>ITT: We Discuss Gun Control
ITT: We Discuss Gun Control
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>I don't normally throw this out there
Somehow I doubt that
Nothing to discuss OP. We can all agree that assault rifles should be banned. It's a fair compromise.
>inb4 bait
Argue the point, Billy Bob. Not every comment has some ulterior motive. Sup Forums isn't a hive mind.
hold the grip firmly, but not too tight
I got pulled over with a gun once and the cop complimented it and played with it for a few minutes then let me go with a warning.
Maybe, i don't know.. try not being a criminal and being polite to the police? - they're humans too. They don't want to get shot either.
Switzerland has legal guns but no immigration of muslims
>"why was he carrying a gun"
NO, kike. Why was he aiming a gun at the fucking cops? THAT'S WHAT IT IS!
You fucking dishonest kikes.
reminder the niggers aim guns at the cops
>hundreds of thousands of americans use guns in self defense every year
>"mass shooting" happens once in a while and kills tens of people
>hurr ban all guns
wew fucking lad
"carrying a gun" =/= "aim gun at people or the police or flash it at bystanders"
Should guns be kept under lock and key inside the house for self defense and conceal-carry be abolished?
Yep. Had to replace my friends toilet as there where cracks in the a trap. We took it to state owned land in the middle of no where and shot the shit out out it. 5 guys 5 12.Ga 5 variations of ar, ak. 3 drunk as fuck. No issues. The cop shot my mossberg 18.5 " barrel pistol grip with re-loaded 3.5" #4 buckshot nasty burglar round. Good times.
Ladies and gentlemen, the US education system.
Oy Vey! more evidence of anti-white shilling!
It's really simple.
Guns, like cars, can cause harm when used incompetently or maliciously. We safeguard against this, in the case of cars, with a licensing system wherein you must pass certain tests to get a licence and you're punished for driving without one or for otherwise breaking the terms of your licence or the law. No one in their right mind considers vehicle licensing to be an unfair obstacle to car ownership and we all accept that the system is in place to allow responsible people to still own and operate cars while keeping everyone relatively safe from the incompetent. Arguing that the same shouldn't be true in the case of guns is fucking retarded.
Maybe because the black people who get shot for having guns are pointing them at people/the cop, reaching for their own, or trying to steal the cop's/security's like Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin did.
And yes, it really should be ONLY white men who have the guns in the US. Nobody else.
Go look up some lists for the following:
> states with most lax laws/easiest ways to purchase a gun
> states with smallest percentage of black people
>safest states / lowest crime rates
You will see a common theme with states like Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Montana, North & South Dakota be at the top of each one of these lists.
So... some of the easiest places to buy guns in the US, with predominantly white citizens, very few black people = the safest, lowest crime states in the USA.
>after someone is killed by police
Yeah 17 year old Deshawndre definitely has his CCW permit and was acting in a calm, non-threatening manner
My uncle has an unregistered truck that he uses for his farm that I learned to drive before I could even get a license. In the US you don't need a license to buy or own a car.
he got sleepy real fast
You shills get paid, and as a result there are tax records.
That means YOUR NAMES AND ADDRESSES automatically become a matter of public record.
Don't think we'll forget about your anti-American shilling activities when the time comes to separate the wheat from the chaff....
Wonderful! And then it will be a fair compromise to ban pistol 5 years later.
Not one inch.
>there are thousands upon thousands more vehicle-related deaths than all gun-related deaths
maybe you should deregulate driving
I never said you did, and it's beside the point anyway, but you do need a licence to drive on a public road. I shudder to think what public roads would be like if that weren't the case.
We need the 2nd Amendment to protect the other Amendments.
Reality: allow Washington to pick apart the other Amendments as long as we can keep our guns.
A drivers license is a privilege that is granted by the state and can be revoked by the state.
Gun ownership is a right protected by the Constitution. It is not a privilege.
Troll harder.
So are you saying that buying and owning guns should be completely unregulated while carrying it in public should require a license?
If you are, you may want to join the NRA.
If done properly, it could be considered. Once you get a license (and any additional endorsements) you should be able to buy what you want with no government tracking. Shit, they already track you every time you fill out a 4473.
I already have a license for concealed carry - although I don't think it's necessary as far as the constitution goes, if it gives liberal faggots more peace of mind, I was willing to bend a little. The benefit now is that I usually pay less for a transfer and it effectively per-approves me.
If there were more benefits to getting a license, like allowing registry of new NFA weapons if you get one, then it might garner more interest.
Has to benefit both sides - that's the nature of compromise that we no longer understand. Every time you give an inch to a liberal faggot, they try to take a mile, so you have some really entrenched resistance as illustrated ITT.
There are already too many infringements on gun ownership. There should be none. Murder is already illegal. Manslaughter is already illegal.
Every gun law in the US is already unconstitutional. it's not a drivers license. it's a right.
A senator literally just 10 minutes ago said on the senate floor said that you can go to a gunshow in the US and walk away with a fully automatic assault rifle with no background check. That is what we are up against folks.
hey someone's getting it
Can you? Full autos are still illegal
They're not illegal, just supply is limited, cost is high, and the wait for ATF approval is long.
I like this narrative. Post it on /r/the_donald
I don't know why libs fail to grasp that almost all gun violence is concentrated in inner cities with large black populations
chicago has over 4 times the murder rate of the entire united states. baltimore has over 8 times the US murder rate!
>defending yourself with a weapon while being the victim of a crime = pointing a gun at a cop and/or carrying a weapon during commission of a crime
Obvious bait but posting this for any other moron who would agree with this.
Rifles like the AR15 account for less than 1% of all gun homicides. Not even all gun deaths, which is a much larger figure. All gun homicides.
There is 0 correlation between legal gun ownership and gun crime.
After the assault weapon ban passed in 1994, the Columbine shooters were able to conduct the largest mass shooting in the country's history at that time using the weapons that were legally available to them. Over 20 dead and a similar amount injured.
The Virginia Tech shooter killed over 30 people using handguns.
There is no logical argument for banning AR15's or any other modern semi auto rifle. It's a purely emotional response.
We already know you cucks are up against our god given rights faggot.
Hey, what do you think of this travel guide of Oahu?
There's no "Visit the Pearl Harbor memorial" by the way.
I'm not a senator and I'm not against owning guns.
I am just pointing out how they are blatantly lying in their filibuster.
that's not a lie, that's how the law works.
shall not be infringed. I can buy or sell a gun to or from whomever I want
Yea, sure, go ahead and transfer a Title II firearm privately. LMAO
totally legal faggot
I can sell it to my brother, my friend, or a random person on the street.
I rekon you should atleast have a written or spoken exam or something. Admittedly 99% of salespeople would probably gloss over it because if someone fucks up it means they lose a sale but still.
Gun Control won't work in America though, it's retarded to try. You should educate people in gun safety as kids so they don't get their brains fucked by disinfo.
Listen you dumb liberal faggots, you can whine and complain about "muh gun control" but absolutely NOTHING is going to be done about the current long rifles owned by the public nor their 30-200 round mags.
Current gun owners need to chill the fuck out too. You have your rifle, if a law is passed making you will be grandfathered in. The government is not going to take away your gun or mags.
Furthermore as someone who is very pro-2nd amendment I have no idea why people are against background checks for anything that is not a shotgun or pistol. Seriously, if you're not a fuck up then you're good. Fuck ups don't need weapons.