphors and poetic imagery, you sound much more memorable than many other people who are actually saying the same thing, but not with the same fire.

Earth is not paradise, user. We all must suffer here and do our best but we cannot delude ourselves into believing we can end human suffering. Give, love, feed, and help others and yourself. Never believe that earth can be heaven or paradise is something we can even comprehend let alone attain.

>and europeans are the cucks for americans
huh, really makes you think

Most of those hungry people probably shouldnt exist
I'm more upset about the money we waste on africa, when we have homeless americans we ignore

Thanks for reminding me of Hölderlin: a great poet. I bought some translations a long time ago, but have not opened the books for years. Will read him tonight.

The fact I have money entitles me to buying the gun, the children without money are not entitled to food and their parents who can't provide them food are not entitled to my money.

You're so deep. Did you just make that one up?

He's got a point- costly and drawn out wars don't really benefit anyone. Sun Tzu said the same.

Or that it is allowed to import labor, rather than raising wages to encourage growth in a field.


Sounds like Ike was inadvertently making the argument for the inevitable triumph of socialism.


Literally communism.

What he's saying is that if free human labor is not directed at what he personally considers good and proper, then it's evil and should be illegal. He's saying people have a right to food and clothes and consequently, he's saying that some people have an obligation to clothe and feed these people and shouldn't be allowed to do anything if that's not accomplished, otherwise it's theft.

Literal communist madness.

>I don't actually have anything to say!
>How can I still fling shit?
>I'd better call him...

>commie [ ]
>edgy [ ]
>cuck [ ]
>faggot [ ]
>"deep" [X]

Bear in mind, the guy was still coming down off of the Truman and Roosevelt administrations, in which we did have more of a pro-labor / worker's rights movement, up until the Red Scare went into full swing.

>quote from Dwight D. Eisenhower
politicians love to talk about peace but all they ever do is prepare for and instigate war, empty words at best

He was regretting the waste it takes to defend freedom. But it is still worth it. As Jesus said; " the poor you have always with you".

>Fighting hordes of sandnigger to keep them away from white women
>A waste of potential

Pretty sure he was only saying this as a populist grab for attention.

Britain demilitarizing is a direct contribution to World War 2. They sold all their weapons to the Germans and they never once questioned why the Germans needed that much weaponry.

Dude, what? All we ever did was bump off secular dictators and send a hundred Muslims to white countries for every Jihadi we killed, who by the way would have just been raped to death in a Baathist dungeon before they could say "Akbar", if not for the invasions and arming of Jihadi rebels. There were no sandnigger hordes until we got in bed with SA/Israel and pitted ourselves against the entirety of ME-NA, when "winning" such a war means nothing but a wave of criminal, rapist Muslim civilians headed straight for your country.