How do we defeat the european far right?

How do we defeat the european far right?

it's a spook
sd is left wing

>extreme far right
Isn't their government run by a party that calls itself radically leftist?

Provide a plausible alternative solution to the problems that many countries in Europe are facing right now.

funny how extreme far right countries are also extreme shitholes

Federal Europe with the outer borders closed. Shields us from the excesses of globalization while a large inner market offers prosperity to members.

>Federal Europe
Stopped reading right there.

Trump and Brexit happend and people saw that maybe believing right-wing populists might not be the brightest idea

estonia has been neocon for 10+ years, now we got some commies in power until new elections in 2019

what kind of problem are you talking about, friend?
If you mean the refugee crisis, the best solution is cooperation with african countries to prevent refugee influx, fight organized criminals that smuggle refugees, and create a more stable middle east and africa in general.

That's why I believe that Europe needs a more agressive, "imperialistic" policy, while still remaining true to our humanitarian ideals of the enlightement

By stop being far-left and extreme-liberal.

Stop being batshit crazy with your leftie politics. Denounce progressivism, embrace liberalism.

>Federal Europe
yep, because that's exactly what ethnic nationalists, isolationists, libertarians, etc. want

the people you want to win over are the exact opposite of the people who would want that

hungary isn't THAT bad

Refugees, EU-migrants, international crime, the growing distance between the people and the political class, the fracturing of formerly monolithic societies, etc.

If you want a stable Middle East/North Africa, you need to reinstall dictators there. These people cannot function in a democracy that dumb westerners think they want, or need.

Demography will

i would prefere democracies, but i do believe that a stable dictator is better than anarchy

>How do we defeat the european far right?
exterminating all blacks and muslims in europe

By killing all niggers
Trust me lads

>Trust me lads

Not our fault you guys can't do anything right :^)

>american flag

What do you mean with far right? Extremists parties that undermine the foundations of our democracy are forbidden.

By embracing different european ethnicities over foreign invaders



>How do we defeat the european far right?

By implementing democratic politics (politics that favor your Demos/nation and not illegal immigrants) or
by changing your political system of "western democracy" (oligarchic system) to true Democracy.

It's so easy. I wonder why the degenerate european politicians avoid to implement these two solutions...

>Federal Europe
I would sooner murder every Finn than give up any more of my national sovereignty to some fat retard in the European Commission.

Me on the right
I am greek

damn looks a at the face of the girl on the right. shes in heat.

by start being developed countries

This map is 100% correct.

when are you going to start?

Anything to the right of socialism is far-right nowadays.

I would have been traditionally on the conservative left, but I'm far-right now because I don't like niggers coming to my country.

As expected of the Netherlands.

>"far right" and "extreme far right" are two different categories
>front national is far right
maybe I would be more likely to support the left if they didn't lie to my face

I am Osama bin LAden and I will murder all you leftists.

>fight organized criminals that smuggle refugees
you do realize your own government along with others is complicit, right?

Do you think Merkel let all those refugees in with the intention of sending them back when the war is over?

>Osama bin LADen
When did you realize that Osama was one of the lads?

>extreme far right

fuck off m8, we were better b4 gommunism, gommunism is the greatest evil, we have bloody good reasons to hate lefties

When front national is labeled as far right, they have to come up with something worse for Hungary, so they went with "EXTREME FAR RIGHT!!!".

Of course, neither of them really count as "far" right so I wonder what they'd label a real far right party as.

Already done

But letting Turkey into the EU of course

how is turkey not right-wing though?

>That's why I believe that Europe needs a more agressive, "imperialistic" policy, while still remaining true to our humanitarian ideals of the enlightement
Oh boy, here we go again

We don't

By implementing a totalitarian cultural marxist regime and genociding all the remaining masculine white men of course. Is this the designated BLACKED thread?

Deporting niggers and mudslimes could do the trick

you can never defeat us

Anything is anarchy compared to a "stable dictator", Mehmet.

Help Africa take care of it's eternal baby boom with education and food production.