Bill O'Cuckly calling for gun control

After criticizing liberal politicians for not being aggressive enough on the fight against the Islamic State terrorist group, the Fox News host addressed the "right-wing responsibility" after the attack carried out by 29-year-old Omar Mateen using an assault weapon and a handgun.

"There is too much gun crime in the USA, and high-powered weaponry is too easy to get," he said. "That's the fact. So let's deal with it. We all have the right to bear arms, but we don't have the right to buy and maintain mortars. Even if you feel threatened by gangsters or a New World Order. No bazookas, no Sherman tanks, no hand grenades."

"That's because the Second Amendment clearly states the government has a right to regulate militias, made up of individuals," he continued. "They have that right in the name of public safety. Therefore, Congress should debate what kind of weapons should be available for public sale. And the states, the individual states, should decide what kind of carry laws are good for their own people."

It's over Sup Forums... just give up.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Trump jumping ship on gun control, backing the "put em all on a list" policy Hillary put forward that is a direct violation of the 5th amendment and the concept of due process
>Trump booster O'Reily right behind him
Terrible. Just terrible.

>That's because the Second Amendment clearly states the government has a right to regulate militias

How does one misunderstand the purpose of the 2nd amendment so thoroughly?

>can't have mortars
>can't have bazookas
>can't have hand grenades
>can't have tanks

You can literally own all of these legally...

By being a glib media jerkoff (surrounded by liberal activists) disconnected from true principles in order to be seen straddling the moderate demo for his audience.


We haven't had some mental case go on a rampage with his tank recently, so people have forgotten its perfectly legal (if expensive) to have one in a presumably free society.

thats exactly what I was thinking
fuck bill mcretard oreilly.
I always get to a point where Im like 'well, maybe bill oreilly isnt so bad'
then he goes and does something fuckin retarded and I hate him again.
the guy is just dumb.

>"That's because the Second Amendment clearly states the government has a right to regulate militias, made up of individuals,"
Holy shit, Bill O'Rly forgot what the bill of rights is.

This is why the left has been in control. The right constantly plays by the rules.

Trump didn't jump on shit. He said he was meeting with the NRA about it. Obviously the answer will be "fuck no" and allow him to spread wider knowledge of how fucking stupid the idea of taking guns away from people on the no fly list is.

>It's over Sup Forums... just give up.

Yeah, it is over, because sensible people are saying, "Do I really want one of my dead children to convince me that assault rifles belong on the battle field?"

Also, can one of you retards justify the fact that a person can't buy a shit-ton of fertilizer without setting off redflags, but that same person can walk into a store and buy out the entire cache of guns, bullets and armor?

Literally retarded.

Fuck O'faggot

>>Trump booster O'Reily right behind him

He just got forced by Anderson to call Trump an attention whore

The last time someone went on a tank rampage in the US (it was 19 years ago for those not old enough to remember), the tank was hijacked from the National Guard.

Both put you on a list.

Fuck I can't into numbers. It was 21 years ago. In California I need to add. A state with strict gun control.

Actually we do have a right to mortars, bazookas, Sherman tanks, and hand grenades. Bill O'Reily has always been a shill for the NWO.

Bill O'Reilly honestly thinks that tides are an inexplicable mystery.

Well-regulated in 1700's English means a well equipped and prepared thing, not something that is legally regulated.

>Obviously the answer will be "fuck no" and allow him to spread wider knowledge of how fucking stupid the idea of taking guns away from people on the no fly list is.
You don't know the Trump that I know. The one I know doesn't give a shit about the constitution (hence my slam on both Trump and Hillary for their anti-5th amendment positions), and is primarily motivated in this campaign by populism. He'll go to the NRA and tell them to be accept the nebulous "no guns for whoever the government decides should have guns" list that is all the rage at the moment if its popularity holds.

That's not a very large concession.

Too long. I'd remembered it as his own tank. I'm sure that's happened in the past.

He said it well. Especially the part after the sherman tanks part

Whoops, sorry dude. I misread your post, thinking you were agreeing with O' Sniley. Sorry man.


bill oreilly is a fucking idiot cocksucking neocon

Trump specifically endorsed removing 2nd Amendment rights of citizens on the no-fly list.

What are you smoking?

Those on the no-fly list are on for good reasons

And this isn't surprising at all.

O'Reilly has been a populist from day one and hasn't a shred of real principles.

He and Trump are cut from the same cloth.

Gimmie a break nigger. Gun control isn't even popular. It's defeated in the house all the time, which is the populous arm of congress. Bill is an ivy league lapdog liberal who has a few socially conservative views due to being a potato-nigger.

As a citizen of a former communist country I can say without a doubt you're full of shit m8.
Also there's a reason innocence exists until due process unequivocally demonstrates guilt and that reason is you either have freedom or you can start buying lube and learn to spread'em.

No, people love their guns and their rights to guns, but far too many are willing to entertain splitting the baby with "common sense" restrictions---the restrictions O'Reily legitimizes with his lazy militia comment. It's why we're having to battle on castle laws or conceal carry, and not going full auto against no-gun zones. Which is not to mention that the gains made recently hangs in the balance to the inclination of the next warm body on the supreme court

Well regulated means well trained, oreilly is clearly an idiot, how can one say anything otherwise, if ypur weren't sure, the following line of "shall not be infringed makes it pretty clear on the intent of well regulated means.

For a smart guy, hes pretty stupid, why the duck wouod they say it should be regulated and not infringed in the same sentence.

Anti gun people should be hanged for treason


Oh fuck you're right, this seals the deal for me. I'm voting for Hillary now. Trump was funny in the beginning but let's grow up guys. She's not the best but at least she's not a flip flopping loose cannon.

>tide goes in, tide goes out
>you can't explain that
>can't own mortars, bazookas, hand grenades, or tanks

I love it when he does it live.

>The right to carry should be determined by individual states. What works in Delaware might not work in Idaho.

I have a similar opinion regarding a certain religion not working here as it does in the Middle East, but that's over the line, right?

All you dumbasses going for the retard explanation when there's a much more compelling one right in front of you...baka

>Trump specifically endorsed removing 2nd Amendment rights of citizens on the no-fly list.
No he didn't. He said he'd talk about it to the NRA.

>please don't do it trump

>Anti gun people should be hanged for treason
I have a better idea: why not remove/fire their taxpayer funded security agents? How fast do you think they'd all get CCWs?
For the children of course.

ITT: High school kids who are just getting into politics.

The 13 colonies defeated the greatest nation in the world (Britain) with the shittiest equipment and rifles possible. The people of that time truly fought for their freedom and they earned it. You don't need to own high tech gear used only by high level law enforcement (SWAT) or military while living a CIVILIAN life.

Can someone please honestly explain to me the need to own a military style firearm other than "muh shall?" I am more than welcome to owning pistols, hunting rifles, shotguns and crossbows. Those weapons are more than enough to defend your family and property. But why does someone need an ak 47? Or a "bazooka?"

The only argument people like you guys have is that you're paranoid that the government is going to take your guns. Well, guess what? Even if they did, with the way telecommunication and GPS work, good luck beating them.

Please give me 1 (one) reason why we should be allowed to own military style rifles other than the government taking your guns and/or collection.

inb4 shill. I'm generally curious why Sup Forums has such a hard on for the 2nd amendment when a majority of Sup Forums is just reddit.

Founding Fathers

>we feel guns are necessary for a democracy!
>if a government over reaches, the people should be able to defend themselves!
>lets restrict their right to defend themselves from the get-go

Liberal thinking.

Guns created this country whether gun control nuts like it or not. They're expecting me to think that the same people who fired shots at a tyrannical government wanted it's people to live under an over reaching, tyrannical government?

>high powered

How does this meme even exist?

>why we should be allowed to own military style rifles
Because "military style" means shit
"Assault Weapons" are used in the smallest fraction of homicides
The Assault Weapons ban of 1994 did fucking nothing to stop crime
The North Hollywood Shootout, wherein the suspects had fucking machine guns, happened in 1997, during the Assault Weapons Ban

Former communist subjects truly are our greatest allies.

It says pretty clearly "the right of the people," not the right of the malitia, "to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." This is so we can fight against the malitia.

>The only argument people like you guys have is that you're paranoid that the government is going to take your guns.
Don't act like that is not the trump card.
>Hurr you guys can't use your ultimate defense
Go and change the second amendment if it bothers you so much. Go ahead and try.

It my understanding that the tank has to have its weaponry removed for it to be legal. Am I wrong?


I need, you muricans have a constitutional right to keep and bear for whatever reason.
And why do you say it was easy to defeat a government only to say the exact opposite a few lines down? Cognitive dissonance much?
I don't have one of those saved posts from /k/ but here's a little thing about all that government telecom that, by the by works with electricity:

There it is.

No matter how many words they'll put around it, libs always have to deny the right and "honestly" show their concern over the need.

>ok with owning handguns
>hanguns involved used in majority of gun homocides
>no ar or ak 47 though

It's part of the plan. Much like calling them "weapons of war," or "assault weapons." It's supposed to frighten the common voter.

When they take the "high powered" weapone away, they will notice that no one uses these guns to kill each other in high numbers because it's just not as effective or easy to hide as a smaller hand gun.

Then it will go to your pistols, "Well we've noticed that handguns are the main source of gun violence, so we're going to limit the amount of bullets can be in the magazine."

And so on and so on. It will never end.

You're not wrong.

It should be enough that no tank is going to fall into the hands of someone who's going to be irresponsible with it, firing it off near a school crossing for example, for how expensive it is to own a tank. Yet the government has seen fit that you can own a tank, just not one that can shoot back.


This is what you get for making 'scary' looking guns. Idiots judge relative power by how scary things look to them. I don't know why they think the AR-15 looks particularly scary but maybe it should have been produced with a pink feather coating or something

>His face when someone tells him Muhammad Akbar passed a background check and had a security guard license

I'd love for liberals to name a single law that would have prevented this shit that isn't just flat out banning all guns.

They know there's no fucking way they can ban pistols until there's precedence for banning the "scarier" guns first.

After those are out, the perpetual-offended machine will move on to other weapons. With justifications of security and convenience, as always.

Some days I really like Bill O's show, but I hate when he gets on his high horse about gun stuff.

To kek or to die a little inside, that is the question.

the fuck do you mean by "military-style" firearms? that's not even a trade term
you dont know the first thing about guns, you aren't qualified to talk so smugly about the second amendment

you liberal idiots dont know the difference between a semi-automatic and bolt action rifle. so when you morons get up in arms about banning "assault weapons" (another meaningless term invented by liberals to encroach on gun rights), you dont even know what gun control measures you are advocating.

the typical liberal moron calling for gun control has never even fired a gun in his life, has never been hunting, and certainly has never had to defend themselves from a mugger or would be rapist.

In your mind, guns should be banned for looking scary.

you know you can buy an "Assault Rifle" in Canada, right?

Think about it this way.

Guns = Power. Real, life-applying power.

Imagine if Jews in 1935 all had rifles in their home. The Krautz would've thought twice about busting in their house and taking them away, if there was a high change of facing a rifle on the other side of the door.

fuck this cuck, don't watch his shit, he's done, rating blackout for him

KEK wills it be so

praise KEK

makes me sick to see all the "feels" agendas getting pushed

Kek hath spoken. It is done. Goodbye O'Reilly, You piece of dirt, lower than filth traitor to this country.

Republicans are pro-gun control, pro-gay marriage, and pro-mass immigration. America died decades ago.

Read this you motherfucking commie

Read it and understand all that these advanced weapons, including the ultimate trump card aka atom bomb, are built and developed to control the people and destroy the enemy. We don't need a single centimeter of regression on our rights to have every advantage against tyrants and criminals.

I think what he's trying to say is that it isn't easy for someone to own these things. He's saying that these guns should be legal, but should be harder to obtain in order to more clearly vet the person. Most of us agree that people coming into the country should be vetted, why don't we agree that people who purchase weapons be vetted?

>government has a right to regulate militias
And someone in the email segment explained to him that "regulated" in the nomenclature of the time meant well trained or disciplined. It had nothing to due with laws or regulations.

O'Reilly is King Cuckservative. Only the greatest generation take him seriously. His average viewer is 71 years old. Keep in mind he's also said the US should raise the minimum wage to $10/hr, despite admitting it hurts small businesses/franchisees in rural, lower income states

Can someone just post that "yeah, actually you can defeat the US government if they decide to launch a war on the people" infographic so that we can move on from the bait post?


>muh 22 caliber rifle will beat an A10 warthog attacking muh property
gunfags btfo again

He is an attention whore, in the Art of the Deal he stresses the need for getting press, even if it's bad, for free advertisements.

Yeah, because with pistols the fatalities are much less than compared with a rifle that has an extended mag and can spray down a hall.
Don't need to be a PhD in firearms. Sorry I don't know all of the terminology when it comes to firearms. However, I still follow common sense. And you're calling me liberal? When I have a CCW and despise what the democratic party has become? go back to /k/ or reddit
The jews used their heads. Look who's winning now. Guns mean shit when it comes to overtaking a country.
tl;dr. Utopia doesn't exist.

He was always a faggot, but now he's a traitor.

Where's that A10 going to take off from if their airbase is overrun?

You didn't answer the question. Why do civilians need military style rifles? To protect their house? A sig can do a fantastic job at doing that.
Don't need to. Because it's perfect the way it is. Still don't understand, however, why one needs a military style rifle. The rifles they used back then were straight forward and everyone was familiar with them. Plus the population was much smaller than it is now. Conspiracy theories of the govt doing all of this crazy shit has been going on since ww1. Nothing happens. Nothing will happen. Nothing ever happens. It's just to keep you feeble minded imbeciles entertained thinking you know more than those in positions of power.
>Israel flag
>"why should we allow citizens to possess firearms." Where did I ever say that? I'm asking why civilians need military style rifles? I would love for every family to take advantage of the 2nd amendment and own some form of firearm solely for defending their family. Delete your post.
It's easy if the majority of the population cared. Unfortunately, they don't. Earlier this year with the shit in Oregon. What do you call that pathetic excuse? Muh militia? lol. People say they want to fight for their 2nd amendment but care too much about social media and other shit. Majority of Americans are domesticated. And also, when did I say no to firearms? I'm asking assault rifles.
Well, you don't need it.

also lol @ for deleting his post.

But America doesn't have a gun problem. You literally have a 1 in 1,000,000 chance of being killed each year by a rifle. Only about 300-400 people are murdered per year with rifles (that includes "assault rifles").

Tell me why a 1 in 1,000,000 chance of someone being killed is work weeks of debate in congress when we are trillions of dollars in debt and murdering people by the thousands in the middle east.

He better not. I hope he knows that it's a random thing that trips you up and puts you on the list. Stuff like traveling to the mideast or having a name a bit similar to a terror suspect or even a deceased terrorist.



>Well, you don't need it.

>You don't need your right
Not how it works, bub, and lucky for us you're not the one making those decisions.

>Israel flag
This was back when Sup Forums didn't have IDs and moot was Trolling Sup Forums and made everyone have Jew flags

Cho did just fine with a couple of pistols




>over run airforce base
>with peashooters

This isn't about getting Utopia fucktard, and I deleted and re-posted my post to fix an error. You read nothing from Orwell's essay. Go suck cock elsewhere you meme-loving fuck.


I need to be armed as well as those that may try to take away my rights. What is a good American to do if his government go rogue and decides to disarm the populace by force? We must be able to defend ourselves. The reason terrorists aren't attacking people house to house in the US is because the populace is armed.

He's always been a degerante cuckservative but usually he's informed. Now he's "muh mass shootings and AR-47 machine gun babby killers"


Close, but not quite. The people ARE the militia, and they should have and be proficient in using weapons of war to defend themselves and their countrymen. This is were the "well regulated" part comes in.

>1 post by this ID
Is this meme real?

>government has the right to regulate militias.
That's not in the second though.
Regulated means there is control within the militia.
Not control over the militia.
Bill let me down on this one.

>because with pistols the fatalities are much less than compared with a rifle that has an extended mag and can spray down a hall.

Pistols literally kill more people a year than rifles.


Using the leftist "well regulated means government regulation" meme? What the fuck, Bill.

Conservative Inc had been so deranged by facing an actual man that they've gone full faggot lately.

Luckily they're on the way out. Everyone young and smart and influential on the right is nationalist and realizes the so called conservative media are just globalist boot lickers just like the left

Flat out wrong, you can own a fully functional tank. You must posses a tax stamp for the gun and all ammunition that you have. That is all.

Bill is a cuckservative. He is heavily influenced by Rove and Kikehammer.

We really need to ban barrel shrouds desu
Too deadly for civilians