Kevlar helmet

So was the helmet like super durable? They said the shooter had a Ar-15 yet this helmet and the guy wearing it would be dead if he got shit in the helmet. Am I right? I've never seen this on Sup Forums before. Thoughts?

Other urls found in this thread:

>am i right?


They work sometimes. Its a lot of luck and depends where the round strikes. Looks to me like it did what it was supposed to, but its not a guarantee. Helmets, since WW 1, are mainly psychological protection for soldiers, as it gives them a better sense of comfort and security over not wearing one at all.

>dead if he got shit in the helmet
He was Indian. He's immune to shit.

How about some evidence? I'm not a buzzfeed watcher and don't just assume everything people say is true.

.223 or 5.56 can easily fuck these helmets up. They did say he had a pistol maybe a 9mm hit his helmet.

Depends upon angle; rounds that will punch through a perpendicular target can ricochet off the same target with 15 degrees of variance.

if only Sup Forums had a weapons related board...

The Warp of it doesn't make any sense. it looks like a slug hit it not a bullet.

He would get banned for posting this on /k/ because it's a "current event."

I don't know if this will be okay with /k/. Besides most of them are just 14 year olds who play Arma 3

the shooter did not have an ar15 you faggot. he had a sig sauer mcx.

go ask /k/

they know all about bulletry

>AR-15 .223 Lr
>Sig Sauer mcx .223 Lr

If the bullet strikes at a shallow angle, it's entirely possible to survive a .223 to the helmet with minor injuries

>.223 lr
Nigga, wut

Eh maybe. It really comes down to the round flying out the rifle rather than the rifle itself. Plenty of weapons chambered in 5.56/.223 can have a mag full of rounds with penetrators, or it has rounds that doesnt. It really depends. If they tell us EXACTLY what kind of bullets he was using that'd solve the mystery. Odds are he was using 5.56mm soft core jacketed rounds rather than one with tungsten penetrators since they're illegal (iirc) for civilian gun dealers to sell.

Was it angled from the ground or above? The warp doesn't look right. I have a III-A Kevlar helmet, but sadly I have no .223 Lr ammo or any gun that shoots .223 Lr.


lol no. Helmets were created to protect people's heads from shrapnel

Even if it stops a bullet, the impact will brake your neck.

well i'll be damned. there is a "223 short."

he's still fucking baiting, though.

He was probably hit with a ricochet. Something significantly reduced the velocity of the round that struck him. It does happen though.

Those flared out WW1 helmets were more for warding off falling shrapnel than for bullets anyway.

Long rifle. It just means the round is for rifles and is in a rifle cartridge rather than a pistol cartridge. Its still .223

My bad
Site says the rounds are either 5.56 or 7.62x39mm
I thought it was an AR-15 because Media was claiming it. I was wrong.

Well yeah of course. Hence the design. But in WW 1 soldiers were not issued helmets and there was marked increase in causalities, not just from shrapnel but soldiers werent behaving in a manner of self preservation as well as more psychological casualties. There's quite a bit of reading concerning this. But you are correct, they were issued to help against shrapnel.

Kevlar helmets can stop pistol rounds (well most of em not all) but rifle rounds, like .223 will go just through.

>he fell for this sorry old trope
F=m*a retard. If it doesn't snap your shoulder when you are firing it, it won't snap your neck. Put the butt of a rifle to your head and fire if you want to fact check me.

As for the rest of this thread, there are hundreds if not thousands of combat cases of helmets stopping rifle rounds. There is no indication the round was coming straight on. You can't tell just by looking at the scratches where the round came from.

Go on youtube and look up Demolition Ranch. Armor that's designed to withstand bullets - surprise - withstands bullets. AR-15 isn't some super special magnum assault sniper with fully semi-automatic firing capabilities that allow it to fire 7 round bursts to unload its 200 round armor penetrating military clip in under 4 seconds, it's literally the standard civilian rifle.

>there was marked increase in causalities

The increase in head casualties was due to soldiers no longer dying from fragments, i.e. the helmets doing their job.

there's a video of a marine inna-stan who survives a hit from a 7.62 round from an SVD unscathed

the angle of impact can save your ass

>Close corners
>Helmets don't protect again Close range Rifle rounds
>The place wasn't very ricochet built.

But the story changed its a sig sauer mcx now.

Helmets from before modern ballistic construction were not psychological protection moron. When a shell hits near you if you're lucky you'll just get knocked over forcefully, which can still kill you if you're not wearing any head protection. Would you call a bicycle helmet mainly for psychological protection?

If he was hit directly he'd be toast.

He was hit at an angle. Without it, he would certainly be dead or incapacitated.

Despite what this user says: Helmet technology has come a long way.


But the hole of the helmet caves in towards the center, The bottom part is warped down. This shot looks very centered not angled.

What kind of a useless asshole must this cop be to have descended on this untrained raghead in a swat formation and allowed him to get off a bullet literally right between his eyes?

Why weren't they using same tactics as French, where one with a heavy shield covers the entire line?

The US would be better off having the military train between between 50-100 elite cops (depending on size on state) and having them on standby to have a blackhawk or even an Osprey take them where they need to be.

What the Brits are doing with the SAS now. Will be interesting to see how it goes the first time there is a big snacker in the UK...

Shot was dead center like you said. It was from his 9mm pistol, which that helmet is rated to stop. A direct hit by a 223 sub 100 yards would have gone completely thru the helmet and the cops head.

>14 year olds have computers than can run ARMA 3

good god

>fighting is really easy and everyone from the winning side comes out alive trust me I'm European.

habbenings in the US aren't as much fun as Euro habbenings-- with the exception of the San Bernadino one, bc it involved a car chase and we had live helicopter footage of the cops killing them.

Pretty sure he was shot when breaching, can't really do that behind a shield.

>that picture

I got a good hearty kek out of it

>I am a superior military tactician than trained professionals because I'm good at counter strike

It's very obvious the 9mm pistol hit him in the helmet. Even a Ricochet .223 would go through IIIA armor

Someone on /k/ gave me a higher res picture. Looks like a pistol round hit it, direct shot. I guess it was just a pistol round that hit it.

>fighting is really easy
No, 'murices education apparently doesn't leave one knowing that Swiss have a bigger gun culture than you do.

When you are going in with a swat team, to get hit direct in the dead by an untrained raged who was surprised and had been there for 3+ hours is poor form.

t. a guy who has worked as a contractor on security details of some of the shitbag middle eastern royals.

How about a robot cop? We could call him RoboCop



Could have been a bullet fired by one of the police, or a ricochet of a bullet fired by one of the police. Omar "One Man Homocaust" Manteen wasn't the only one firing bullets when they stormed the club.


What I still don't understand is that bulge on the bottom, Does a 9mm still have enough energy to bend the helmet after already hitting one piece directly?

>Even a Ricochet .223 would go through IIIA armor
Not true. It's basically the luck of the draw. I've seen standard Kevlar helmets stop a 7.62 from less than 50 yards from an AK in almost that same spot.

By all ballistic calculations, it shouldn't have stopped it, but there the motherfucker was, alive.

That's fucking retarded and disregards how huge America is, let alone a lot of other fucking stuff.

> 300 blackout
> 5.56x45 or 7.62x39

/k/ here, Sup Forums are retards.
I've taken 7.62x54r in the helmet in Rojava, this is also false.
Though I am extremely lucky to have survived.
The hole is a securing bolt that was knocked out when the helmet took a shot. It's not from a bullet.
You're a retard. Helmets defend against shrapnel. The increase of casualties was from shrapnel. Think about shit before you post.
You must not understand how fucking enormous the United States is, and how many police forces we would actually have to train to do this in a way that they can deploy in a good time frame.

It looks like a PASGT to me, which is NIJ IIIa ballistic protection, which is rated for .44 magnum. I have no doubts anything rated IIIa could take one or two .300 Blackout rounds, especially at indirect angles.

take your fantasies somewhere else euroshit

They are designed to be destroyed in controlled manners. You redirect energy, to prevent injury.

Ballistics are a funny thing and I think you're focusing way too much on what you -think- the damage should look like, when you don't know any of the angles, the movement of the cop and the bullet fired.

Modern helmet literally redirect shrapnel. They're designed to curve debris away from the skull.
They're really marvels of modern engineering.

>.223 or 5.56 can easily fuck these helmets up.
If he's using lead-core .223 (especially if it's soft-point/JHP) I could see a K-pot stopping it.

May have also been a glancing hit, or gone through an intermediate barrier, or been from the shooter's pistol (or possibly one of the other SWAT officers).

Isn't it lovely that in Europe and the US now, we both now have to have completely militarized police forces?

Thanks, Cameron and Bush, for doing the bidding of your Jewish masters. Did a heck of a job.

Every fucking major site in NYC, Paris, London, Geneva, etc.. is now a literal fucking war zone.

Diversity is out strength.

In fact, it looks like it could've been a 9x19 round that splattered, and if I'm mistaken and the hole isn't a securing hole, /k/ pointed out that it could also be from shrapnel.

We've been militarizing since the 80s, Florian.

what did he use then?

>disregards how huge America is

Instead, the Us ends up with balding fatasses who have never done that sort of thing before and inevitable they fuck it up.

Yes, it would be far more efficient to have 50-100 guys trained by US Spec Ops and have a group covering a 250 mile radius or so.

They could have gone in a lot earlier and save a lot more of the queen if they had experienced guys doing it rather than a bunch of obese FL cops trying to fit their ballistic vest over their huge fucking stomach.

And that still is retarded, considering how fuck huge some of our states are
Especially when you consider the amount of training this would have to ensue, we'd have a regiment sized police force that never sees action.
Reminder that experience trumps training, 99/100 times.

And even then, that is still a response time that is too slow.

It all depends on where you get shot and with what round.

>i been shot twice on two separate occasions
>once with a .38 and the other was a 9mm

neither time was i at risk of dying

>ake your fantasies somewhere else euroshit
Yes, I made up my job as an advisor to the security detail of the royal family in abu dhabi, bc, you know, I'm hoping to get laid here on 4 chan.

The funny thing is, you motherfuckers are so used to frauds, that when someone who has actually worked in that field makes a genuine comment, you can't even comprehend the idea that it's genuine.

You're right. I never worked for sultan al-nahyan as the head Western advisor to his detail along with an former Us Secret Service dude there to make more money, it was all a dream after playing "medal of honor."

This is what people are missing.
Mostly because they've never worn one.
Cop had something attached there. Theres a mounting boss there for like night vision goggles.
From the deformity, its obvious that he had something attached. It would have consisted of an aluminum mounting plate at least, possibly something mounted on top of that.
So there was multiple layers/materials that the round had to penetrate.
3d armored cav here BTW.

>And that still is retarded,
No, it isn't. You don't really have to cover any of flyover country, save for Chicago.

Could cover NYC, Boston, LA/San Fran/San Diego, and FL bc of Miami and all the tourist shit there.

The Brits are confident in using it with the SAS. No reason the Us couldn't have a similar system to cover the major targets, and get actual professionals in there to handle it.

this motherfucker in Orlando was there for 4 HOURS.

Not all those faggots had to die.

Almost any .223 round will penetrate any level of kevlar armor. Armor plates are called 'rifle plates' for a reason.

Most likely, the sandnigger was using FMJ, which will zip through a kevlar helmet.


Because 50 blackhawks constantly running on top of constant training for 50x100 men on top of the cost of equipping them all and paying them for something statistically insignificant is retardation at it's finest.
That's why it's fucking stupid, happy?

same projectile, ~same rate of fire, same thing dick breath.

>Cop had something attached there
may have had goggles up around the helmet or something, but there's no part of a base there for mounting NVGs or a thermal.

>Aren't helmets fucking useless?
No, we wouldn't make them if they were.

This is the mount that caused the deformity.
Plus the cop probably had something attached to the mount, meaning even more energy lost during penetration.

>all and paying them for something statistically insignificant
What the fuck do you think it costs to train and give swat gear to every fucking police dept in the US?

Yes, lots of it in military surplus, still has to be kept in good running order, plus the training, the weapons for every fucking cop in all 50 states...

I'm being serious, give me a cost estimate and tell me my idea isn't both cheaper and more effective.

I know it will never happen bc of the fucking bureaucracy nightmare that is Us LEA, but give me an estimate on cost. Please. Just off top of your head, for all the shit local PDs and sheriffs have to keep around now.

Dude, I wore that helmet for a long time.
Theres a mounting boss there, trust me.

>They said the shooter had a Ar-15
they are liars lmao

the helmet was obviously made from a high powered assault rifle, likely an AR 15.

Actually, this is more than likely the style he was wearing.
I got trigger happy on search.

and here is where you loose the credibility of your arguments.

same caliber, same rate of fire. same magazine....

They're for shrapnel. They're not really rated for rifle-caliber bullets.

looking at how the pain came off, there probably was a mount there.

Leave it to the US to give top of line gear to their spec forces and absolute shit to the average soldier, which then gets filtered down to cops.

Even the fuck arabs have their NVG.thermal mounts made so that they are a part of the helmet. Not the they will ever use them, but they are almost soldered into the body of the helmet rather than being nigger-rigged with an attachment....

This is the adapter for nvg's that mounts to that plate.
So he could have had this, plus even more gear that the ar round went through.
He was one lucky son of a bitch to have it hit where it did.

Low Rotation

The bullet rotates slower and thus is more accurate. Snipers always use this kind of ammo.

this is an example of the type Swiss use (and the Arabs, BTW... and this is for conventional, not spec ops)

Meanwhile we had recalls on bolts that held our shit together because they fell out (happened to me)

this is spec forces version. I can't believe the US cops run around with that kind of 25 year old shit. But then, most of them don't anticipate and never will use their gear in a real tactical situation.

Which is why I think it makes more sense to have anti-terror police place within a certain radius with the ability to abseil right out of an Osprey.

You'd end up saving money and would have better trained people doing it.

>Twf no .223 long range



>Helmets, since WW 1, are mainly psychological protection for soldiers, as it gives them a better sense of comfort and security over not wearing one at all.
Governments don't spend that kind of money on psychological protection.

>Plenty of weapons chambered in 5.56/.223 can have a mag full of rounds with penetrators, or it has rounds that doesnt. It really depends. If they tell us EXACTLY what kind of bullets he was using that'd solve the mystery. Odds are he was using 5.56mm soft core jacketed rounds rather than one with tungsten penetrators
Why did you type all that when you actually don't know? Do you feel the need to be some kind of "gun guy" around naiive audiences? While being wrong?

do you expect them to model fucking bone-phones when I don't even think SF using bone-conduction technology has been declassified?

But no, the mics are never that big. Keep in mind, these pics are to show to some 80 IQ nigger or sand-nigger dictator in hopes of getting him to buy the shit...

>Makes speculation
>Does virtually no research
>Demands others for their evidence because they're too much of a lazy nigger to do it themselves

lol, I love Sup Forums

Jack shit, because they get surplus sub par equipment for pennies compared to working shit we all do, and much of it also comes from personal funding, such as most of the police involved in the hunt for the Boston bomber

And this is also not factoring the value of having our SF actually working instead of training shitty inexperienced cops

> PASGT ripoff with velcro on it
FAST ripoff with velcro on it

Wow, so special, much better than the identical versions US cops have, with their 25 year old PASGT shit you almost directly copied

Only changes a little bit, the effect of a single round will still be almost the same.

Wait hold the fuck up lmao
It's not even FAST, it's literally the same helmet with a side rail
Holy fuck

Nice one, Swissfags, confirmed for paper tiger equipment that appeals to normies

>They're really marvels of modern engineering.
They are just modern copies of medieval ones that were designed to redirect force in the same way.