Why can't liberals into memes?
Why can't liberals into memes?
The green frog is the symbol of the white nationalists
Not according to them
and look at that, they made a "meme" about us
does that count as a rare pepe? never seen one quite like this
But user a lot of those are right.
Yeah you racist insecure poopoohead
Because they are followers not leaders.
ive seen it before here a couple of times but without the meme words
Those are all pretty accurate tbqh
Liberal memes are shit
how will pol ever recover
im now a #cruzmissle
That's entirely accurate.
This shows their one problem though, they're trying to insult people who're just a faceless mass of self-loathing morons by calling them faceless self-loathing morons, they think that by naming the Jew they're calling him out but in this case we're shooting draddles out the front of the synagogue while shrieking goy at people as they walk past.
What did they mean by this?
that does it. I'm now a #cruzmissile
>/fit/ doesn't acknowledge that it's gay as all fuck
I have never heard this word before.
i believe it's called being a normal person or "normie" in some circles
Because they're boring fucks at heart with all their shitty rules for every shitty little detail
Memetic quotes don't work when you need to be politically correct.
Look. It's facing the wrong way. It's not a real Pepe.
Nuh uh! You're insecure!