How to find a Beautiful Traditional Wife

>In fact it is really important for women at 20 years to hear this: when they are 20 years old they have a lot more choice. It is wrong to say that they must wait to be sure (just look at the divorce statistics to realize). This is just normal: at 20 years, the beauty of youth is there to say that they have the ability to have many children and their children are more likely to survive. This is related in fact to the concept of couple in humans (the best way to have children that will survive in that "cruel" Nature). When you are 30 or 40 years, if you are married, you no longer need to draw all eyes on you. However, the nature still leaves the possibility of finding a partner if it is not already done.

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> find a wife
> today


find a decent girl who isnt afraid of hard work and make her into a beautiful traditional wife, but you wont because youre a beta faggot nigger cuck


get married and have lots of kids sven. believe me, i would be happy to hear sweden stay nordische.

prepared the bull already for your "traditional" wife XD?

stop making blacked and cuck memes
stop creating fantasy women with your exact political views and most of all stop saving pictures of white instagram whores and idolizing them.
i'm serious it is extremely degenerate and skewers your chances of actually talking to any potential wife

I will. Dunno if she'll be nordic though

at least 3 should be the aim for any white male
>german with a cuck fetish

how rare

Dem girls in that pic has penis! I no fall for trap

Be a Chad like me

>Dunno if she'll be nordic though


That doesnt make sense. If she is not nordic, your children arent swedish.
Swedish people are nordish people.

Can men become mail-order husbands?

No actually. They are celtic/slavic because vikings brought back so many slaves.

>That doesnt make sense. If she is not nordic, your children arent swedish.

That doesn't matter to me. I don't see myself staying here anyway

sadly the most traditional women now days are non white woman.

>That doesn't matter to me
Its pointless then.
Mixed people are disgusting

I am becoming an honorable 30 year old man

Where do I meet traditional 18 year old girls?

If you don't mix-race your children will not be German. True-Germans are mixed.

Pure people are disgusting. Freaks I call them.

Pls answer
on some white slavery market

Nah white people are great, no matter what mix

Well fug

Thats not very honourable

Step one- build time machine
Step two- travel back in time to the first hominid females and kill them
Step three- realize that women have always been animals, its just men who became something more
Step four- give artificial womb technology to the first hominid males, teach them everything
Step five- travel back to "present day" which is now the Imperium of mankind
Step six- Join the Imperial Guard and fight for your living God Emperor

>dating western women

You should know better by now

Careful you'll trigger the 1488% pure Nordic Germanic ubermensch user

>multiple ear piercings
literally shit

if YOU dont but her, some filthy arab will.
you cant dismantle slavery(which existed since always)
you can save 1 girl and save your life too

The only non white man I would enthusiastically marry my daughter off to would be a an honourable samurai

You have a point. If you can buy a white slavegirl, do it, honestly.

But you're probably a piece of shit if you actually know about slavemarkets, anyway

>Pure people are disgusting. Freaks I call them.

? What are doing in this thread?

There are big differences

>not making your own wife

Fucking plebs

Yes, old faggots are always looking for 3rd world twinks.

Fucking why? The offspring will still be confused and have no solid identity.

I think it's illegal in America though and I don't want to go digging in human trafficking sites


I like the East Asians too, but why race mixing?
Thats pointless for both sides

that guys a loser

for seeing the Warcraft movie, its based off of shit, so its shit automatically

For all those that want tl;dr:
>If you aren't chad just become MGTOW
>If you are Chad impress girls starting at age 15 and marry then when they're 20, you will marry at 30.

this is LITERALLY t. Chad.

stfu pleb

Japan idolizers are idiots. You will never be Japanese, weabos. Stick to your own heritage

(spoiler) go to Venezuela and rescue a lady, oh knight of Burgerland (spoiler)
Maybe ill pose with fake photos as a twink and expose some kike
>But you're probably a piece of shit if you actually know about slavemarkets, anyway
Its extremely common in south america to know about crime networks

STFU idiot we are all japanese including you.

Assuming he is a samurai, the white cuckness and lower IQ are traits I hate in my genes.

I may not be a cuck, but there are millions of my people that have proven to be subhuman jew puppet trash
>pic related

Top tier asians and top tier whites can make a perfect society. None of that white beta yellow fever mating with desperate superficial chink though

Why would Venezuela have White chicks?

>Assuming he is a samurai, the white cuckness and lower IQ are traits I hate in my genes.
Implying it's normal for Whites to be cucks. That's just fucking retarded

OK you're a troll

99% of the time when Chads talk about women they're "humble bragging" where they pretend that they're giving you advice but are just using the interaction to tell you how many women they've fucked and how easy it is to get laid for them.

Don't ever hang out with Chads.


i thaught the same. especially the "grooming" part.
It's not true that the span between man and women are that high because you have to be "worthy".
Its exactly the golddiggers span, when women can SEE that you have money and wealth.

In your younger years you are just a risk to them.

I like the Japanese. But still no racemixing.

i just go for asians, as i find them more attractive. I have no problem landing that puss.

hitler teamed with japs, its not degenerate

some yuppies venezolanas are white
I know th specific city where they dwell even
>be sure to excorcise /christianize her trough, she will have been living in an ape culture

Underrated post.

Sup Forumsiticians need to hit the gym, drink the protien-jew, and work to get the life you want.

>not being gay

Whites have proven to be a jew puppet cuck race and all of western civilization reflects this.

I don't exclusively want my daughter to reproduce with a jap but I would be as happy with one of them as an honourable white guy.

I'm married, not to a Western girl mind you..also not white
>tfw she rants about how trashy and slooty western females are.


>not having white kids.

Mix a Nord and a Dinaric and you get a nigger. Mix an Alpine and a Keltid and you get a nigger.


is that so hard to get?

Are you Asian?

Look at every white country

The guys I went to highschool with are borderline cuck fetish anti-white AIDS skrillex faggots.

Im just being realistic: look at white males in europe, Canada, USA and Australia. Way too many of then are literal cucks

It's something to do with too much empathy to the point of retardation

>Be a work horse for a lesser creature than yourself

Nah I think we need something new, not this liberal shit

Maybe something like Taoism might work though

If the world consisted solely of whites and asians it would be a much better place.

Plus east asians are as close as you can get to white genetically (without being white.)

The fact remains that you do not deserve an immaculate 9/10 wife if you yourself are not an immaculate 9/10. I have bad news for Sup Forums, your perfect virgin waifu's do, in fact, exist. They get taken by ripped, successful Chads who more than six figures a year +. This attitude of entitlement is no different than GIBSMEDATS. You want a good wife? Why do you think you deserve a good wife? You fat lazy unsuccessful ugly neckbeards get to be stuck with used goods goldigger whores

Why is that rule #1?

You sound like a kike

lel yeah
the western culture- and people is what is important

not racial purity

> I'm 14, the post
Mao killed over 80 million of his brethren because a German Jew told him to. All you underage and Sup Forums should be forced to go live outside the 1st world comfiness to gobble the shit that is every Eastern/Southern/Nigger country.

>find a virgin before you are 20
>have her barefoot by 30

is it that hard

implying it has to be that way and we couldn't fix it if we controlled education and media

stop being stupid

The European race/western native peoples are important, but I get your point, great pic- sauce?

>>have her barefoot by 30
what do you mean by this?


>asians are as close as you can get to white genetically
> (without being white.)

lol my sides....

Asians are a huge race. Turks are Asians too.
And they are disgusting.
If there were only Whites and Asians, we would have war too. Asians show no mercy, so they would propably attack us.

But just dont racemix. You are really obsessed with those Asians...

>Asians are a huge race.

Hence why I said east asians you dumbfuck

>Also buy my cassette and FRP game pls.

I was talking mostly about the japanese. Bushido and honor seem to be core values to their culture despite their modern wierdness

Remember, I dont want to racemix with japs just for japs. But I would be ok with a top tier samurai as a son in law

have her inside, obedient and pregnant

keep her out of the cucked lefty world as much as possible

Russia and Kazakhstan consist of nothing but whites and East Asians. It's always been one of the worst regions to live in, ever.

What stupid fucking cuck gets turned into trash because of the media?

I was fed the same shit and I broke free. I have seen asians just full blown laugh at retards for getting brainwashed

>implying they rad anything of worth

user I think he's a troll

It's good to see you defending our race so much. We can turn this around.

Guys, the west was the dominant power on earth for almost 500 years. Most White people outside of the east where Turks were a constant source of anxiety have forgotten what it's like to have to defend your people.

Give it time, Whitey is waking up

>the western culture- and people is what is important
>not racial purity

Are you really that stupid?
People are a specific race. If you are mixed with something else, you dont have your culture either.

That is so weak. The culture is a result of a race. Not the other way around. If you just want to preserve the culture and not the purity, you lose everything.

Using the proxy word "culture" is nothing more than the fear to be a racist.But we need to be racist to survive.
Without biological purity we will get fucked away, step by step

People are influenced by media and education, it doesn't make them all shit. People used to get influenced by the culture to be more patriotic and more family oriented.

People are sheep, and that's fine. We just have to be the sheep-dogs. Wake up

>implying they aren't just two books shy of completing the entire western canon

Asians just seem to resist jewish tricks a lot better than whites.

I have become disappointed by my own race after seeing the most powerful nations on the planet voluntarily cuck themselves to death through democracy

It's pathetic even with the jews being responsible.

But senpai, if you've interacting with average Japanese qts, you'd realize that they are pleasant to be around.

Slavic women are based af

No no no you're misunderstanding this shit,

Asians were never globally dominant like we were. They never felt comfortable. Even the Japanese were always obsessed with proving they were equal to Whites.

It's not the same.

I just want children and grandchildren that are better at resisting jewish manipulation and samurai seem to be a way of achieving that.

I am officially a racial realist at this point not a racial supremacist

Democracy is the biggest cuck system there is. Literally anything in a democracy can be justified. People are literally voting to let degeneracy happen and shit. The moment we let democracy become the standard is when we fell.

You honestly don't love to look into a cute White girl's face and run your hand against her pale White body?


White girls are fucked by the culture, we need to try to fix them. Giving up on White females is uber retarded

Women cannot be based. They just parrot whatever their men say and do.

im a western chauvinist senpai

whites built western culture and whites will maintain western culture

doesn't mean it can't be exported though, it aleady has been, to Eastern Europe

>because vikings brought back so many slaves
>brought back slaves
>to a land suffering from chronic food shortages
You dumbass, they sold all those slaves to the Byzantines and various Middle-Eastern Emirates and Central Asian Khanates

I'm not a racial supremacist.

Wanting my race to survive is not supremacist, you fool. Japanese are more and more degenerate by the year. Also anti racism is being pushed in East Asia.

It's just newer, there. A lot of Japanese are cucked and think Blacks are cool because of the western media.

Possibly, but you also sound like a desperate stormfront loser who is clinging to MUH WHITE SUPREMACY

just my perception of you thats all

So wait you want to preserve our race or not?

I'm genuinely confused. I want to marry a Slav QT myself, user

>Even the Japanese were always obsessed with proving they were equal to Whites.

Its a white - nonwhite thing.

Dark people (brown yellow, dark and so on) want to be like us.
Either they want to own us or they hate us.
Brown people want to be white or have at least a white sexual partner.

okay, but i dont get your point if you dont want to have a nordic wife.
All the effort is pointless then.

If I fight for German culture and have a black or turkish wife, if would destroy evrything.

Culture and Race belong together.

sure the white race which includes all the European peoples

Not an argument.

Wanting to keep my race alive is not supremacist or hateful. You're just ignorant, man.

But probably a troll.


I need to find a wife and have kids and help save our race

it's eating me up inside. i feel like I've let everyone down.


Not enough femboys around to be worth it to be honest.

jesus that one on the right kills me

I agree japs have their degeneracy too. Pretty much all I am saying is that I am ok with a white grandchild or a half japanese grandchild. I would also be ok with a based black or based latino if my daughter turned out ugly or something. Anything would be better than a beta white cuck (except of course a shit tier minority of course)