I would kill and die for MUH CONSTITUTION
Constitution of US is absolutely shit made by Masonary.
Prove me wrong. Protip: You can't.
I would kill and die for MUH CONSTITUTION
Constitution of US is absolutely shit made by Masonary.
Prove me wrong. Protip: You can't.
You are a poor country filled with crime and disease, why do think you have the right to criticise anyone?
Fuck Off Brazilian monkey.
Because I have an IQ of 140 and I'm more smarter than 99.98% of the global population.
Butthurt about fatness? No, thanks.
>Brazilian Intellectuals
The Constitution and Bill of Rights are the most perfect legal documents ever created.
>skinny americans
>I'm more smarter
well you're right
lol wrong sandnigger
>The Constitution and Bill of Rights are the most perfect legal documents ever created.
Why? It's just masonary masturbation.
>more smarter
brazillian intellectuals
let me guess, you vote regularly and think your vote makes a difference
At least we beat Germany at things
Name a better written basis of a government.
Unless you're just a brainless shitposter.
>more smarter
Brazil BTFO
>written basis of a government.
Just the point. Good government don't need written basis like old monarchies.
Like your good government?
>trailer park boys reaction image that's barely even relevant to the conversation
Why are Canadians so fucking pathetic?
The founding fathers were indeed masonic.
They were LITERALLY enlightened by their own intelligence and knew that plebeian Christianity was a tether for retards unable to think for themselves.
Why do you this board is so obsessed with Christianity? They're not normal people, believe you me, but rather government shills trying to coax the gullible into falling in line with a doctrine that says to lie down and die and forgive enemies.
America was not founded on Christian values and it should never practice or uphold any religious belief because a population of superstitious fools are easily controlled by "miracles" and "signs"
The same applies to these autistic NEET retards awaiting the end of the world with their apocalyptic frog deathcult.
Actually we are Christian because we have seen what Godless progressive liberalism has to offer us.
And we laughed and walked away from it.
The U.S is shit in general. stupidfucking american and the weak economand
hello mudslime
> I'm more smarter
Thanks for the laugh, hue monkey.
>Good government don't need written basis like old monarchies.
are you actually advocating anarchy
fuck man you sure got me
he is a bernout
commandment of Bible seems more intelligent than free speech, MUH GUNS and everybody votes.
[patriotism intensifies]
Why,do you faggots even care about our Constitution? I couldn't give a fuck about any other stupid countries. I think yall are just jelly of our guns and free speach
please tell, o obviously enlightened one, how we should be more like you
>Why? It's just masonary masturbation.
You have a very interesting view of Masonry.
>Woman vote
>African american vote
Wow so progressive and modern. Thanks for bringing this cancer to the world.
>more smarter
>scratches head in confusion
>gets shot by fellow favela chimpanzilian
I'm christian huh
>brazilian flag
I'll never feel bad about bombing the shit out of you.
>theocracy is a great idea
>I'm annoyed at modern American culture and foreign policy but I choose to attack the single strongest aspect of the entire nation
>meanwhile my own country is undergoing massive corruption and fraud allegations specifically because we lack the kind of clear rules for authority and checks on authority the Constitution lays out
Stick to complaining about gay pride parades.
less gun violence by enarrcing good gun laws. abolish police, let communities run eachother and replice the nationa; language with arabic or russian
>implying you guys won
>implying you are wiening
You took the shitty parts but ignored the good parts. Are you trying to prove youre a cuck
I don't worship this.
My country has the constitution most progressive of the world and still sucks at everything.
I just miss the monarchy.
Congrats? I mean, pretty sure no one does. What's that got to do with anything?
>We don't need a written codex of rights for our citizens
>I'm sure everything will just work out
Masonary is a satanic sect.
>I just miss the monarchy.
You and others, it seems.
I would entreat you to try and support them and get rid of that blight (((democracy))).
Well no, it isn't.
The only way to make Brazil great is to close the congress and edit a new constitution.
>Constitution of US is absolutely shit made by Masonary.
Ok sounds fine
>Masonary is a satanic sect.
Freemasonry* isn't a satanic sect.
You should at least spell it properly.
Our goal was to remove Gaddafi. Everything after that was on you guys.
Can I just say, I've met several South Americans who are very engaged in politics, and you guys sound exactly like them. There's always that tinge of "if only I was in charge this would all be taken care of".
Hey, i'm actually affiliated to a political party and working at the local elections. Not a NEET good for nothing Sup Forumslack whiner.
>the only way to make Brazil great
That while ensuring the blast radius doesn't reach Southern Brazil.
I'm not being critical, I admire how engaged you guys are. I just wish you actually took the Enlightenment a little more seriously.
From what I can tell, a lot of world constitutions have been based on the Constitution. They tend to run into problems when they try to modify it to suit their own political situation.
Though on the other hand I'm pretty sure there's an African or South Pacific country that adopted the Constitution word for word and it's still a shithole.